The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

by Cake Attack

Part 3: Bonus Update: Numbers and the Pursuit Critical Coefficient

Bonus Update: Numbers, everywhere! A.k.a the most important stat the game never tells you about

(Skim the bolded parts if you don't really care too much about the exact math behind the game, the first part is probably the most important to read.)

If you were particularity observant during the last two updates, you may have noticed that Othin was getting a lot of criticals. Not just due to wrath, he just seems to be a veritable critical machine. (Note: If you don't notice it, or I am a bad LPer and didn't bother to point out every time Othin killed somebody via critical, just take my word for it, Othin gets a lot of criticals.) This is because everything the game tells you about criticals is pretty much a lie

Introducing the PCC (pursuit critical coefficient):

In actuality, the critical chance displayed to you when attacking an enemy is lying to you a whole lot. During combat, on a character's first attack, their critical chance is capped at 25%. However, if they are fast enough to gain a second attack, their critical chance is actually multiplied by a hidden coefficient to determine their critical chance for the second attack*. This coefficient is what's called the pursuit critical coefficient, and ranges from 0-5 for each character. This means that for some characters, a 20% critical chance guarantees a critical on the second attack. For Othin (whose PCC is 3), his Pugi's +30 crit actually gives him a 90%+ critical chance on his second attack. It's obvious why this stat is important, having a high PCC can vastly increase a character's damage output. Let's take a look at our party so far:

Leaf: 2
Fin: 1
Eveyl: 1
Havan: 4
Othin: 3
Dagda: 2
Marty: 1
Tania: 2
Ronan: 1

This is a previously unmentioned reason as to why Othin and Havan are so good, they have great PCCs. Anyways, this whole explanation was a mouthful, which is why I left it for now. In the future, every character's bio will include their PCC.

*Any follow up attacks to the 2nd gain this multiplier too (for example activating double on the second attacks carries the bonus over to both attacks)

Let's talk about weapons:

Every weapon in the game has 7 important attributes, determining how useful they are. These are:

Rank: The minimum weapon rank necessary to use it.
Mt: The strength of the weapon. One additional point of Mt translated directly to one more point of damage. (Atk is strength+mt, damage is Atk-Def)
Hit: The accuracy of the weapon (see below for detailed hit calculations)
Crt: Chance of scoring a critical (again, see below for details calcs.)
Rng: The range of the weapon. Most melee are 1, some are 1-2, bows are 2.
Wt: The weight of the weapon. Directly affects Attack Speed.
Use:How many uses before the weapon breakes. One attack=one use. Generally, for melee weapons a miss doesn't take up a use, however for magic swords it still does.

Here's the stats for some common weapons so far:

Iron Sword: Rank E; Mt 6; Hit 70; Crt 0, Rng 1, Wt 6, Use 40
Light Sword: Rank * (unique to Leaf), Mt 12, Hit 80, Crt 0, Rng 1-2, Wt 10, Use 60

So the Light sword is stronger, more accurate, but heavier than an iron sword. All you really need to know about weapons is:

1)Axes are the strongest, but the least accurate and heaviest. Swords are the weakest, but the most accurate and lightest. Lances occupy a middle ground.

2)Iron weapons are Weak, with moderate accuracy and weight. They also lots of uses. Steel weapons are stronger, but are heavier and less accurate, with less uses. Silver weapons are as accurate and light as iron weapons, and are stronger than steel weapons, but they have limited durability.


To review, attack speed is Speed-(weapon weight-build), taken as 0 if negative. An attack speed of four greater (or more), than an opponent gives a double attack.

Accuracy = Weapon Hit + (2 x Skill) + Luck + Support bonus + Leadership bonus + Charisma bonus + Weapon triangle bonus

Avoid = (2 x Attack Speed) + Luck + Support bonus + Leadership bonus + Charisma bonus + Terrain bonus

Critical Rate = Weapon Critical + Skill + Support bonus

Critical evade = (Luck / 2) + Support bonus


Support Bonus: Certain characters gain a support bonus for being within three tiles of one another (Leaf and Fin are one such pair). This gives +10 to Accuracy, avoid, crit, and crit evade.

Leadership bonuses come from Leadership stars, Charisma is a skill none of our units have.

Weapon triangle Bonus is +5 if at an advantage, -5 if at a disadvantage.