Part 15: Noel Canyon - Part 1




What? Screw you Dorias, you're the worst adviser ever.

Take note of the enemy thief here. Not only does he have a stamina drink, but he'll also loot the nearby village if left to his own devices.
There's a second thief here, he's got a stamina drink as well, and will be destroying the southern village. Largo and our goal are to the north of him.
As with all Bishops, this one has a long-ranged tome (bolting in this case), and psychic.
That's pretty much the long and short of things here. The map's pretty straightforward, with the ballistas and the thieves being the only complications.
Alright, it's time to vote! We have a max capacity of 14 units here, and a minimum of 8 (Leaf included). Every map has a both a minimum and a maximum deployment number, although this is the first map with such a large spread. It's not particularly relevant here, but some future maps take advantage of minimum deployments in some cruel ways. Karin is being forced deployed (I am not a crazy person), as well as Lifis, so please vote for up to 11* characters from: Leaf, Fin, Fergus, Asvel, Nanna, Shiva, Carion, Othin, Havan, Lara, Safy, Makua, Hicks, Dashin, Brtyon, Dagda, Tanya, Selfina, Kein, Alba and Robert. As always, check here for up to date character statuses.
*You don't have to vote for the full 11 if you don't want. Vote for as many as you actually care about.
Fatigue Counter:
Fin: 20/32
Fergus: 16/33
Karin: 16/31
Asvel: 2/26
Nanna: 22/22 (she's still usable like this, fatigue doesn't kick in unless it exceeds Max Hp.)
Shiva: 10/34
Carion: 32/39
Voting will close in ~48 hours.
I'd like to post a correction: Last update I claimed Selfina has no skills. Truth be told, she actually has Charge. I've updated her bio to reflect that. It doesn't really change my opinion of her, but it's worth pointing out.