Part 27: Open Fire - Part 2
Last time, we made our way into the walled city of Tahra, reuniting Leaf with Linoan. Joined by Dean and his younger sister Eda, we prepared to meet an enemy siege on the city, led by Paulus and Balduk. Joining us in today's battle are Othin, Havan, Marita, Karin, Safy, Tina, Salem, Asvel, Lara, Nanna, Fin, Dean and Eda.
Let me (re)explain the map a little bit. First, the red circles are again ballistas. The red arrows are weak areas in the wall that the enemy will break through, meaning there are essentially 4 main chokepoints, with other potential chokepoints further within Tahra's walls. Then, there are three different kinds of houses. The houses with blue roofs are impassable, the ones with yellow roofs are passable but not visitable, and the red roofed houses can be visited, although only the ones circled in blue give you anything. However, 3 non-rewarding houses have to be visited to get to 14x, with 6 being ideal. Our goal is simply to survive for ten turns.

To start, we send Eda west to a shop to buy ourselves another heal staff, we're running low and have a lot of characters that could benefit from some staff exp.
This is the first of the six villages we want to visit.
Next, Nanna visits one of the actually interesting houses.


And with that, the charming Homeros joins our little gang. Now, imagine we'd talked to him with someone who wasn't Nanna:
With a child:

I have no idea who actually fits this requirement, as Nanna is actually tied for the youngest person in our army. Did I not mention that? Yup

With a man:

With a woman other than Nanna:

...He's got a stamina drink. Oh you.

No, I'm not crazy. Between Nanna and Leaf's charisma skills, Karin's chance of being hit by one of the ballistas doesn't even make it into the double digits.
Now, you may remember Paulus from the pre-battle update. He's an impediment to us in every sense of the word, he brings 4 leadership stars to the enemy force, and guards the village possessing Dean's Dragon Lance. As well, Paul belong to a new class, the enemy only Baron class. Barons are enemy only because they're incredibly strong; they can use every weapon type except for Light and Dark magic, and they all have the Big Shield skill, which gives them a Level% chance of nullifying any incoming damage. Now, this is a hard map, and reaching the village is even harder. Getting rid of Paulus would be to our advantage, both when reaching the village, and to weaken the enemies by taking away their Leadership stars. Conventional strategy is to warp Dean to the village and rescue him afterwards, I take a slightly different approach.
I can't use sleep again until I get a new one, unless I want to repair this one, as there's a certain point in the game where you need sleep to recruit a character.
And with that, we've captured the enemy leader. Of course, this should pretty much lead to Fin dying instantly, so we're not done yet.
This is why Lara came (well, one of the reasons.)
Safy uses the rescue staff we got a long time ago to bring Fin back to safety.
Damn it Safy, you really aren't doing so hot. If Seram hits an A in staves he may actually be a good replacement for Safy. Admittedly, that probably won't be for a while, if ever, so for now Safy stays, regardless of her bad levels.
This was a very packed first turn. Beyond what I showed, I also moved Ronan, Havan and Othin west with Marty, and sent Asvel west with Karin, Leaf and Nanna. Marita laughs at things like "formations" and charges down the center, taking the Dain scroll from an accidentally dismounted Dean.
Here we go.
With Paulus captured, the enemy ballistas are so inaccurate that they don't even go for the potential one hit kill on Karin. Instead, they go the low risk, low reward path and attack Leaf. On the other side of the map, Othin ends up on the business end of a ballista bolt.
Here's why I put Karin into the danger zone. First, she divebombs this ballista...
And then gets refreshed by Lara, ridding us of any ballistas on the east side. All our squishy characters are going to congregate on this side now.
Nanna heals Leaf, and the pair move into the alley between houses. Asvel visits another one of the sidequest houses.
[Nanna: Lv. 19, Hp: 30, Str: 11, Mgc: 6, Skl: 14, Spd: 15, Luk: 18, Def: 5, Bld: 7] I don't know what you think you're doing Nanna, but I approve.
Don't worry guys, I know what I'm doing.
We get some awesome weapons! And then a pretty depressing release quote. Don't do anything stupid Paulus, I like you

Meanwhile, Seram heals Othin with one of our many psychic staffs, getting an effective but minimalist level, while Fin heads to the western group.
Spearheaded by Othin, the western group prepares for the enemy assault.

Now imagine if Othin were Dashin right now. Wouldn't be pretty would it? What I'm saying is, always check enemy equips. And Dashin kind of sucks.
[Othin: Lv. 15, Hp: 40, Str: 9, Mgc: 1, Skl: 9, Spd: 14, Luk: 12, Def: 6, Bld: 18] Othin really needs more strength, so this is pretty good.

[Marita: Lv. 6, Hp: 27, Str: 6, Mgc: 2, Skl: 10, Spd: 16, Luk: 10, Def: 4, Bld: 5] We're off to a good start

The reason Marita isn't dying here is because she's benefiting from charisma from both Leaf and Nanna. It's still somewhat risky, but each time she kills someone, she becomes appreciably harder to kill.
[Marita: Lv. 7, Hp: 28, Str: 7, Mgc: 2, Skl: 11, Spd: 17, Luk: 10, Def: 5, Bld: 5]
See what I mean?
[Marita: Lv. 8, Hp: 29, Str: 8, Mgc: 3, Skl: 12, Spd: 18, Luk: 11. Def: 6, Bld: 5, Mov: 7] Alright, some more move!
The enemies decide that they've had enough of dying for the moment, and focus their attention on the west side.
Apparently Havan is more desirable ballista bait then Othin. I'm not complaining, because Othin's the one holding the gap.
Marita gets hit for the first time.
It doesn't seem to slow her down.
[Marita: Lv. 9, Hp: 30, Str: 9, Mgc: 4, Skl: 13, Spd: 19, Luk: 12, Def: 7, Bld: 5]
Marita: Lv. 10, Hp: 30, Str: 10, Mgc: 4, Skl: 14, Spd: 20, Luk: 12, Def: 7, Bld: 5] I think this is worse level she gets all map.
Marita: Lv. 11, Hp: 31, Str: 11, Mgc: 5, Skl: 15, Spd: 20, Luk: 13, Def: 8, Bld: 5]
Marita: Lv. 12, Hp: 32, Str: 12, Mgc: 6, Skl: 16, Spd: 20, Luk: 13, Def: 9, Bld: 5]
While Marita pretty much butchered the entire eastern force (

Fin kills one of the few remaining armors to the east.
This leaves Asvel open to do this. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't risky, I'd forgotten the Master Lance also attacks at a range (I knew the axe does, and the sword doesn't, but I'd thought the Axe was the unique one there.) But good things don't come to people afraid of taking risks!


And Asvel comes out swinging with a critical.
[Asvel: Lv. 5, Hp: 35, Str: 0, Mgc: 14, Skl: 14, Spd: 20, Luk: 9, Def: 7, Bld: 6] Unfortunately, the game decides not dying was all the luck Asvel gets.
I had meant to do this before hand, to avoid any crits from Balduk, but he still desperately needs it for what he's going to do next.
Marita dives headfirst into some enemies she somehow hasn't already killed.
Just in case, she gets healed by Seram.
Karin attacks one of the two bow armors left to the east, nearly killing him.
This lets Homer nab himself a kill.
Lara dances and lets Karin move again. She then procs a movement star...
And lets Karin finish the job. Dancers with movement stars are the best

Dean makes it to a third sidequest house, procs a movement star, and goes and captures and unsuspecting priestess. He and Asvel are in charge of making their way to the house with Dean's Dragon Lance, while Karin's going to get the other house to the south-east.
Oh, before I end my phase, Ronan kills one armor from a distance.
They just keep coming, don't they?
[Fin: Lv. 15, Hp: 33, Str: 12, Mgc: 2, Skl: 9, Spd: 15, Luk: 8, Def: 9, Bld: 9] This is pretty mediocre, although Luck is a great stat for Fin due to his Prayer skill.
This is bad, isn't it? Damn mage got a critical.

[Othin: Lv. 16, Hp: 41, Str: 10, Mgc: 1, Skl: 9, Spd: 14, Luk: 12, Def: 6, Bld: 18]
By some miracle, Othin fights through another mage and six armors without dying. For reasons I don't quite understand, one decides Marita is a better use of his time, attacking her with a javelin.

Othin heals, and I decide in light of his near death experience it's time for the Marty Party.
[Marty: Lv. 2, Hp: 53, Str: 19, Mgc: 7, Skl: 11, Spd: 18, Luk: 13, Def: 19, Bld: 20] Marty views bad growths as a challenge, not an obstacle.
Ronan helps too. Kind of. He gets an empty level for his troubles. Ronan lacks Marty's unflappable spirit in the face of being a supposedly terrible unit.
The ballista near the house has an extraordinary 15 range. Dean parks himself just outside of its range, while Asvel gets ready to go on what may be a suicide mission. Meanwhile, Karin kills the armor she was fighting, and flies towards the second house.
Fin gets supported by both Nanna and Leaf, meaning that with their Charismas, he's getting 40 extra avoid by being near them. Between that and Prayer, he's nearly untouchable.
[Marita: Lv. 13, Hp: 33, Str: 13, Mgc: 7, Skl: 17, Spd: 20, Luk: 14, Def: 9, Bld: 5]
[Marita: Lv. 14, Hp: 34, Str: 11, Mgc: 7, Skl: 17, Spd: 20, Luk: 14, Def: 9, Bld: 5] Okay, I lied, this is the worse level she gets all map. It's dramatically uphill from here on out though.
Eda gets one more of the sidequest houses.
And here they come, from both sides. Fin's going to hold them off with his super avoid, while Homer hopefully manages to get some levels.
While one or two enemies kill themselves on Marty and Marita, the rest seem to realize attacking Marty is a lost cause and start heading around Tahra's walls.
On the other side, Fin dodges everything thrown his way, while softening up some armors.
Or maybe... you are the deceased mayor

Asvel moves just outside the ballistas range.
[Homer: Lv. 6, Hp: 24, Str: 0, Mgc: 6, Skl: 4, Spd: 11, Luk: 11, Def: 2, Bld: 6] Build? I am so confused. Magic is nice though, as his magic growth isn't fantastic.
Fin kills the second armor.
Marty takes down the ballista with some help, while Havan makes his way to the eastern front with some help from Lara.
That's unfortunate.
[Marita: Lv. 15, Hp: 34, Str: 15, Mgc: 8, Skl: 18, Spd: 20, Luk: 15, Def: 9, Bld: 5] That's more fortunate.
She gets attacked by a bow armor as well, but dodges that.
Fin dodges everything yet again, and weakens some more armors. At the same time, two armors and a mage press into the Tahra's walls, accomplishing little.
Karin weakens the armor, getting a highly uncharacteristic level.
[Karin: Lv. 20, Hp: 34, Str: 11, Mgc: 9, Skl: 13, Spd: 20, Luk: 20, Def: 9, Bld: 5] Defense and Build is always welcome on Karin. No matter what. She also hits level 20, making her eligible for promotion.
[Homer: Lv. 7, Hp: 25, Str: 0, Mgc: 7, Skl: 4, Spd: 12, Luk: 13, Def: 2, Bld: 6] This is pretty good, defense and build are rare enough for Homer that this is all you can really hope for.
Convoy! Marita's sword is almost broken, so we ferry a short sword across the map to her. She then heals with one of her vulneraries.
Our forces make short work of the mage and armors.
[Havan: Lv. 17, Hp: 39, Str: 13, Mgc: 2, Skl: 11, Spd: 14, Luk: 7, Def: 9, Bld: 16]
Here he goes! Let's pray he doesn't die. Meanwhile, Marty kills the last ballista in the west, while Marita takes down another foe.
Marita: Lv. 16, Hp: 35, Str: 16, Mgc: 8, Skl: 19, Spd: 20, Luk: 16, Def: 10, Bld: 5]
Pictured is why Asvel had the Hezul scroll. That said, this is not good at all.
Oh god duck!

Marita does an admirable job holding the west.
Fin takes two hits in a row, his evasion suddenly failing him (I accidently moved Nanna too far away for him to benefit from her Charisma or support bonus), while Karin dodges some mages. Not that they could really hurt her anyways.
Nanna heals him the following turn.
It's promotion time

The promotion to Pegasus Knight gives her +2 Strength, Magic, Skill, and Speed, as well as +1 Defense, Build and Move, and a pretty rad helmet. Not shabby, but not fantastic either (except for the helmet). You may have noticed no promotions give Hp or luck, which is highly unfortunate.
I'm really glad Asvel got a point of move, or else he's probably have to risk another bolt from the ballista.
Dean can shrug off even a critical hit from bolting so long as he doesn't take any other damage.
Asvel gets healed from a distance by psychic.
Ronan visits another one of the sidequest villages.
We've made it out of the most dangerous part of the map, as enemy reinforcements aren't coming anymore. All that's left is to play clean up with the remaining enemies.
Between Marita and Othin, this doesn't prove all that difficult.
[Marita: Lv. 17, Hp: 36, Str: 17, Mgc: 8, Skl: 20, Spd: 20, Luk: 17, Def: 10, Bld: 5]
Two more armors die by Asvel's hand.
There aren't many enemies left on the east side either.
And they miss.
Back on our phase, Dean captures the bishop.
We clean out some of the enemy stragglers. Tina actually does something!

...This can't be good.



Okay, so I'm not sure I really understand, but I guess they're on our side? I mean, we've got a handle on things, but I suppose they could've been useful.
Oh. Fuck you game!


These guys aren't much of a threat, they're all quite weak and whether or not they even move seems to be quite arbitrary.
To start, Fin kills one more armor back east.
Marita heals and moves into the range of some enemies.
And finally, Dean visits the village.
Being a pain in the ass, that's what!

You call right next to the boss and a ballista "all this way"? You suck

After that ordeal, we get ourselves Dean's Dragon Lance. It's very powerful (16mt), has the brave effect, gives the ambush skill, and has just enough weight that Dean can use it without penalty. Ambush and the brave effect is still a great combination, and while it lacks the overwhelming power of Daim Thunder, Dean won't die the second he misses.
Homer gets one more attack in, and is then taken back to safety through a team effort between Nanna and Lara.
Karin retreats too. She probably wouldn't have died, but we're nearing the end of the map and I'm on edge.
Luckily Fin can still dodge like a champ, and Nanna performs admirably too.
[Nanna: Lv. 20, Hp: 30, Str: 11, Mgc: 6, Skl: 14, Spd: 16, Luk: 18, Def: 6, Bld: 7] Defense, beautiful, beautiful defense.
And I was just about to complain about her not getting any build

[Fin: Lv. 17, Hp: 33, Str: 12, Mgc: 3, Skl: 9, Spd: 15, Luk: 9, Def: 9, Bld: 9]
More build

That marks her last level of the map. I think she's done fairly well for herself.
Safy visits the last house.
Fin gets another level from dodging.
[Fin: Lv. 18, Hp: 34, Str: 12, Mgc: 3, Skl: 9, Spd: 15, Luk: 10, Def: 9, Bld: 9] That's pretty bad. What else can I say?
Finally, we've reached the end of turn 10.


I like pretty much every scene Trabant is in, he's a pretty interesting character.


For those that haven't played Fire Emblem 4, the reason this last line is all dramatic sounding is because Altena is - unbeknownst to her - Leaf's older sister. When Trabant and friends killed Cuan and Ethlin in the Yied desert (an event referenced in the prologue), he also took Altena in and raised her as his own. (Ethin is the worst mother and brought a baby to a battle in a desert.)
Before I close the chapter, there's one more conversation for us to see. If we hadn't recruited Homeros on the map's first turn, we would have been treated to this tidbit on the second.

So apparently there's a Shanan imposter who's actually called Shanam out there. I was going to make a remark about how he should have been called Shaman, but then I remember Shaman's already a word but I couldn't come up with anything else so here we are.
New Recruits:

Hp: 65% Spd: 70%
Str: 0% Lck: 55%
Mag: 40% Def: 15%
Skl: 70% Bld: 10%
Mov: 3%
Class: Bard - Promotes to Sage Weapon Ranks: E (Thunder), E (Fire), E (Wind), D (Light) Movement stars: 1 Skills: Elite PCC: 5
Homer is just a really good unit, there's no two ways around it. He's got great growths, one of the best promotions in the game, the best possible PCC, a movement star, and the ever useful Elite skill. He isn't that durable though, with all his durability coming from his evasion (although with his high luck and speed, his evasion is quite good). In theory though, his Elite Skill and low level provides a good opportunity to boost his defenses via scroll use.
Linoan (Start of next chapter):

Level. 3
Hp: 16 (55%) Spd: 9 (55%)
Str: 0 (3%) Lck: 8 (55%)
Mag: 7 (45%) Def: 0 (10%)
Skl: 4 (60%) Bld: 3 (5%)
Mov: 5 (2%)
Class: Sister - Promotes to Sage Weapon Ranks: C (Staves), E (Fire), E (Wind), E (Thunder), B (Light) Movement stars: 0 Skills: None PCC: 5
Linoan's another really useful unit. She has a decent staff rank in a game where staves are incredibly powerful, she can already use every tool in the Sage's arsenal pre-promotion, and she's the most feasible candidate for the Resire tome we got this map, as she already has a B rank in Light (and the scarcity of Light magic makes getting a B on anyone else quite difficult.) She also has a really good PCC, good growths, and a fantastic promotion. That said, she's even more frail than Homeros, (she can easily be one shot as she is now) and lacks his Elite skill to quickly compensate for it. However, even with her flaws, there isn't much of a reason not to use Linoan, as she promotes for free in Chapter 21. Knight's proofs are limited (something I'll be addressing soon), and so this is a very useful trait to have.
Current Resets:
Next time on Thracia 776: Escort missions! Fog of War! Fun!