Part 5: Thin Air
Part 5: Thin Air
Another video, and this one was a pain in the ass..I died one time (but kept it in the vid because I was lazy).
The mission
So we all know what's coming right? If you guessed 'kill anything that moves' you guessed correctly.
There are some 'atmospheric processors' that need retiring, and it's up to us to do the honours. This mission has quite a lot of banter and a whole lot of enemies and floating mines.
When we start the mission, we are informed we need the help of 'Shadow', some kind of ammunitions expert/bomb guy.
Of course, we're thrilled.
Once we pick him up, the warm feelings are mutual:
Once you drop him off next to a wall that he's gonna blow up, he gives us a fair warning to get out of the way. That's no joke either, stay a few seconds to long in the screen and exploding animations are spawned everyhere on screen, ending your life / the level.
Get out in time to hear his triumphant musings:
We are not impressed though.
And then it's on with the mission.
After blowing up the first structures, we get some new dialogue:
We're still going strong with the witty replies:
Sadly, we are not appreciated in our time.
After picking up 2 guys on the map, a new area is revealed (but blocked).
Well looks who's coming to the rescue.
After we pick up Shadow, it turns out we don't have to frantically fly away from explosions this time:
No fun allowed.
Heading into the next area and blowing up more stuff:
And that's it..
Oh wait.
And there's a missile boss waiting for us, but we manage to take it out by throwing out the homing missiles. Another mission done, but sadly I only found half the secrets..