Part 2: R-01 - Gymnopédie #1

Welcome back. When resuming a game, you can either continue on to the next day, or request to play any previous days, which is a really nice feature. It allows you to pick up any Lost and Found items you missed.

Today's name is Gymnopédie #1. This is the music you hear when inside the hotel.

We awaken by the sound of a ringing telephone. Let's answer!

Wha... it's morning already...?

Your breakfast is ready. Please come down to the first floor.

Thanks for the wake up call...

Please, hurry. The fate of our Island lies in your hands. You must get to the airport as quickly as you can.

I know. But I'm not exactly a morning person.

Each morning, we tumble over after getting out of bed. A strange occurrence.

The manager knows how to treat his guests, too. But do we really have to discuss work so early in the morning? He needs to learn about personal time. That laugh of his is suspicious, too. And his eyes never join the laugh. He's got a hidden side, that's for sure. Phew! This is good coffee. Better head to the lobby.

This is Sumio's room. Generally, there isn't much you can interact with. On the far right is a balcony, but it's pretty much empty.

The main importance is the Lost and Found list, as you saw in the previous update. Every day, it will be on this cabinet, so let's check it, and see what we have to find today.

Ah well... I'll just take notes.

Here are today's three puzzles. Try working them out! I'm going to do it a little differently from now on... I'll post the answers, but not the explanation, so hopefully you guys can work them out yourself. Audience participation!

If I find the owner's ticket then I'll give it to Edo. But why... Was there a list there...?

Now let's head out of our room, using the door on the left side.

This is the room's hallway. On the right is our wardrobe, where we can change our costume, once we have unlocked some. On the left is the bathroom, though there isn't anything you can interact with in there. The door in front of you takes you to the floor's hallway.

However, there is a Lost and Found item in the left sink.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Now we've got that, let's head on out.

The door seems to be locked...?

What's going on here? It's locked? What's the meaning of this? Right! It's complaint time! Complaint to the manager!
We have no option but to head back into our room, but...

What now?

The whole room has changed! What the hell happened?

I heard a strange voice?! I've got to get out of here!

Oh boy...

Now we're in this new room, we can pick up the second Lost and Found item, on this little desk.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Now let's move on. If we walk over to the painting on the wall...

It'll fall off, revealing a peep hole that we can look through.

Let's take a look and see what we can find.

Who are you?

Welcome, Mr. Mondo, to the Hotel Flower, Sun and Rain. I am a maid here, my name is Sue.

The Evil is swirling...!

Who's that with you?

I'm here to save you, Mondo.

Sorry... do I know you?

We have to move fast or the evil spirit will possess you.

I feel it... a terrible desire to do wrong!

Oh my!

Mondo's consciousness is fading.

I've got something to say about that! Tell me what's going on here?

That room is a Sealed Space.

Sealed Space?!

The manager must have put you in there by mistake.

Mondo, you're very lucky...

That Sister here was staying at the hotel today...!

Leave this to me!

Leave this to her and you'll be fine!

OK, just do something about this. I'm in a hurry over here.

Sister, please, help him.

Very well...

Now, Sister...




What's happening?

Quiet! Sister is concentrating.





It's going well...



It's working....



The demon is among us!


You gotta be kidding.

Welp, can't blame Sumio for walking away from that psychic crap. Anyway, this room is pretty barren, except for a few importances. Let's check this odd looking camera here...

It's pointed at the chair.

I assume he's talking... to the camera. Let's check the chair then.

Is it related to the puzzle of this room...?
We're out of options now. I guess we'll have to talk to those idiots again and see if they can provide any insight.

Sister has fled.

Huh? She's fled?

Yes. She left a moment ago. She said she doesn't want anything to do with this.

So she ran away?

That's right.

Having told me to leave this to her?

Don't worry, Mr. Mondo. I shall take on the burden she has cast aside.


I have my own powers.

You say that now...

I will save you, Mr. Mondo, in the place of Sister.

I'm glad you're willing to give it a try... But it's going to be tough on you.

It will be tougher on you, Mr. Mondo.

Quite the medium, to cut out in the middle of a job.

So, what shall we do?

There's a chair and a camera placed in this room. Do you think they mean anything?

A camera and a chair... ...

They're placed in what seems to be a puzzle of some sort.

It sounds like something I've seen before... Where was it? Hummmmmm...

Have you got it?

I think...


I'm tired.

Oh boy... this really isn't working.
She really isn't any help. All we can do is check the camera and the chair again.

I wonder if it still works?

I fancy a Bellini.
Guess our only option is to talk to her again. Surely she can help in some way.

Sue, are you there? Don't tell me she's run off too?!
Suddenly she pops up, seemingly out of nowhere.

My apologies, Mr. Mondo. I just... dozed off for a minute.

You were sleeping?!

A bad habit of mine. Anyway, I remembered!

That's good!

The manager told me about this. That a harmless ghost lives in the Hotel...


Thinking about it now, strange things do often happen...

Like what?

Those that I remember... Toilet water overflowing... Someone drawing on a flower vase... And my skirt getting flipped up. Oh, a hole appeared in the manager's pants... And in his underwear too.

I'm not sure if that is related.


What happened?!

I just remembered something.

What?! A clue?!

No... that underwear...

Oh boy... So this ghost is just a prankster.

I've remembered something else!

What now?

The camera and the chair. It reminds me of a picture I saw.


In the guidebook. Mr. Mondo, please check your guidebook.

The guidebook?

It's a free booklet, available at the front desk.

The manager gave me one.

I'm sure it will help you.

Right... the guidebook! Oh no! I put it inside Catherine!

Catherine? Is someone in there with you?

She's my partner.

And she has the guidebook?

I put it inside her.



You pervert!

Don't get excited now... The point is... I can't read the guidebook without booting up Catherine. And she won't open unless there is a job to do.

I see... I think.


Are you OK?!

Catherine is reacting. Now I can open her and read the guidebook.

I guess that's good news. Please, read it right away. You'll be pleased to hear that, in this version of our game... It's now possible to view the guidebook whenever you like! Isn't that nice?

Sue, who are you talking to?

Our very important customer.

I'm not sure what you mean... Anyway, I'll take a look.

Mr. Mondo... If you need any more help, please peer through here again. You never know... You may catch a glimpse of something very special!



Oh boy... this better work!
I should point out... in the PS2 version, you could only open Catherine (and in turn view the guidebook) when checking a jack-in point, which could sometimes be a pain. Luckily they fixed this in the DS version, so you can open Catherine at any time by tapping the icon on the touch screen.
Now, let's check the camera and solve this puzzle!

A mystery is concealed in this camera! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Now we've been given the guidebook, we can view it by opening Catherine and tapping the icon. I've gone through every page and edited the text so you can read it for yourselves (good lord this took a long time) - it's in the OP. Now, in particular, we need to focus on page 37:

You can probably work it out. There is a photo there of the chair. Now, let's take those camera settings and input them!

Yep, this is how the majority of puzzle work will go down. Read through the guidebook and find the corresponding digits. They'll usually be a bit harder than that puzzle though!

The room has returned to normal. Now, finally, I can go to the front desk.

Let's go!

Nice to meet you face to face, Mr. Mondo. I am Sue.

You really helped me back there.

I will be responsible for cleaning your room, Mr. Mondo. I will do my very best to maintain your comfort. I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.

Thanks. Me too. But... What was the deal with that camera and chair, then?

Ah, well...

Silence! Sue, just what did you tell him?!

Did you really think I would just flee?! Me! The world's greatest spiritual medium!?

I am not angry.

I'm very sorry.

The twisted hearts of people can sometimes manifest as evil spirits. The hearts of ugly, evil people give birth to terrible evil... and creates a degenerate connection between them. That is how evil spirits are given birth to.

Hell if I know.


Even I don't really know.

You don't know what?

The mystery of the Sealed Space.

I heard that it was refitted a number of years ago.

Refitted it was, perhaps... But with Mondo's arrival the Sealed Space appeared again.

So this is related to me...?

Yes, very much so.

Evil spirits have their eye on Mondo...?

It is a kind spirit, I think. Mondo, did the spirit warn you about anything?

A warning? What the hell are you talking about?

Watch your mouth, young man. Have you no respect for women? Or my powers?

Ah, look, sorry if I was short with you. Work always comes first with me.

Oh, well. Forget about it. Anyway, to conclude...

Go on?

Draw your own conclusions.

That's a big help!

Mondo, this problem is centred on you.

Because Mr. Mondo is staying here?

This Hotel, this Island, they want you. That's all that I know.

Let's not blow this out of proportion, OK.

You will have to decide if that's what I'm doing.

I will.

Sue, my work here is done. Thank you for everything.

Sister, you're leaving?

That's right. I'll be back once the photo is developed.

Sister... who are you?

Just an innocent bystander.

And with that, she leaves. And that's the last we'll be seeing of her. I don't really know, either.

We return back in our room, to find the phone ringing again. Let's answer it.

Please come to the lobby immediately.

Yeah, I'm on it. Are you still serving breakfast down there?

Yes. Although it is a little cold now...

That suits me just fine.

Very good. Please hurry.

Now that's sorted, let's grab the last Lost and Found item for the day. It's underneath this painting on the wall, I suppose.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Now let's talk to Sue, and wrap things up.

I have no idea...

Me neither...

Let's wait until Sister gets back.

R-01 Ending:
I updated the OP with the two new characters, and also added a bonus video - Edo Macalister's two cameo appearances in Killer7. There's an interesting theory as to why he's in there, though I won't talk about it just yet, as it'll spoil the game.