Part 3: R-02 - Air in G

Today is "Air in G", composed by Bach. It's the music you hear on the roof.

Once again, we wake to the sound of the telephone ringing.

Ah... I must have... drifted off...

Breakfast is ready. Please hurry downstairs.

Yeah, OK.

If you do not hurry, the plane will...

I know.

It's morning. I guess visiting Eden has made me slack off a little. I had a weird dream, too. A plane exploded, right in front of my eyes. What was that all about?! Edo has been going on about a bomb on a plane... And he's been badgering me to get to work. I guess that's where the dream came from. He is my client, anyway. I'd better get down to the lobby. The coffee's great today, too.

Once we have control, the phone rings again.

Edo? I know. I'm coming.

Mr. Stephan Charbonie is calling for you.

He is...? I mean, who?

A guest staying in Room 404. I will connect you.

Wait, Edo!

Please hurry, Mr. Mondo.

Do you know anything about inspiration?

Who is this?

Inspiration. A spark of genius, spiritual powers, a sixth sense...

Is this a prank call?

You're slower than I thought. I'm Stephan Charbonie. I've sequestered myself in his Hotel to write my paper. I'm a systems engineering specialist.

I see... And?

It is said that the following three things... Are required in order to create a better automated factory system. One, better architecture. Two, better materials. And then third... further inspiration.

I really don't see where this is going...

I need you to do something for me. Can you fetch my suitcase... And bring it down to the pool for me? It must be around there somewhere.


That's right. Thanks.
And with that, he hangs up. Looks like we've just been assigned a fetch quest! Let's get moving then.

But before that, we should quickly check today's Lost and Found list.

Now let's head off.

Here's the fourth floor. There are quite a few rooms here, but all are inaccessible at the moment. Basically, when you need to go in one to continue the story, it'll let you. Otherwise, you're not getting in.

There's a Lost and Found item in the far corner.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Now we've got that, we can move on.

This takes us to the stairs. There are five floors in total, and the rooftop.

Well, unfortunately, we can't go down to the lobby, because her cart has blocked off the stairs. Convenient, eh? Perhaps this is an ironic look at how games use this technique (L4D anyone?). In the words of Nick Hewer, "I'll leave it with you".

Ah, if it isn't Mr. Mondo from Room 402. Welcome to the Hotel Flower, Sun and Rain. I am Mati, a maid.

No need for that now. Are you OK?

I'm very sorry. Please, don't worry about me...

Here, let me help you.

No, Mr. Mondo. I can't have a guest helping me.

I don't care about that.

Please. The manager will get angry with me. Your words are more than enough.

Are you sure...?

It looks like a football.

Did you trip over this, Mati?

Mr. Mondo... This ball has a handle on it? Do you think it might be... a bag?

Oh yes? Who?

A man called Stephan.

Ah, Mr. Charbonie from Room 404. I will return it to his room.

But... Now I can't go to the lobby.

The manager is in the mini-bar on the roof. Did you need to talk to him?

Well, it isn't all that important. OK, Mati. Please take care of the bag.

Very well, Mr. Mondo.

She heads off to deliver the bag, so now we should head up to the roof to talk to Edo.

Here we are. The Hotel is a star shape, so the roof has quite a nice design. There's a pool in the middle (and two smaller ones on either side, I guess) and a mini bar behind.

Before we can get anywhere, the phone starts to ring. Let's answer it.

You again?

You must call me by my full name. Stephan Charbonie. It's time for a lecture. I asked you to bring my suitcase. But a maid brought it to me. I'm shocked by your lies.

Whatever you say...

Enough. I forgive you. Now onto the main topic. Recently, my greatest inspiration has come from... How shall I say... the harmonious performance... Of some of the greatest athletes in the world.

Look, you...

This is very important! So listen! Yes, now, let me ask you... Are you a Romanista?

A what now...?

Oh, that's great. I'm relieved, truly, from the bottom of my heart. All roads lead to Rome, after all. Very pleased to hear it.

What are you blabbering about?!

I am asking the questions, you petulant child! Now, may I proceed? If I were to mention... That rare trequartista whom I adore, who would I be talking of?

No idea...

Good, good, excellent. Let us proceed to the next stage. You must talk to a woman called Yayoi. A charming lady, you will find her by the pool. Understand? Here's a hint for you. [La vita continua]

What language is that?

Pass and go, my dear Mondo.
Well, that was odd. Mondo hangs up.

I suppose we should do what Stephan says, and talk to Yayoi, who is by the pool. First, we can grab the remaining two Lost and Found items, as they are both on the roof.

The second item is here, on the bed next to Yayoi.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

The last Lost and Found item is in the far corner of the rooftop.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

While getting those items, I managed to hit 1000 steps. The game announces the fact, which unlocks the "X Search System".

This is an extremely handy feature. Just tap the new icon, beneath Catherine, or press the X button, and a yellow square will appear, identifying any Lost and Fond items that are in the area that you are in. You start with a limit of 5 uses, but this upgrades as you take more steps. The usage refills every 100 steps.

Now we have our first unlock, we can see it in the Goods menu, which keeps a record of them all.
Anyway, now that's all sorted, we can talk to Yayoi.


Are you a Romanista?


Do you know anything about systems engineering?

That's a no, too.

I see... Sorry for asking some weird questions.

That's OK, I'm sure. Anything else you'd like to ask me?

Do you know a certain individual by the name of "Stephan Charbonie"?

A much more boring question, but the answer is yes. Pasty faced, slight odd fellow? The type that repulses women. He's been here for three months... But has been in his room the entire time. I dread to think what he's doing.

So he's an acquaintance of yours?

Certainly not!

Well then... Do you know what a "trequartista" means?

I believe so.

You do?!

It means one out of four, something like that.

One out of four...

You don't speak Italian, I take it?

It's Italian? Then what about... [La vita continua]?

[La vita continua]... It means "life goes on".

Life goes on, in Italian...

We are cut off by Yayoi's phone ringing.

Eh...? OK, OK, hold on...

Of the charming trequartista we discussed?


Huh. The incoming attack has been avoided, has it? Let us proceed. It's about time we scored at least one goal. Edo will make the final pass.

I'm getting sick of this. Just what game do you think you are playing?!

That's right, this is a game! I'm glad you are aware of that, too! You need to search for the answer. You are a searcher after all, aren't you? Ah, I almost forgot, a final big clue for you. The answer is in the system. That's my speciality, after all. Do you understand?

No, not really. But that's all Stephan has to say, so let's talk to Yayoi again.

That's right. What's it to you?

Have you found what Stephan is looking for?

He talked about a system...

Ah. A football formation.

Still with the football...

I hate to just come out with this, but it's been bothering me. That briefcase doesn't go with your outfit. Or with you.

You're right. I think so too.

So there's some reason you carry it?

She's a fine woman, certainly not worthy of me.

A finer woman than me?

Yeah. I hate to just come out with this, too, but far above you.

I do love a straight man. I'll see you again, Mr. Searcher ♥

Thanks for your help.

That's all she has to say, so we should probably talk to Edo, who is in the mini-bar.

Can I ask you something?

Of course, anything.

Do you know what [La vita continua] means?

"Life goes on."

Does that phrase mean anything to you?

It reminds me of something a famous man once said, yes.

What was that? And who said it?

That would be Alberto Ferrente.

What is he? An actor?

No. A famous football player.

A football player... Edo, could you perhaps... Tell me a little more about that.

It was 1994... Italy faced Brazil... In the final of the World Cup. The match lasted for the full ninety minutes... And then the 30 minutes extra time without a single goal scored. It finally came down to a penalty shootout. And it was then... As the final kicker at the end of this tiring match... That Alberto Ferrente, the fabled Italian "Fantasista", appeared. However, impossibly...! He missed the kick! The ball, hit by his left instep... Flew high up, over the crossbar. His miss meant that Italy lost the match. Then, as Ferrente turned away... He muttered across the pitch those very words. [La vita continua] - Life goes on.

I see. That was a very detailed explanation, Edo.

Please, you flatter me.

Stephan Charbonie. What kind of man is he?

Let me see... He's come all the way from France. A VIP of ours, he visits us several times a year. I think that is about all that I can share with you.

So he's an important guest for you here at the Hotel?

That is correct.

Hold on! He's French? Wasn't the 1998 International Cup...

Held in France, yes. The final was between Brazil and France. France made home advantage count and won the cup.

Stephan appears to really like football.

Like is an understatement, Mr. Mondo.

Yeah, you're right...

Mr. Mondo, I think you'll find... That there is a page about football in the guidebook. That may give you some ideas?

Thank you, Edo. Stephan seems to want me to find the answer in football.

That assumption appears correct.
Right, we know where to look for the answer, but we still don't know what the 'question', or rather, jack-in target is. Let's ask Yayoi for more information.

You again?

Just another football question...

You want to know about my old flames, do you?

We can talk about that, if you like. Any of them like football?

One. Spanish football. He was Dutch, actually... But all of his own country's top players chose to play in Spain. So the Spanish League... Always got him the most fired up. Men like that kind of thing, don't they.

What kind of thing?

The clash of opposing styles. But he was an awful man, really.


The smallest, stupidest thing would upset him. They won, we lost... System this, system that...

System? Like what?

4-4-2 is better, or... 3-5-2 would have worked. Stuff like that.

I see... Thanks. That's very helpful.

if you want to talk football... You should try the manager. He knows much more than I do. Please, don't bother me with football talk again.

One last question, then. What team do you support?

Liverpool, all the way.

A hooligan, are you?

How rude! Their dribbling makes me dribble! ♥

Sounds like you're quite a fanatic yourself.

See you again, Mr. Searcher ♥
That provided us with some insight, but let's try Edo again.

I've got another question for you, Edo.

Anything, Mr. Mondo.

What's a "trequartista"?

Ah. That's a position in football. As you may have guessed... It's a term used in Italian football.

What position is it?

An attacking one. Positioned behind the strikers.

OK. One more. What does "system" mean in soccer?

System...? You're talking about basic formations, I presume. Things like 4-4-2 and 3-4-3...

But that's only dividing the team into three.

You want others? Well in some cases the striker is taken to be 1, on his own... And the team is divided into four. For example, 5-2-2-1.

That's it, Edo. I have the answer.

Well then, Mr. Mondo. Please have a nice day.
Right. We have all we need now. Let's head back down to the fourth floor, and into Room 404.

Stephan's room is pretty much identical to ours. The only point of interest is his suitcase, on the coffee table. Let's check it.

The kind who fawns over every so-called "Fantasista". That's the hint, then... And then overlaying a football system on that. The formation type that he favours...!

An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!
For this puzzle, we need to look in the guidebook, specifically, page 43:
So what formation does Stephan favour? Italy, of course - 3-4-1-2.

And that's it.
R-02 Ending:
The OP has been updated with the new characters, Yayoi Hanayama and Mati Sding. Stephan will come with the next update, when we meet him in the flesh. This update's bonus content is the soundtrack "Shine ~For High Time~", one of the two official releases (the other being "Water ~ For Relaxing Time~"). This soundtrack features the more lively songs, mostly composed by Masafumi Takada, who works on most of Suda51/GHM's games. It's got some really good tunes, check it out.