Part 4: R-03 - "From the New World" Symphony No.9 in E minor,Op.95

Today's title. This is the music played in El-Crasher's room.

Once again, we are woken by the telephone ringing.

It's morning again...?

Breakfast is ready.

Edo, what's going on here? I fell asleep again...?

You don't have time to sleep. Please, hurry to the lobby.

Just what is he up to? Since coming here I seem to... I don't know, suddenly fall asleep. My memory from just before I fell asleep is unclear, too. Something's very odd here... Which reminds me... I haven't made it to the lobby yet, either. I keep seeing that plane explode, too. Dreams generally predict the worst possible outcome. If I fail in my job here, it means the plane will explode. The terrorist will win. That's the worst possible outcome. I hope this coffee calms me down a little...

First things first, let's check the Lost and Found list.

The hall is clear - let's try and get to the lobby today...

4th floor is also clear, looks like we might just make it.

Oh... wait, what's this? Looks like Tiger Mask. Suda51 is a pretty big pro wrestling fan (he worked on some of the Fire Pro Wrestling games for the Super Famicom), so you'll always find wrestlers in his games.

Yes. I'm in a hurry, but...

Ah, I see what you mean.

Why exactly is that man pushing himself so hard?

Mr. Crasher is a top wrestler.

A wrestler? A professional wrestler?

Yes, from Japan. His daily training is therefore vital, so he tells me.

Impressive stuff, I guess, but...

Look at him. Totally absorbed. He lost a big match in Japan and came to our island.

He had to leave Japan to train?

Training in a resort is something many wrestlers do.

Is that so?

Oh, he's very committed. He's searching for his lost signature move, in order to make a comeback.

His signature move, huh?
If we do try to talk to him, we get this. Looks like there's no way of getting down to the lobby today.

Well... See how focussed he is?

You're right. This is a tough one... Mess up his rhythm, distract him... And I may end up getting kicked in the head or something.

As you say.

Oh boy...

Mr. Mondo, why not pay a visit to Mr. Crasher's room?

What? While he's here?

Ah, but he is not alone. He has someone with him. A legendary wrestler.

And this 'legend' may be able to explain what's going on here? OK, Edo. What's his room number?

Mr. Crasher is staying in Room 304.

Room 304. I guess that's my next stop.

I have duties to perform, so I'll be on the roof. If you need anything...

Yes, I'll come up and find you.

Right, let's head to his room then. On the 3rd floor, there is our first Lost and Found item, though.

As the Search System indicates, it's here on this table.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Now we've got that, we can head to his room.

Here it is, Room 304.

There's a Lost and Found item here, at the door leading to the bathroom.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Back to his room now, though...

Again, it's pretty much the same as ours. The TV is on though...

And there's a magazine on the desk.

He's on the cover? Is he a famous wrestler?
That's all we can do in his room, for now, so I suppose we should head up to the roof to talk to Edo.

We can grab the third and final Lost and Found item on this table here, in the mini-bar.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

We now have all three, so let's talk to Edo and find out what to do next.

I'd like a little more information about this legendary wrestler.

Have you heard of the wrestler called El-Soulfight?

Nope, can't say that I have...

He's something of an icon, and Mr. El-Crasher's master.

I see. Master and pupil.

But, the master did not appreciate Mr. Crasher's style in the ring... And he expelled him from his school.

Even wrestling can be a harsh world, huh.

However, in a final act of generosity... Mr. Soulfight has offered to train him on our Island.

That's why El-Crasher is training so hard?

That's right. Mr. Soulfight is a whimsical fellow... So Mr. Crasher is desperate to obtain his approval.

That's one unrelenting master he's got there.

Mr. Mondo... How about Mr. Pirate? Have you ever heard of him?

There's another one of them?!

He's Mr. Crasher's manager. But his true identity is El-Soulfight.

This is getting complicated. Why does he have to hide his identity?

Mr. Soulfight is a legend here on the Island. If he was seen here then it would cause near-riots. Twenty years ago, the hero of our Island... One Mr. Lumberjack Flowerstar... Lost to Mr. Soulfight in a great match here on the Island.

He defeated your hero on his home turf? How'd he get out alive?

Everyone on the Island accepted the truth. We praised the powerful Soulfight and accepted the weak Flowerstar.

Not quite the reaction I'd expect from sports fans...

I remember being very excited by it when I was a boy.

So where is his manager now?

Staying in Room 302.

Isn't giving away the identity of wrestlers against the rules...?

Mr. Pirate's secret isn't actually much of a secret.

Now things really are getting complicated.
Let's go and find him, in Room 302.

Here we are, next door to El-Crasher's room.

But this is definitely Room 302. I sense a powerful presence... I need to find a way to contact Pirate.
So how do we contact him? Well, every room has a phone, so let's go back into El-Crasher's room to call him.

I'm not sure I need to use Catherine for this. Ah well, why not? Pirate is staying in Room 302.

An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!
The puzzle here is working out what number to call. Of course, the guidebook explains this:
So all we need to do is call "302".

Mr. Pirate?

Aye, me hearty, that may be me moniker, and it may be not. Now name yerself, lily-livered blaggard!

My name is Mondo. I need to discuss your student with you.

Yar-har-har! Ye be this searcher, do ye? Good enough! Come to the roof!

Ah, hello...?

Let's do as the Pirate says - head to the roof.

There he is, Mr. Pirate. Let's talk to him.

Thank ye for haulin' ye anchor up here, arrrrr. Let's hear what's knottin' ye rigging, then.

Are you away that your student... El-Crasher is mindlessly, relentlessly training?

I know nothin' of such trivialities! If 'e should awaken then all well and good... But that be none of me business, me laddo. From what ye be tellin' me... I mean, just givin' ye me general impressions... It sounds like the rascal is givin' it 'is all. But, and perhaps this be a reaction of the times... But the tides o' the wrestlin' world, they be mighty swify these days. Whether 'e can awaken to 'imself or not... Relies nothin' upon what I be sayin' or doin'... But rather on 'im and 'is own fisties, laddie.

I'm here to discuss a more immediate... More physical issue with you.

Delusions over immediacy, laddo! I may talk 'o the future, to be sure, but to speak 'o the here and now... To speak 'o the times in which we be livin'... I don't wanna accept that things be any different than they have been... But to cling, limpet like, to such a narrow view o' things... To try and drag out small, meaningless answers?! That not be the way, laddie! See that there be no error in fighting! That the needs o' both sides be catered to... And a fight be bound up in a smaller package... But ultimately, there be only one fight! As a monster that changes with circumstances creates you! This be what I've passed onto the young'uns in my tender care, aye. Yet not directly, not directly did I impart this. And so, I regret, El's last few matches have been painful to me eyes. Fresh chaos feels the breath of the age across its cheek, after all.

Please, can't you just do something about El-Crasher?

Me own words and actions mean nothin'. Forget the touchy-feely overwrought thinking of the young! Can I do it?! Do I have backbone?! That is what you must search for! I hear ye be most skilled in the art of locating... What El be needin'... Is a trigger. A catalyst. Find that for 'im, if ye can. He be knowing that, for me, every match is more than a match. Every match be a death match. Somehow, somewhere, 'e be needin'... To experience again the weight of every technique I have experienced.

That 'e be fighting death matches too! Blood-spewing death matches against the fiery fervour of youth! And that this be a fine thing! That's all that I can be doin' for 'im. To find that for 'im!

Think ye can find it, do ye? Think ye can?! Then do it! Avast ye and depart!
Kayfabe is alive and well on Lospass island. Let's talk to Edo, and try and find out what to do.

I'm actually not sure... But it looks like I need to sort this out myself...

There is an article on Mr. Pirate in the guidebook. Maybe that can offer you some help?
Indeed there is. I think we have all the information we need now, so let's go down and talk to El-Crasher.

I need to refuel his fighting spirit! Not a match, but a death match! Like Pirate said! El must have experienced that for himself. But the question is... when?

An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!
There is an interview with Mr. Pirate on pages 38 and 39 of the guidebook - the important part is here:
El-Crasher's first main event - 2-10.

We come to on the roof...

I'm on... the roof...?

You've come around.

Hey, I remember! You kicked me! What was that for? What did I do to you?!

You have my thanks. ...Thanks.

I didn't do it for you.

That doesn't matter, Mondo. You still did it.

In which case, thank your crazy, rubbish-talking master instead. That's the logical thing to do.

You're right. Master's concern has brought me this far. I shall cast off my old ways and take on battles with a new mentality.

That's great.

How about joining me in a little training, Mondo? Master's training is like a force of nature. At once totally unscientific and super-scientific. It will give you inhuman power, beyond the comprehension of mankind. How does that sound?

I'll happily pass. Please, put yourself through it alone.
We've solved El-Crasher's problem, now we can finish off today.

El-Crasher and Mr. Pirate are training together. Let's talk to them...
R-03 Ending:
The OP has been updated with the two new characters, El Crasher and Mr. Pirate. Added a scan of the Famitsu review. 34/40! That's a pretty good score.