Part 5: R-04 - 'S Wonderful

Today's name - 'S Wonderful, by George Gershwin. It's played inside the bar.

Phone rings, as per usual.

It's morning again...

Your breakfast is ready.

Thanks for these wakeup calls each morning....

Please hurry, Mr. Mondo. You need to make it to the front desk today.

Wrestlers live by their own unique logic... ...that no normal person can hope to understand. Their fighting instincts feed off their emotions... Emotions like spite and anger. That's what I felt from El-Crasher. However... I can't help feeling that was a little different to what Pirate said. He was talking about a more primeval desire for battle. It still might be a while before El Crasher understands this. Anyway, I don't need a boost in fighting spirit! Now then, my morning coffee...
Today's Lost and Found list:

With El Crasher gone, we can go down to the second floor! Every day we get a little closer to the lobby.


Kill it! Kill it! <hic>

What now? A drunk?

Oi! Stop your blathering and kill it! Find a weapon that can kill a vampire!

OK, OK, calm down...

Once again, someone is blocking the way to the lobby. If we try to talk to her, all we get is...

A weapon! Find a vampire-killing weapon!

A vampire killing weapon eh? All we can do is head onto the second floor and see what we can find.

The first Lost and Found item is here.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

On the second floor is a restaurant, the only place we can actually go at the moment.

This is the bar, and we can see Stuart Rock, who we met outside the Hotel as we arrived. Who's the other guy?

I recognize that voice... You must be Stephan Charbonie.

This is a fine vintage. Care for a glass?

You need to work on your people skills. Just what are you good for, Stephan, honestly?

I'm honoured, Mondo. You really need me, don't you!

Well. I may take advantage of you sometimes.

As you wish...

Very well. Go ahead.

A certain, very... unique woman... Has asked me to take care of a 'vampire' for her.

Ah, searcher turned vampire hunter, are you? I see, I see...

She wants me to bring her a weapon.

There are reputedly numerous ways to kill vampires. But tell me first... was this unique woman drunk?

Is that related to this?

So I'm right. In which case, you'll be needing 'silver bullets'.

Silver bullets? Where can I get some of those from, then?

How long do you intend to keep this up?

Until I find an answer, of course.

I'm not sure I see a punch line in all this. Don't tell me... You're serious?

You think I'm joking? I don't understand your jokes, personally. And I'm glad that I don't, to be honest.

No matter...

Brings back bad memories.

Why not ask the bartender, anyway?
Looks like we have no other choice.

I am Rock, the bartender here in the Hotel. Whatever you may desire, just let me know.

I'm searching for silver bullets. Our mutual friend the Frenchman... Told me that you might be able to give me a hand.

Silver bullets...? Ah, how amusing.

It is...?

Mr. Charbonie has given you a hint. A very big hint. Especially for a bartender.

I'm not one, though, so enlighten me.

We aren't talking real weaponry here, Mr. Mondo.

So what?

There's more than one kind of silver bullet.

Lead on. I'm still not getting this.

For example... it's also the name of a cocktail.

Ah ha. An alcoholic drink. That's why a drunk would ask for silver bullets.

Quite a cunning pun.

A little too obvious to be called cunning.

I suppose so. So, Mr. Mondo... Shall I make you up a Silver Bullet?

It's not for me, but some drunken lady.

Ah ha. You are referring to Miss Nicharesuk. Very well. For her, then...

Yes, please.

Actually... I can't make cocktails.

What?! You're the bartender here, right?

No one has ever ordered one before. So I've never had to make one.

Oh boy. This sounds like trouble. You want me to do something, correct?

Yes, please, Mr. Mondo.

And you should be able to create the cocktail.

OK. I'll give it my best shot! How's that for a pun?

Try looking at that first.

You can't make them yourself, but you know where the information is? This Hotel is messed up.

Poison treats poison, I guess...

An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!
We just need to look up how to make a Silver Bullet, which is rather simple, as shown on page 31 of the guidebook:
40, 10, 10

Here is your Silver Bullet.

Well done.

Thank you.

Now, please give it to our lady friend.

Very well.

Off he goes. Thankfully we do not have to hand deliver it ourselves.

After a few seconds, he returns.

Failure? How come?

Miss Nicharesuk did not like the drink. She remains unsatisfied.

What a woman.

She claims to want something more refreshing. That is all she would say.

Oh boy...

Mr. Mondo... Perhaps you would talk with her directly about this?

Yeah... That sounds like the best idea.
Looks like we have to head back up and talk to her.

What are you talking about, weirdo?

OK. So what do you want now...? Something refreshing, I hear?

Oh, how did you know that? August... That's right, I want to experience August!

August, is it?


Oh boy...
All we can do now is head back and talk to Stephan and Rock.

You dislike the taste of forbidden fruit, don't you? How dull a man you are, unable to enjoy the pleasures of this world.

I don't want anything to do with you. Honestly, nothing at all.

It's a hint, Mr. Mondo. A hint to help you reach a flag. Flags are beautiful... Who was it who saw the first flag, I wonder, and named it so? That person is a poet, to be sure! Yes, Mr. Mondo... I have actually invented my own fair share of flags. The offside flag is truly magical, turning a game into a spectacle! Digital games require flags too. That is why I am going to trigger a flag for you. You may dislike me... but also have the bravery to praise me as a man of accomplishment! The final key lies in the guidebook.

Enough, Stephan.

Mr. Mondo. Are you disturbing me on purpose? Your goal-scoring abilities are sadly lacking, I fear... Unless you intend to continually talk to me about nothing like this? I have made you a killer pass. A pass that is actually a flag. Check the guidebook. The next hint lies within. Now, show me your wonderful reaction!
I wonder if he's talking about game event flags. After that conversation, Rock does say something different though...

Anything, Mr. Mondo.

What's the Hotel's original cocktail comprised of?

Ah. That is a very secret recipe... And I have not earned the right to it yet. Sorry I cannot be of any help.

You don't know anything at all?

No. Not even the flavours or drinks used.

No info at all, huh?

Hold on a moment... I think the guidebook may have the details...

Now we have to whip up another cocktail...

Now she wants to feel refreshed? A cocktail that feels like August... Could it be related to... summer? No, it can't be that simple.

An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!
We refer to page 31 of the guidebook again:
There is a drink listed as Spring Feeling, though a variation of that is called Summer Feeling. Just reduce the lemon juice by 10ml and add 10ml of pineapple juice - so the ingredients will be: 45, 20, 10, 10.

A Summer Feeling!

I knew it was summer something or other.

Mr. Mondo! Ah! Teach me all you know, my master!

Please, Rock. Just calm that woman down.

Very good, my master! I'll be right back.

Please, stop calling me 'master'.

Miss Nicharesuk has regained her sanity.

She has?

She says she wants to talk with you, my master.

It's safe...?

There's no need to worry. This is not the same Miss Nicharesuk.

Huh...? What does that mean?

You'll see. Now, please, my master!

OK, I'm going.

Now we're leaving, we can grab the second Lost and Found item.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Now that's out of the way, we should go and talk to Maria once again.

Mr. Mondo, right?

I don't retain any memories from the periods when I drink. But it sounds like I've caused trouble for you.

Not without reason, it seems. What's up?

There's something I want you to find.

What have you lost?

A password. A password to un-compress a virus buster. My computer has been infected with a virus. It's totally locked up, unusable. I have the virus buster I need here with me... But I've forgotten the password needed to un-compress it. It's hidden deep within my subconscious, I fear.

So you were drinking out of desperation?

The files within my PC are vital to me. My entire life's work.

What exactly do these files contain?

That's top secret, I'm afraid. I cannot discuss that.

That complicates matters.

Please, Mr. Mondo.

OK, OK, I can still do this. This is no different to the trouble you've caused so far.

The "Earthquake" virus is very dangerous. Please take care. But hurry!
We still need more information, though, so let's talk to Stephan once last time.

You triggered another flag, right? Then here's one more for you. Room 407 is Maria's room. But go in there prepared. You can't handle a woman like that. Now go... As I will it!
Right, now we now where exactly to go, we can head up to Room 407.

Before we do anything, we can pick up the final Lost and Found item on her bed side table.

A mystery is concealed here! An endless journey -- The prey protect its soul -- While the hunter hunts the truth. A requiem solely sung for the search! Truth is singular. It's time to go to work, Catherine! The search culminates here!

Her laptop is on the coffee table in the middle of the room. Let's investigate.

It must be quite a vicious piece of software. Earthquake and cocktails... Could it be that simple again...? Let's give it a try, anyway!
Mr. Pirate just taught us a new speech. No longer will the prey protect its soul, instead we will hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! I prefer this speech, as the sound effects between each line are much more dramatic. Anyway...
The password is related to the drinks, and as it's the Earthquake virus, and the number of digits are two...
The password is 37. Quite an easy one!
R-04 Ending:
Updated the OP with the two new characters, Maria Nicharesuk and Stephan Charbonie. The bonus content is the "water ~For Relaxing Time~" soundtrack. It has a collection of more relaxing pieces of music, and ambience. Again, mostly composed by Masafumi Takada. Really good stuff.
Also, as I read through the past updates, do you think I should include the Lost and Found items at the end of the update? I was thinking they kind of interrupt the flow of the story, and aren't very important (though the costumes will be cool to show off at the end). Let me know.