Part 6: R-05 - The Entertainer

Today is The Entertainer. We hear it when talking to Sonny and Tabs.

The phone wakes us, again.

Morning, Edo.

Your breakfast is ready.

Great. I'll make it down today, promise.

We'll be waiting.

I'm starting to lose track of what's going on here. The passage of time has been weird ever since I arrived. It was the same yesterday. Maria turned into an angel and flew off. I guess heaven isn't all it's cracked up to be. And what's with all the exploding planes on this Island? I don't understand any of this... I'm getting bored of this coffee, too.
Let's try and head down to the lobby today. I have a good feeling about this.

Mati is on the fourth floor, it looks like she is blocking us...


Fortunately, she doesn't stop us from going down.

Sue is on the second floor stairwell. Looks like she's blocking us, too.
That's all she says, though. I like to think they were both placed just to tease you.

Success! Ground floor - through this door is the lobby.

We see Edo standing at the main entrance... with a pair of large speakers? We should head over and talk to him.

Edo. As promised, I'm finally here. I'll head to the airport. Can you arrange a car for me, please?

Mr. Mondo, I'm sorry but that isn't going to be possible.

Anything with wheels will do. Let's go.

Mr. Mondo, this Island is a designated environmental reserve. No cars are allowed here.

What are you talking about? Peter drove me out here in his lorry.

Only specifically stipulated cars are allowed to run. And unfortunately, we here at the Hotel do not have such a vehicle.

So how do I get to the airport?

I'm afraid you will have to walk.

Walk? Across the whole Island?! Edo, are you joking around?

I'm sorry. Those are the rules.

Rules... I just hate that word.

Breaking the rules means punishment by death, I'm afraid.



Guess I'll just have to go with the flow, then.

Actually, Mr. Mondo, we've got some trouble...


First... Please talk to those two sitting in the lobby.

They really need your help, Mr. Mondo. I'll fill you in on further details after you've talked to them.

Well then, let's have a chat with the pair.

That's right...

And what? You actually need me to introduce myself?

You've got quite a mouth on you, haven't you kid?

Kid? You don't know the Balboa brothers?

Are you... boxers? I guess not...

What's with you, guy? I guess you've never seen TV or been to the movies. I can't believe this guy. What do ya think, Tabs.


Ah, OK! Balboa brothers. Right.

Let's do the autographs later, OK. First we need your help. That's how we do things, Mr...?

Sumio Mondo.

Mr. Mondo! Mondo eh, that's a cool name. Now, you gotta help us!

Is that speaker system yours?

Yeah. We need to get it fixed or there'll be trouble. But Tabs needs to cheer up before he can fix it. He's totally retreated into himself.

So what should I look for? What do you need me to do?

OK! I hope you'll forgive me for the way I talk. It's just my style.

I can accept that.

Thanks, Mondo. It makes a difference to hear you say that. People misunderstand us, you know?

OK, OK, I get it. Tell me what you need.

Sorry, Mondo, I'm always this way. Blabbing on, running my mouth. It's a bad habit. I need a script for real life!


OK! Cool it, cool it.

Identification, huh...

Some idiot at our office made our reservations under our screen names.

Can't you get in touch with them?

This wouldn't be a problem if we could.

OK... This isn't going to be easy, but I'll give it a try.

Fantastic, Mondo! Hear that, Tabs? This guy is something else! We don't need to worry about anything, now that Mondo-man is on the case. Here's what I'll do, Mondo. You do this for us, right? And when it's done... I'll give you my autograph, you're gonna love it.

No thanks.

Now we can freely roam around the lobby, here is the front desk. There are two bells that can be used. The one on the left calls Edo, and you can exchange the Lost and Found tickets to get the actual items (this just changes the model you see in the Goods menu). The right bell calls him to move the story along. Let's hit the right bell and talk to Edo about their ID.

Edo, you won't accept their ID? That's a little cold, isn't it?

You are aware of our situation here, Mr. Mondo. This Island is a target for terrorists. I do know both of those gentlemen, of course. In fact... I'm a big fan of the Balboa brothers. A big, big fan. It's easy, on a personal level, to accept who they are. However, as a Hotel manager... My first priority is to protect the safety of all of my guests.

You're right, Edo, of course. Sorry, I wasn't thinking of your position.

Please, Mr. Mondo, I understand. And I apologize, in turn, for putting further demands upon your time.

Don't worry about that. I'm on board now. I'll do whatever it takes.

Then please do so. The airport situation is desperate. Take care...
If we talk to Sonny and Tabs, they tell us to ask the manager again. So let's call for him again (they really should have combined the two conversations).

Edo, I've got a question.

Anything, please, go ahead.

What basis are you identifying them on?

I just need to see proof that they are who they say they are. It can be in any shape or form.

So all we need to do is convince you, right.

That is correct.

Very well... How about a film they starred in, then?

A film alone wouldn't be enough, but it would be a start.

How about their body language, then?

If the soul of the Balboa brothers was evident within it.

OK, that's a big hint.

I've just remembered something, Mr. Mondo. Unless I am mistaken, Miss Hanayama is quite the film buff.

You mean Yayoi... The woman by the pool?

That is correct. I hope she can offer some better advice.

Now we need to head up to the roof to talk to Yayoi.

Do you know the Balboa brothers?

Another question?

Please, don't start.

You mean the comedy duo, right? Now movie stars? I don't really care for them.


Fast-talking Tabs and his muscle-headed lump of a brother. Their debut film was "A Front Line in Louisiana."

You seem to know a lot about them.

One of my ex-boyfriends liked them.

Nice to see you date a variety of men. So Tabs is known for his fast-talking...

And, what did you say you want from me?

I'm done.

That's all you needed?

That's all.

How boring. Ah well. See you again.
Now that's done, we can head back down and talk to Sonny and Tabs.

Hi again...

Has that blockhead manager changed his mind yet?

Not yet.

Oh man! Come on!

I've got an idea, though.

Talk to me baby. Don't be playin' games with the Balboa-constrictor!

Listen up then, snake boy. Tabs is famous for his fast-talking mouth, right? We need that.


Let me get this straight! I'm not enough to prove that we're the Balboa brothers?

That's not what I'm saying. Muscle-head Sonny and Tabs with the fast-talking mouth. The two of you together comprise the Balboa brothers. Right?

... Mr. Mondo, you've hit the nail on the head.

Tabs seems pretty quiet, to be honest. I take it he gets his mouth warmed up when the cameras are rolling?

Actually, he needs his afro wig. That's what gets his mouth fired up.

Afro wig?! What kind of messed up mentality is that?!

It'll take a while to explain...
The screen fades to black...

There are all sorts of people in this business, man.

Where are your belongings, then?

Just those speakers.

That's all?

We came to the Island by boat. Those speakers turn into a boat. All it takes is the flick of a switch.

They... turn into a boat?!

Man, they're all the rage. Transformable survival speakers. They're called "Croak-Croak Frog." A little cute for my taste. It's a pedal boat. You see?

Not really.

Well, this will take a while to explain...
Another fade to black...

All sorts of stuff goes on in this business, man.

Surely he had the afro on, then, if you were being filmed?

Yeah... But just before we arrived at the Island we caught a stellar wave!

It was washed off, yeah?

Our passports were tucked into my belt. But he can't tie his afro to his head.

So, an afro wig... that's what we need...

Mr. Mondo, you're all we have.

Don't worry. Leave this to me.

Edo, have you got an afro wig around here?

A wig?

Yeah. An afro wig.

You actually think I might have one?

I was just asking. Without getting Tabs an afro... I don't think we're going to be able to solve this.

An afro... Can you use something else instead? We do have a mop.

A mop...?

Yes. A cleaning mop. Put one on your head, then from a distance it would look like an afro.

Sounds like it's worth giving it a try. Where can I find this mop, then?

I think Sue is using it to clean. She'll be somewhere in the Hotel.

Thanks, Edo.
It's no Duster wig, but it may just work out. Let's head up and talk to Sue.

Mr. Mondo, can I help you with something?

Sue, I'll cut to the chase. I need that mop.

This mop...?

That fluffy mop is just what I need.

Are you sure about this?

Oh yes. It's practically perfect.

...Anything for a guest. Please, take it. But I would ask that you return it when you are done... I haven't finished cleaning yet.

That's a promise. One more thing...

"0221"...? Do they mean anything?


Talk to her if you want more details.

OK. I was expecting this to take a while, anyway. Mati, then...
Now we need to go up again and talk to Mati... at least Mondo knows the score now.

The mop that Sue is using... Did you attach that device?

I did. It's a commercial ten-thousand-step counter. It's the perfect way to tell when the mop needs to be changed. What about it?

I see... to work out when the mop needs to be changed. It comes off when it reaches ten-thousand, then?

There's an ad for it in the guidebook.

Great, thanks.
Now we know about the mop, we can check it and solve the 'mystery'.

I hope someone is having fun with all this. Anyway.... Let's recap what I've got so far. There is an ad in the guidebook for the step counter on the mop. It stays attached to the mop until the mop needs to be changed. The display on the mop is currently 0221. And the counter in the guidebook advert... Also shows 0221. Let's give it a try, then!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's take care of this step-counter!
The advert in question is on page 41:
As you can see, the mop removes itself at 10,000 steps. The counter is currently on 0221, so the remaining steps are 9779. That's the answer!

This is my job, after all. But my signature saying...

What a lovely poem!

You think so?

Oh yes. Wonderful!

Then I guess that's OK.

Well then, here you go Mr. Mondo.

It smells a bit funny...
Now we have the mop, or rather, afro wig, we can give it to Tabs.

Did you find an afro wig?

Oh, come on! So why are you here? We'll never be able to check in at this rate!

Calm down. I've got something just as good here.

You have?

An afro. An afro!

This? An afro?

It's just a matter of imagination. Believe this is an afro and it is! Have faith and you can do anything!

Brother, that's a tough call...

You're actors, aren't you? So act!

Guess we can give it a shot.

Please, we're still stuck here. I guess... we'll have to sleep outside tonight...? Please, brother. If you can just fix those speakers....

Once our speaker system is working again I'm sure Tabs will get psyched up. Input those numbers on the speakers, somehow... And they'll return to their proper size. Please, bro!

So now I need to fix the speakers.

Yeah. Should be simple enough for you.

Should be a pain for me.

Oh, don't be like that, bro! Let's keep things fresh between us!

I know, I know... But it's hard not to complain.

Complainers get no babes, man. You don't have much luck with the ladies, do you?

I know, I know... But this is my style.

To truly assert yourself... You need to maintain a heart that doesn't flinch in the face of sacrifice. Bro... Can you do that?

You need to be careful around me. I hate guys who say "It's my style" as an excuse. Surviving in show-biz means getting rid of your ego. You won't get work with that in your way. Pride is merely a decoration. It's not something you show off. But a treasure, to be held deep in your heart.


If you're truly going with your own style, you'd better be ready. You're not my bro any more, Mondo. You're the same as Stephan...


I don't mind sleeping rough. Thanks for everything, Mondo.
Looks like we have to sort out their speakers. Let's see if Edo can help.

About those speakers?

They are in my way too, actually. They're five times larger than the ones I have at home.

Five times...

I'm hoping you can move them soon.

Let's have a look at these speakers then...

I guess this is the number Sonny was talking about. 55. I'll remember that.

I don't think a couple of complaints deserved all that... But is my way of thinking wrong? I'm shocked that he said I was the same as Stephan. I need to think this through... After all, I really don't want to be considered anything like Stephan! Sonny is almost a perfect stranger to me, yet he got so serious... I need to thank him somehow. By solving this problem! The number on the speakers is 55. The numbering system was on the ad in the guidebook. This reminds me of my maths tests back in school...

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Take care of Sonny and Tabs!
Page 35 tells us about the speakers:
As you can see, the style of speaker is the first digit, with the size being the second. It's currently set to 55, so 'normal speakers' and the largest size. We still want them to be in the normal speakers form, but we need them to be small! Therefore, the setting we need to input is 51!

And just like that, the speakers have shrunk to the correct size.


You woke me up a little.

A little isn't enough!

I'll be sure to carry on my path, then.

Carry on, you say. How naïve! That kind of thinking is why others take advantage of you. You're too kind, brother!

I think I can live with that.

Of course he is!

Sonny, put the afro on Tabs.

Ah! Almost forgot! You ready, Tabs?

OK, Sonny!

You can't do that. You can't get sad or down or nothin'! Won't solve anything! So we messed up on the Croak-Croak. Hell, WE almost croaked! Such a small wave, though, small small wave. Still, we're not so unlucky, not unlucky at all, I'd say... Lucky, in fact, lucky is what we are. The name of our luck... Mr. Mondo! You being here was the best piece of luck! How can we thank you? What can we say? I can say a lot! But what? What's that piece you have there, anyway? I'm so into gadgets... I got a new little gadget the other day, I gotta tell you, you know.

How's that, Edo?

"Goodbye, bye-bye, see you next year". Sonny once had that line. The very last scene, the climax, the payoff, it was - the final line...

OK, brother. No problemo.

I like them all! No, LOVE them all! But the best one has to be...!

A little quiet, please, my real brother...
R-05 Ending:
Added Tabs and Sonny Balboa to the characters. Bonus content is the original Japanese PS2 trailer. I've decided to exclude the Lost and Found items, hopefully to no objections. They interfere with the pacing and don't really add anything - plus all they are used for are unlockable costumes, which I can show you at the end of the playthrough.