Part 7: R-06 - Air in G

Strangely, this day is called Air in G, which is the same title as the R-02. Not sure why.

As per usual.

It's morning again...

Your breakfast is ready.

I still haven't eaten it once yet. I think it might be time to give it a try.

Very good. We'll be waiting for you.

My goal here is to stop a terrorist attack. But all I seem to be doing is helping random people. Why is that? Like Sonny said... I guess I'm just "too kind" a person. Like the time I couldn't turn down the newspaper subscriptions. Or when I bought $5,000 worth of girl scout cookies... Or that $4,200 encyclopedia set that I got from the salesman... Or the $17,000 VIP club card that beautiful girl got me to buy. Oh, and I bought six extinguishers from the fire safety guy. Could that be what Sonny meant? No, I'm just over-thinking this. I think I'd prefer some tea.

We can get all the way down to the lobby without encountering one person! This is a first.

Let's ring for Edo and tell him we're heading out.

Edo, I'm finally heading out.

Good luck, Mr. Mondo. The very fate of this Island... resting on your shoulders, Mr. Mondo. Please, do not forget that.

Trying to scare me?

Nothing of the sort. I am counting on you. We all are. I hope you'll be back soon.

Now we can leave the lobby and head outside, finally.

Uh-oh... someone is in our way.

Stephan Charbonie...

Living as a mole for so long is painful. I need some sunlight, sometimes.

What do you want? If there isn't anything, please move aside.

Oh, Mondo, that rage. Such passion! Anger makes one grow. Your anger is my energy.

Oh, this is pointless...! Get out of my way!

I can't.


Have you heard of a condition called... Plant Fetishism?

You're a professor who loves factories, huh?

Professor? Nothing of the sort. Please, call me doctor.

I don't know any doctors I've ever really liked.

That's quite a generalisation. But that is also important. Generalisations can be a shortcut to truth.

Enough. What is it you want?

You're shrewd. I expect great things from you. So I was thinking... I'd give you a little test.


I've heard the rumours. You're an impressive searcher. You've been working your magic in the Hotel.


That's quite an attitude you have there. Now, look.

You're already acquainted with her, aren't you?

What kind of question is that?

She's a saucy vixen. Don't you agree?

What's your point?

Not so fast. Ah, something else. Are you a Romanista?

I told you, no.

Hoh-hoh... Oh, that's great. I'm relieved, truly, from the bottom of my heart. All roads lead to Helsinki, after all. That's right, isn't it?

I don't have time for this.

Just wait a moment. I've actually made a bet with a certain individual.

A bet?

The waiter says to her... "One cocktail on the house, compliments of the Hotel." "Please, choose one."


Yayoi chose red. Foolish woman...

What do you mean?

Yayoi appears to faint from the drink... I guess the bartender just leaves her.

I bet on blue. The lucky colour for today is blue. I was sure Yayoi would choose blue, too.

But she chose red. And now she's fallen asleep.


In other words, sudden death.

What?! She's dead?!

If, after five players from both sides have taken penalties... And the match still isn't decided, we go into sudden death.

Stop thinking about football for a moment... And think about what 'sudden death' actually means. Sudden... death.


That's right. In this case, however, it is not so suddenly sudden. The woman, having ingested the poison, is still only sleeping. But in two hours time... she will fall into a critical state. That is real sudden death.

If she were to fall asleep... Then, having taken responsibility for losing the bet... It was agreed that I would do something to help her. There is a way to save her. There is an antidote that will immediately alleviate her symptoms. It is hidden somewhere in Room 404. It'll be tough to find in there. I doubt I could do it. I'm not a searcher, like you, after all. A systems engineer isn't, actually, a very useful job.

You're scum! Crazy!

You won't get anywhere by hurting me. All I know is that the antidote is in Room 404. It was hidden by someone only called the "Witness." It would be much harder to find him than it will the antidote, however. I guarantee it. Time is ticking away. Don't you want to save her? I don't really care how this turns out.

Hurry it up, Sumio Mondo.

We have to head to the roof and check on Yayoi.

This isn't natural sleep. I need to tell Edo.

And tell him we shall.

Edo, we've got trouble. Yayoi has collapsed on the roof!

Miss Hanayama? What happened?!

Please, just get up there. I'll look for the antidote.

Very well. Leave Miss Hanayama to me.

Thanks, Edo. Oh, one more thing... Watch out for Stephan, Edo.

Mr. Charbonie?

He's crazy. Crazy in the head. He set all this up.

He did...?

Who is staying in Room 404, anyway?

That is Mr. Charbonie's room.

I thought I'd been there before... I'll leave them to you, anyway.

Very good, Mr. Mondo.

Here's his room, 404.

We find Yayoi on his bed, for some reason.

The phone rings.

Mr. Mondo, this is Edo.


I can't find Miss Hanayama. Where exactly was she on the roof?

Edo... what's going on? She's in here...

Oh? She is?

Yes, Yayoi is here with me.

I'm glad to hear that. Is she well?

She's breathing, at least. I need to find that antidote!

I will arrange an emergency vehicle. Please wait for us there, Mr. Mondo.

OK! Be quick! I'll be quick, too.

Very good.

We can head over to the PDA on the desk here, but as soon as we get close, the phone rings again.

You little...!

Let me trigger a flag for you, then. The location of the antidote is written in my PDA. You just need to open the file. You see where I'm going with this? You've got something that can help with that, haven't you?

You're worthless trash.

You'll find that even trash has principles. This is your reward for stealing Yayoi's heart. All who stand in my way shall be laid to waste! That's right. Jealousy. A very valuable emotion, old green eyes.

That's your only reason?

That's enough chatter. The flag has been triggered. Use the guidebook and you might be able to solve this mystery. However... This riddle of mine is pretty tough. Do you think you can handle it? You'll need analytical and judicial powers... Along with smooth, flexible inspiration. Like a veritable Fantasista!


Oh, hold on a moment. A warning for you. Watch out for Edo. He's a cunning one. You'll find he's the one pulling all the strings.

Now let's check the PDA.

I hate this kind of sickening game. Stephan is a real piece of work. If I have to spend another day around that freak... I think I'll lose my head. Yayoi is just a victim here... And her life is in my hands. Whether she lives or dies all depends on me. Of course, I'm going to save her! Now then...

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! The antidote for Yayoi!
Stephan mentioned fortune telling... there is a page in the guidebook. Page 47:
This is quite a hard puzzle, as you have to look in the background image as well as the text (in game, the text overlays the image). The grid has a series of numbers, and there are instructions in the text indicating which numbers to select (starting on 7, go east, south, from 1 north-east then west). The resulting combination is:
Cantona>Oh, very good.
Cantona>Just what I'd expect.
Cantona>3 more minutes. Time is almost up!
Cantona>Don't rush this.
Cantona>You've still got time.
Cantona>The goddess on the bed.
Cantona>Yayoi's skin.
Cantona>A beautiful body.
Cantona>Take a good look.
Cantona>Quite a view, isn't it?
Cantona>It's almost time.
Cantona>Almost time!
Cantona>Are you getting nervous?
Cantona>The clock is ticking!
Cantona>Oh dear...
Cantona>Time's up!
Cantona>Take a look at the bed.
(I like how Stephan's PDA is named after Eric Cantona)

I was too late?! Could I ever have saved her?!



She's just sleeping? You tricked me, Stephan!


She's dreaming about Rocky? And here I was, worried about saving her life...
R-06 Ending:
No new characters this update. Added some bonus content in the form of the PAL DS trailer, by Rising Star Games. Bit crappy mind. Also contains some minor spoilers, though I think the 3 people following this LP have already played it :P