Part 8: R-07 - Children's corner

Today is Children's corner, the music we hear after encountering Shoutaro. It's rather fitting.

Ugh... I'm still groggy.

Your breakfast is ready.

Yeah, I know.

We'll be waiting for you.

Just what is he playing at? I've got even less of an idea after all that! I don't get what he's trying to pull off. What does he want from me? Well, anyway... It passed the time. I'm finally starting to get really sick of this coffee.

We can get down to the lobby, though we do see Sue Sding and El-Crasher on the way down. No doubt they'll get involved...

Let's call for Edo so we can head on out.

I think I'm finally going to make it to the airport.

Very good.

I doubt this will be easy, but still.

Don't back down now.

I'm sure something else will just get in my way.

You must not forget your real reason for being here. I hired you to protect this Island from terrorists.

I forgot...!

Mr. Mondo, please, get a grip on yourself.

I'm gripping, I'm gripping... OK, I'll get going.

I hope to see you back here soon.

Looks like we might be able to finally get to the airport...

"Man Getting Hit by Football II" - it even has the little ding when it hits. If you try to continue on, it'll keep repeating the cutscene, so we have to talk to the kid.

You've got a bit head, black suit wearing dork!

Stop playing around. I'm in a hurry.

Uwah! You've got big hands, too!

And you need to learn some manners. You don't just come out and say things like that. These things are just... Well, a unique, stylised way of representing human attributes. You've got a big head too, kid.

I don't care what you adults think. You can't stop me with logic like that!

Look, just cut this out!

I'll cut out nothing! Why do you so willingly help all these people?

There's a reason for that...

Just how does that bizarre machine solve mysteries?


Our polygon faces look totally different from our 2D art!

You can't say that!

I've got more! A terrorist? On this Island?! Like people are going to believe that!

Stop this!

The music is all ripped off from famous songs!

That's it! Don't say anything else! There are some things that you just can't say!

That means nothing to a child. I can see through everything!

He's trying to destroy this game! Pick it apart! I can't allow that!

Hah! Just try and stop me! You're wearing a black suit in a holiday resort?! Which is it, then? A wedding or a funeral?

That's it! You've totally crossed the line! Unacceptable! This is unacceptable, kid!


And with that, he runs off! We have to chase him down.

He's not in the lobby, so we should ask Edo if he has seen him.

Edo, did you see a stinking brat around here?


A kid. An annoying little kid with a bad mouth. Forget terrorists. Leave this kid unchecked out there and who knows what he'll say! My enigmatic veil of secrecy will be torn to shreds!

That does sound quite terrible.

Mysteries are the selling point of this game! If the kid keeps this up... All that will be left is a bunch of disjointed in-jokes!

This game business is tough, isn't it?

I'm glad someone understands, Edo.

Well, back to the matter in hand... You must be referring to Mr. Kai's boy. Young Mr. Shoutaro, I believe.

That's an old-fashioned name. Who calls their kid 'Shoutaro' nowadays?' Anyway, did you see him? I thought he entered the Hotel...

I am very sorry, Mr. Mondo, but I have not seen him today.

I see...

Sue is on the second floor. Maybe she has seen him...?

I'll ask her. Thanks.

The airport is still a long way off, isn't it.

Apparently so.
Sue is on the second floor stairwell.

Sue, did you see a snotty little brat come through here?

A snotty... brat...?

Yeah. A snotty brat called Shoutaro?

Mr. Kai's boy? No, I haven't seen him. Has he done something wrong?

He's just the devil himself. A taboo-breaking agent of evil incarnate.

Oh, come now Mr. Mondo. He's a lovely boy.

Maybe he just has something against me, then. He's harder to deal with than Stephan.

He's just a child, Mr. Mondo. Don't take him too seriously.

This is between me and the brat. Thank you, Sue.

I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. Ah! But Mr. Crasher was on the floor above this one.

OK. I'll check with him next.
Crasher is up one floor.

How's the training going?

Not bad, not bad at all. A little more and I'll be in great shape. Did you want something?

El, did you see a sniveling wretch come through here?

No snivelling wretches, I'm afraid, but I did see a cute kid.

Cute? What kind of kid?

An itsy bitsy teeny weeny little kid, wearing Bermuda shorts.

I knew it. That's the wretch I'm after. El, don't ever say "itsy bitsy teeny weeny" about THIS kid. He's an itsy bitsy teeny weiner.

Mondo, watch it!

Oof... bad deja vu.

We come to on the roof.

You set me up, El.

You brought it on yourself. Don't even try to lay the blame on me.

So where did the kid go?

He did something to you?

Oh yeah. This kid is trying to destroy my very personality! He's the king of destruction!

What? The king?! Is that true?!

Too true. He'll destroy everything.

Sounds like a good kid. I'll let him have the title of "king of destruction." It would be too heavy a burden for me.

Now you're ranting!

Mondo, children are naïve. Innocent. A child isn't a child without innocence, is it? You need to be a little more accepting, my friend.

Enough, El. So, again, where did the kid go?

He said he wanted to meet my master. You'll have to ask him.

Thanks. And sorry for interrupting you.

No problem. Any time.

His master, Mr. Pirate, is also on the roof.

Yar-har-har! Ye be tryin' to copy me, are ye? High times on the high seas, me laddie. So, ye ready to train? To sweat it out?

No, not right now.

If not right now, when, eh? Yar-har-har! Me thinks some deeper need brings ye here to see me... But to find out exactly what you be wantin'... To get a clear answer, there's only thing I need to say... What do ye want?!

There's this annoying boy... I wanted to ask you if you've seen him... Out here on the seas! So? Any word from the crow's nest?

Yar-har-har! If I said there ain't, then that would make me a liar!

Really? Please, Mr. Pirate, tell me.

He had a canny gleam in 'is eye, that lad. Asked me for me autograph, 'e did. A rare insight for a boy of today. I hope 'e's raised big and strong! Into a bold, dynamic, hearty-voiced buccaneer!

Where did he go, then?

Such a man is weak to the allure o' a woman at the best of times... But at such a young age... The assault o' pheromones is especially harsh on 'is young nose! A man must live straight and true, my laddo... He reaffirmed that affirming yerself is vital.

Sounds like Yayoi is involved. Where can I find her, then?

Back to her room to be changin' her garments, I believe. And the youth did make after her, most readily... Ah, tumultuous seas o' youth! But could I sail those waters again!

Thank you, Mr. Pirate.

Now we have to head back down to the lobby (ugh, lots of up and down stairs), to ask Edo where to find Yayoi - she's not on her usual sunbed.

Please, tell me which room Yayoi is staying in!


This is very important! Please!

Well, it does sound like a matter of life and death. Miss Hanayama is staying in Room 204.

Thank you, Edo.

And here she is, outside of her room.

Feeling bold today, aren't we? Do you know what it means to visit a woman in her room?

You can't hide him. Just hand him over.

Oh? Whatever are you talking about?

The mischief machine. He's in here, right?

Mischief... machine? Sounds... interesting..?

Don't play dumb. The kid. I need to find him before he ruins everything!

I really don't have a clue what you mean... But if you insist.. Please, come on in.

Now, search to your heart's content.

Go on.

He's not here... Where did the little punk run off to?!

You're so sweet, getting all worked up over a child.

You don't know what he's capable of. He's a devil. A demon. The very incarnation of evil itself.

He is...? Well, if you say so.

He's a falsehood, a pretender. Oh, forget it. Sorry for disturbing you. Thanks.

That's right! I was just toying with you. ♥ I'll see you around, handsome.

Yeah, see you...

Oh, that boy...? I think he likes you, you know. That's one way kids display affection. Playing games.

It is?

So... He's waiting for you. I think you can work the rest out yourself.

Waiting for me?

Where is it you'll definitely go, sooner or later?

The only logical place is our own room...
R-07 Ending:
Rocketlex posted:
Yeah, I imagine this game is going to hit the fourth wall like a freight train before very long.
I hope you're happy. Added Shoutaro's profile to the OP. Today's 'bonus content' is a map of Los Pass, just because. By the way, XSEED Games announced their lineup for 2009, giving FSR a release date of June 19th! They're also showing it at E3. Apparently, they've done a complete re-translation of the script, so that should be interesting to see.