Part 9: R-08 - Ave Maria

Today is Ave Maria, which we hear played on the organ.


Are you OK, sir?

Yes, it's just... My muscles are sore.

May I suggest that you relax a bit more, during your stay.

Hey, you're the one asking me to do all this stuff.

Indeed I am. My apologies.

Oh, whatever.

Mr. Mondo, I do believe your personality has... changed a little.

You think so?

It may just be my imagination, of course. Breakfast is ready, anyway.

Yeah, I know the drill.

We will be waiting for you.

I can't believe it... So, it was all a trick to make me babysit him! He was right, I am a moron. Still, that doesn't get him off the hook... He has no right to insult other....! Next time I see him I'm gonna Chinese burn his arm off! That's just a kid's prank too, though, isn't it... What are his folks doing, I wonder....? I feel a little sorry for him, actually. What was his name again? Yasutaro...? Kentarous? Oh, it doesn't matter. My coffee will get cold.

We can get all the way down to the lobby with no interruptions for a change. Now we need to talk to Edo in the lobby.

Morning, Edo.

Are you heading straight to the airport?

Before I do, one thing, Edo... Where's this breakfast I always hear so much about?

We stopped serving breakfast already.

Finished already? Boy, that was quick.

I am very sorry, Mr. Mondo. You just needed to wake up a little bit faster.

Exemplary service, as always. Ah, forget it. I'm heading for the airport.

Excellent. Have a good day.

Here's the front garden area of the Hotel. Nothing of real importance.

I have to make a point here to tell you how far it is from the Hotel to the front gates. It takes a long time to run there, and we'll be going back and forth multiple times (though not in this update, fortunately).

Here's the main road that you might remember from earlier.

The main gate is closed, though.

Our only option here is to take the path here to the right.

It takes us to a church...

We can't go in the church yet, but there's a girl over there on the benches. Let's head over and talk to her.

Who are you?

Just a concerned passer-by. You look a little down.

Oh, I'm down on the ground. Depressed...

Something happen?

You really want to know?

So long as all I have to do is listen.

Well, I'm Yuuri, nice to meet you, and I'm going to get married.

That's wonderful. Congratulations!

Thank you, I'm sorry...?

Sumio Mondo.

Thank you, Sumio.

So what's got you so depressed? Shouldn't you be happy?

Women aren't simple.

That's true, very sophisticated and complex to understand, yes.

Will you sit?


That's right. It's odd..

He seems very kind. So tomorrow is the big day... I imagine it took him a lot of work to plan a wedding on this island.


Of course. I think you've found a good man to marry. You must be very happy.


Yep. You won't find a man like that again. Take me, for instance. I can't even meet the lady I want to meet...

Why not?

Oh, never mind.

It's a long story, isn't it? I can tell.

It's not important.

But still... I'm worried.

About what?

Ever since we came here, Seiji's been acting strange. Like... distant.


Please, Sumio, would you go and talk to him for me?

Me? I'm not sure that I should get involved...

Please, Sumio! You're my only hope!

Why do people keep saying that to me...? Very well, then...

Seiji is in the church. He's in there so he can think, alone. I was told that I should not go in there to bother him. So I can't do anything.

Oh boy...

Please, Sumio!

Here we can see her fiancé, Seiji. Let's talk to him.

Who're you?

The name's Sumio Mondo. You're Seiji, right?

That's right... and?

The little lady outside... Is waiting for you to come back to her.

You mean Yuuri? Little lady, huh...

I hear you're getting married tomorrow. Congratulations.


Something wrong?

It's finally happening. Tomorrow.

Like I asked, something wrong with that?

No, well... That is when it's scheduled for...

Scheduled? I don't like the sound of that.

I've been thinking about it too much. I'm... getting scared. Getting married is a bigger step than I anticipated, you know?

You've got the bachelor blues, huh? That means you're weak.

Say whatever. Yuuri is the one who wanted to get hitched in a church. So that we'd remember it forever. I was against the idea.

Oh? I thought you suggested that you hold the ceremony here?

That's what Yuuri wants to believe. She's... pushing her ideals onto me.

Then you just need to live up to them.

I can't... This is just how I am, how I think. People always say that to me.

How do you think, exactly?

Oh, you wouldn't understand.

You're not helping me out, here.

You see? You're getting angry with me. That's what people always say to me.

I can't say I understand.

With each passing day, I'm losing my confidence, is all. Confidence that everything will be OK if we get married...

It's a bit late for that now.

Look at this...

Yes. I came to look at this. It's not every day you get to see a church organ this close up.

I guess...

I hate it.

Now what?

That sound, the music... I hate it.

Really? It sounded pretty good to me.

No, it wasn't. I'm staking everything on this piece of music. If I can play it well...

If you can play it well...?

Then I'll find the confidence to make Yuuri happy. That's... what I feel inside.

Leaving it up to the organ, huh? That's pretty pathetic, too.

Sticks and stones, Sumio... That's why I was trying to retune the organ. But I lost my paper with the registration noted on it...


For adjusting the tonal pitch. There's a panel on the back, and you need to put numbers in using that. I've heard that this church has a traditional tuning they always use. But I guess the setting has been changed...

OK, I see where this is going.

You do?

I do. You want to tune the organ... To the traditional settings used in this church. Correct?

That's right. But... it doesn't matter now.

I'll find it for you. The tuning that you seek!

Find it? You?

It may take a little while.

You can do it, though, you think? You don't have to do this for me, or anything...

Hey, don't get me wrong, here. I'm not doing this for you... But for your sweet little lady.


I'll help you find your confidence.

You're very kind, Sumio.

I've heard that before, too.

Let's check the organ. We just have to jack in and enter the original tuning settings...

There must be something that attracted them here, then. I need to give this guy the confidence to wed his love!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Take care of this musical retuning!
Very easy one here. Page 11 has all the details on the church and the organ that we need:

I did it... I played it! Ah, how blessed is the sound! Now, I'm sure...

I can see how happy you and the little lady are going to be.

Even if you don't mean that... thanks.

I mean everything I say, I promise you.

You're the first person to say that we'll be happy. Would you please come to the wedding?

Of course. I'd be delighted.

That's a promise, OK!

Yep. That's a promise.

All that's left to do is talk to Yuuri, and we are done.
R-08 Ending:
Added Seiji and Yuuri to the OP, bonus content is the Japanese DS trailer. I think that covers all the trailers available.