Part 12: R-10 - I Love You, Porgy (Part 1)

Today is "I Love You, Porgy", which is the music we hear in the diner.


Your breakfast is ready.

I know...

We are waiting for you.

I feel it all too painfully, now. I went to Eleki Island... An island with nothing but bleak scenery and a power plant... And yet, there... In that place where there should be nothing, I felt... uneasy. There's something here that I don't understand, something... unknown. I don't feel like coffee any more. I need to be sure to remember to tell Edo, today. To get me the best Darjeeling he can find.
As per usual, let's head down and talk to Edo before heading out.

I take it breakfast is finished...?

I am very sorry, Mr. Mondo.

I'll just get going.

Have a good day.
Now let's head on out.

We see Mati outside the Hotel...

And then witness the exact same crash as yesterday. A strange cooincidence.

What's that all about? Bewitching. Truly, bewitching. A deep and meaningful accident...
Let's talk to Mati and ask about the accident.

Oh, nothing, Mati. Are you heading for the diner?

That's right. We need to prepare for the lunch crowd.

The juggling of two jobs has got to be a pain.

Not at all. It's just my daily routine. Oh, look at this! An accident?!

Yeah. The same one as yesterday. In the same place, too.

Really...? I didn't see anything here yesterday, though. In fact, I passed through here.

That's odd... This is a pretty bad wreck. I can't imagine that you'd miss it...

Anyway... Do you think the drivers might be injured?

I don't know...

Mr. Mondo, how about coming over to the diner? I'll treat you to a special lunch. How does that sound?

Lovely, actually. I haven't eaten in what feels like days. I miss having breakfast.

I'll go on ahead, then. See you there soon!

Thank you, Mati.

More walking! Let's walk to the diner. We find Ken outside.

We also hit 5000 steps on the way to the diner. This increases our Search System uses from 5 to 10. Pretty handy for the longer/larger days, where the Lost and Found items are harder to find. Anyway...

Mati invited me.

She told me about it, yeah. Please, go on inside.

Let's head in. We find Mati in the kitchen.

Can I eat now?

Please, a little more patience. Today's lunch is a lovely marlin sauté. The marlin fished off this Island are delicious, I assure you. Unlike anything you've ever tasted.

Wow... That does sound good.

Please, take a seat and wait. Ah, just one thing, Mr. Mondo...

I have a bad feeling about this.

oh please, it's not what you expect! It's just, our other customer seems to be quite upset.

That's too bad for him.

He talked about causing an accident. Maybe the one that we just saw?

That would depress anyone. Well, it would depress me, at least.

He's in some sort of trouble! Please, talk to him, Mr. Mondo.

No, Mati. And for the record, this is exactly what I expected. I'm finally about to get a real meal.

Oh, Mr. Mondo... How cold you are! Cold as ice! I can't let one such as yourself anywhere near my cooking. I'm sorry, Mr. Mondo, but please. You'll have to come back another time.

Oh, come on Mati! Please?

No! Out!

Oh boy... OK, I give in. You win, Mati. I'll talk to the guy!

I knew you would, Mr. Mondo. Thank you.

I can't help feeling that I'm being manipulated here...

Go, get to it! Food after talking!

Here's the guy Mati was talking about... he does seem rather down.


Easy enough. You're depressed.

I guess I am...

An accident, was it?

Yeah... Have you got time to listen to this, my friend?

I have, actually. I won't get fed unless I do.

Yeah, I know.

And that's depressed me.

That's all you've got?

Yep. That's all.

Then don't worry about it. No one got hurt.

I know...

So cheer up! Right, catch you later...

Yes, actually.

I'm glad to hear it.

I'm not so glad.

I've lost something, you see. Something important.

Like what? Your insurance papers?

A present, from father to son.

Oh, for your son? You must be quite the father. Hold on... son?

Yes, I have a son. A cheeky chap, but honest, and pure of heart.

What's his name?


Hey! That's my boy, you know. You've no right to call him that!

Hey, I remember! You don't spend any time with him, do you? That's what's turned your kid into a brat! You're his father! Spend more time with him.

You've no right to say that to me. Just who do you think you are?

Oh, screw this!

I heard you're no good at your job too.

Watch it, old geezer!

I'm just telling it like it is. What's with that case, huh? Are you are a spy wanna-be? Huh?


And you're wearing a black suit? In this heat? Is your head screwed on right?

You dumb... rear end!

You can't do anything without the guidebook, can you? Don't you think that it's odd? Using a guidebook to solve mysteries?

Stop! Hold it! Enough!

You'll stop terrorists with a guidebook, will you? Are you stupid? Yes, you are! Very stupid! Nothing but a lazy moron!

Listen, dumb rear end! I'm not taking any more of this!

Run away from me and I'll just expose more of this nonsense! So come on. Will you search for my lost gift?

Oh yeah! I'll search, alright! And find it! Just wait here! Like father like son! I see the truth in that now!

Get to work, searcher. Your food will go cold.
Now we've 'dealt' with him, let's talk to Mati again.

What's with that dumb rear end of a parent?!

Oh, Mr. Mondo. You shouldn't talk like that about your parents. They'll get angry with you.

Who will...?

Who do you think I mean...?

Mati, I don't have parents.

Ah... I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Don't worry about it. I have at least one good friend, instead. Anyway...

I heard your conversation. Or "debate" describes it best...?

He's a dumb rear end, a true dumb rear end.

Quite a striking middle-aged figure, actually. He's the kind I go for, Mr. Mondo.

Mati, stop joking around!

Oh, my apologies. And he's what, lost a present...? From father to son, has he?

That's what he said. You don't know anything more about what he lost?

No, nothing more.

I see...

But I'm sure he must have lost it around the scene of that accident.

You think so?

Just a hunch. Please don't quote me on that.

I guess it's worth taking a look, though.

Please hurry. The food will be ready soon.

I'll hurry right back, believe me.

Then I'll see you shortly.
Now we have to walk back to the accident scene. Woo! Let's talk to Ken before heading back.

Look, it's him again.

Huh? Where?

Eh? You've surely got good eyes.

There, at the entrance to Power Beach. And yeah, everyone on the island has fantastic eyesight.

We grew up here together...

He's got sticky fingers, though. Loves to steal from tourists.

Steal what?

All sorts of things. But no one can catch him. He's always been good with his hands.

I see...

Mr. Mondo, watch out for him. Get too close and he'll rob you, too.

OK, thanks for the warning.

Ah! He just looked over here and laughed! Oh boy... that means he's after you, Mr. Mondo.

Then I'd better confront him! I don't like to just run off. I'm gonna see what he has to say!

Well, OK, but I'm warning you... Don't underestimate him.

I can handle myself, Ken. See you later.

Well we're heading that way anyway... so we'll talk to Step on the way.
And I'll leave it there, and finish the rest of the day in the next update. I've added Daizaburo Kai to the OP. Bonus content will come with the second part (along with Step's profile).