Part 13: R-10 - I Love You, Porgy (Part 2)

You've been looking for me?

Not particularly. Outsiders are easy marks, is all, so I thought I'd call you over.

To steal from me? You're confident, I'll give you that much.

There's nothing I can't steal. Me and you, we're the same, aren't we?

Yeah... There's nothing I can't find.

Then you're on. You find what I've stolen.

And what might that be?

The guy sitting in that diner... You heard his sob story, right?

You stole from him?

That's right. He needs to stop playing with fire.


He caused that crash, right?

So it seems...

Ah ha... Well, it's the cause of the accident. I didn't need it, so I tossed it away at the crash site.

Ah ha. Now I'm starting to work this out. The cause of the accident...

That's a really big clue. Although someone may still find it before you do.

Don't worry. This will be easy for me.

Oh? Going to take me on, are you?

It sounds like fun.

Glad to hear it? But if you fail, that briefcase of yours is mine.

No problem. But what...

...if you beat me? OK. You can have my life.

I don't need that. But a nice meal would be good.

Hah... OK, settled.

Time limit?

There isn't one. Start!

See you soon.

Bye-bye now.
Now let's head back to the accident...

And we find Shoutaro.

Not you again, you chimp! Go away!

You met my dad, didn't you suit-face?

Yeah. He's just like you, which makes him a terrible father!

Quite a snappy come back there, suit-face!

Stop calling me suit-face!

Look, suit-face, I dropped something...

Drop whatever you like. I'm busy.

It's my football. I can't find it.

Don't look at me.

It's rolled off somewhere.

Forget the ball for a sec. Did you see anything else around here?

Yeah, I did!

What did you see?

I'm not telling. Not telling YOU, of all people!

Come on, tell me.


So? What did you see?

First, you search.


Search for my ball!

Why you little...!

Then I'll tell you what I saw.

You're such a little brat...!

I'm counting on you, suit-face!

Now to do some actual searching. That's our job after all. I mentioned in the first update, this side path takes us to the garbage facilities. Let's look there.

Here it is, I have a feeling the ball is in this general area...

Found it, in the corner.

Listen, kid! You're so full of yourself I don't know where to start! That does it! I'll send you and your dad to an early grave!

Oh no... murderer! I'm going to be killed! Ethics! Remember your morals!

Hey, it's just an expression, OK?

I'm going to an early grave! Dad! Save me! Human Rights Groups! Save me!

I'm joking, OK? I'm not really going to kill you.

Then you're a liar, are you? This guy's a liar! He's all grown up and yet he lied to me!

That's enough, come on. Just tell me what you saw.

Oh, giving orders now, are we? How about a little please and thank you?

Thank you for what?! You're impossible! Everyone hates you, you know that?

Yippee hooray. I don't want to be liked by anyone who'd play a game like this anyway. I'll make them hate me even more!

Now you've asked for it. You need to be punched in the face.

Go on then! Hit a child! Let's see how society reacts to graphic child abuse. They'll have to recall copies from the shops.

Shut it!

But even my dad has never hit me...!

You think I'm just going to let this go? Stop pretending to cry!

OK, I'll spill it.

What did you see?

A strange-looking toy.

A toy? What did you do with it?

It was all bashed up, so I threw it away.


Into those large rubbish bins, over there.

Hey, suit-face!

What now? You still got a problem?

Let's play again sometime!

If I feel like it...

Hah! You believed me! And open your mouth when you talk!

Shut up! You should too, then!

You too back at you!

Now let's check the bins and solve the puzzle.

The mystery of the accident, and the item Step stole... They are all connected. Why did the kid's father cause an accident? The answer is also his present!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's solve the mystery of the lost present!
Page 44 details the garbage system used on the island:
I never quite understood this puzzle, but basically we're interested in the non-flammable waste bin. It says to deposit any waste on 6th, 16th and 26th of every month, and they're emptied the following day. Which is 7th, 17th and 27th. That's the answer the game is looking for.

And with that...
R-10 Ending:
I've added Step to the character list. Bonus content is an interview with Suda51 from around October that I found on IGN. He also talks about his project with Shinji Mikami - they're using the Unreal engine, which I wasn't aware of.