Part 14: R-11 - Clair de Lune (Part 1)

Today is "Clair de Lune", which is the music we hear at the lighthouse.

Night...? How long have I been sleeping?

You did seem quite exhausted.

Yeah, I think I must have been. I can't seem to shake it off since coming here.

That sounds like a problem with your health, Mr. Mondo. Anyway, exhausted or not, you must hurry to the airport.

I know.

I'm waiting for you.

We wake up not to a coffee scene, but to finding Sue underneath our bed...

You've finally noticed me.

Sue? Have you been here all this time...?


But why under there...?

I'm very sorry.

That isn't an explanation.

I'm sorry!


It's just a bad habit of mine.

That's quite an odd habit!

It calms me down to be under there.

Under a bed?

But I think I am over the worst of it... I mean...

Your habit of sleeping under the bed?


OK, well... ...No problem, then. You just surprised me a little, is all.

I'm sure I did...

People have lots of odd habits. There's all sorts of people, they do say!

Mr. Mondo...


Thank you.

Sue, sit, let's talk a little.


Isn't there, Sue?

There might be...

I'm a searcher by profession. A professional. If you need me to find something, just ask.


Is it that hard to ask for my help? You think I can't manage it?

To speak frankly, Mr. Mondo... You do complain a lot, so yes, that makes it hard to ask you. I can only imagine how much you'll complain if I do.

You seriously think that?

Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm truly, very sorry.

No, don't worry about it. You're right, I do complain a lot. I'll ask you the questions, then, shall I? Will that put you at ease?

Yes, it would. I'm sure it will cut down on your crappy complaints, too.

You just tell it how it is, don't you?

Oh, they say I have a very clear-cut personality.

All that time, right here?

That is correct.

And you've never left the Island?


I see...

I am not dissatisfied with my life, Mr. Mondo, please understand. I do so love it here...

Yes, it is a wonderful Island.

I've heard... That you always carry a guidebook with you, Mr. Mondo?

That's right. It's with me all the time. It has proven to be very useful, too.

Everything about this world is written in the guidebook.

This world? That's an interesting way of putting it.

You think so?

I think so.

Then listen, Mr. Mondo. Everything is contained within the guidebook. Mr. Balboa and Mr. Balboa on page 33... Mr. Pirate on page 38... Mr. Charbonie on page 40...

You've spent some time with the guidebook, too, I see...

Miss Vaian on page 16...

We are then invited to view the guidebook, specifically page 16:

Sayaka Vaian isn't on page 16. Her photo is on page 33...

Oh no, Mr. Mondo... The shining of the moon looks like Miss Vaian to me!

Who is she then, this Sayaka Vaian?

An icon to many, a woman who lead such a tragic life.

An icon...?

The glittering, sad light of the moon, spreading across the world... There is no better metaphor for her existence!

She was... an actress, right?

I was her biggest fan. Those eyes, filled with a powerful light, trying so hard to impart...

To impart what...?


I have something to ask of you.

Ah. You've finally decided to trust me?

No. I'm just using you.


Mr. Mondo, would you please look after this for me?

That's a little vague! Besides, I'm a searcher... I can't take anything from you.

Then please... Search for something for me.


I'm ashamed to say... that I cannot tell you.

Why not?

I cannot tell you... Because it is a secret that even I myself do not know.

Then what do you expect me to do?

Mr. Mondo, there is something I need you to find. But even I cannot tell you exactly what it is. Surely you can appreciate such a mysterious quest, once in a while?

Yeah, you're right. It might be fun.

Just as I thought, you are quite simple...


Please, forget I said anything. I have to be going, anyway.

Then maybe we will be able to talk again.

That's a roundabout way of saying things... But OK. I'll find whatever this thing is. Your secret, too...

All shall be as the moon wills it to be.

We'll talk again soon, Sue.
Now that's out of the way, we can continue with our daily routine of going to the lobby and talking to Edo.


What do you want?

There's something I'd like to ask you...


You're not yourself, Edo. Are you upset with me?

Spit it out!

The moon... I want to ask about the moon.

What? The moon? What do I know about the moon, huh?

Hey! What happened to treating guests with respect?

A guest? I don't see any guests here! Stop wasting my time and get to work! Just when are you going to get this job done, eh? Do you even want to?!

I'd love to, actually...

The lighthouse. Lighthouse!


Moon, you said. So go to the lighthouse.

You have one of those?

Leave the Hotel, turn right, walk. Lighthouse. So go!

It's night outside. Spooky.

The paths to the church and to the beach are blocked by huge alligators...

So we have to take the path that was previously blocked by the car crash.

Here's the light house everyone was talking about.

We meet Sue outside.

That isn't an explanation, either.

I was worried about you, actually.

You were? That's kind of you to worry about me.

You've got the wrong end of the stick, Mr. Mondo. I was worried because of how stupid you are.


Now get climbing, and then get back to your room. That's where I'll be waiting for you.

We have to climb to the top of the light house, and it is extremely tedious. The camera is all over the place and the stairs get narrower towards the top. Ugh.

Finally we make it to the top...

It's a crescent tonight.

That's all that happens at the top. Now we have to walk all the way back down, which is even more annoying due to the camera.

Yep. Sumio is catching on - lots of walking.
That's all for this part. The story is beginning to unfold now. At least the mystery of falling out of bed has been solved.