Part 15: R-11 - Clair de Lune (Part 2)
We return to our room, to find Sue.

Yeah. I am wiped out!

You need to excercise more. Weakling.

Sue, I'm going to get angry!

Enough playful banter, Mr. Mondo. Please listen carefully to what I have to say next. Close your eyes, and relax as much as you can... As though getting ready to listen to some beautiful music...

And then listen to you?

what the far side of the moon is like?

No... No one can see the far side of the moon, after all.

That's right. And the same principle can be applied to fate. For me... The secret within me is the same as the far side of the moon. I cannot see it for myself, ever.

But the secret is there.

I have always felt that, so strongly. It was just... there, one day.

It has become a dark, black shadow that dwells within my soul.

For how long?

Since I first noticed it. I have no memories of the time before I was six years old.

No memories?

Correct. No memories of my childhood.


There is only one thing I do recall. A memory from when I was born. Mr. Mondo... Do you remember anything about when you were born?

Can't say that I do. My oldest memory is a lot more recent, and boring, than that.

The moon was in the sky. That is my memory from when I was born. A thin sliver of a crescent moon. That pale blue-white light... And the wind was blowing. I looked up at the sky. Something warm touched my body. It was sticky and red. It was blood, Mr. Mondo. So much blood.

So I did not know anything about fluids or the human body. It was just a warm liquid. And I was alone.

That's what you remember from being born?

That is correct.

So who was your mother?

I do not know. Mati raised me. But there is one thing I do know.

What's that?

The reason why I must never know my secret...

To reveal my secret... Would be to reveal the secret of this Island.

But I think you can do it, Mr. Mondo.


I dont know. But I can answer "when" you will do this.


On the night of a crescent moon.

Like tonight. Sounds like you ve made a prophecy!

Maybe I have.

So what do you want me to do?

Your guess is as good as mine...

This is a joke, right?

You can save this Island, Mr. Mondo.

I was just asked here by Edo. Once my job is finished, I'm leaving. I'm sorry to say...

That is impossible.


A single day has not passed since you arrived here.

It hasn't?!

The same day is repeating itself.

Edo said something along those lines, too...

Time on this Island has stopped. That is why you have come. The manager...Called you here in order to return time to normal.

I don't understand.

Are you stupid? You are stuck in a loop of the same day.

That's impossible...!

No, you are just stupid. Why does the plane explode?

That's just a dream. How do you know about my dreams?!

You only call it a dream because you do not understand it.

So... that's real...?

You're the only one who thinks it is a dream. That's why the same thing happens every day.


This day will not end until you save the Island.

So how do I do that?

Stop the explosion at the airport.

Which is what Edo asked me here to do anyway. Is that all?

That and... Uncover the identity of the terrorist. Do that and all the mysteries of the Island will be revealed.

Exactly what I've been aiming to do all this time... excellent.

Is it, though?

There's more?

You said that you would search for my secret. But by searching for my secret... You will need to search for the secrets of the Island. And in order to do that... It must be a night with a crescent moon.

Today, then...

I must thank you, most sincerely... For giving me so much of your time.

Yeah. You do go on a bit, don't you?

You lack even a modicum of delicacy, Mr. Mondo.

Same to you.

I see the shadow of death on your face, Mr. Mondo.

I did NOT to hear that.

Mr. Mondo... Once you have the secret, use that watch. It will lead you to an answer.

What watch?

Did you forget? I gave it to you to look after.

Yeah, I forgot.

Because you are so stupid.

I don't like you. You talk too much, and I don't like what you say.

I'll leave the watch on that desk. Please, uncover my secret for me. I'll be waiting...

I'm not especially interested in it, but it does mean something. All of the strange things that have happened since coming to this Island... Rise up before me now, like ghosts. The sad history of this Island, huh. I guess it's my role to rip aside the veil of mystery! And the time to rip has come!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's solve Sue's mystery!
As before, page 16 of the guidebook has details on the moon:
The crescent moon is in stage 4.3 at the moment, and that's our answer.

We return to the phone ringing.


Then I shall tell you everything.

Please do. I still don't have a clue what's going on.

Because you are so slow. Allow me to explain, then.


Please come up to the roof. I will be waiting there for you.

Let's do what she says...
R-11 Ending:

I like how rude Edo is here.
Thankfully that one's over. Bonus content is the second part of the Suda51 interview. He talks about No More Heroes 2 and Wii Motion Plus.