Part 16: R-12 - I Got Rhythm

Today is "I Got Rhythm", which we hear on the road with the lighthouse and shopping centre.

Something stinks.

Hey, it isn't me.

There's something out place here. A swirling vortex of evil intent.

Oh, not all that again.

It really stinks.

I told you, it's not me! I took a shower this morning!

It stinks of blood.


This Island is cursed.

You can see that, can you, Remy?

I feel it. The history of this Island.

I don't feel anything.

This is no ordinary island. Let's go.

I'm with you...

Looks like a petty thief to me.

Should I take him in?

Leave him.

Say... Remy.

What now?

This isn't the kind of place terrorists target.

You're probably right... But such observations should be made after we've done our jobs.

Just what are they planning?

This stink... it stinks of terrorists, too.

You feel something?


I'll never understand what goes on in that head of yours.

Me neither.

But there's one thing I do understand.


This case is going to trigger something big for me.


This is what I've been aiming for.

It is?

I believe that I do. I've sensed this case brewing since I joined the agency.

This is it then, Remy.

Let's get going, Kosshi.

I'm right behind you...

And I'm... Federal Agent Yoshimitsu Koshimizu.

Welcome to Lospass Island.

Let's get right into this...

But someone had to hear the shot, right?

Unfortunately... and strangely enough, no. No one heard any gunfire.

Where do the Hotel staff stay?

Here in the Hotel.

Then it's very likely that the perpetrator is staying here.

What? We have a...? Among our guests?

Correct... But I'm including your staff among the suspects.

That's the way. Everyone's a suspect.

Please, wait a minute. None of our guests would do this...

The killer is staying here. That's a fact.

How's this going to go down, then?

What do you mean?

The investigation, Remy.

Hummm... Let me think for a minute.

Now we take control of Koshimizu. Let's ask Edo for more details.

Yeah, you.

You really think I would be capable of this?

Nope, not at all.

You won't make any friends like that, Mr. Investigator.

The first person on the scene is often the killer, you know?

So that's why you suspected me?


That wouldn't hold up in a court of law...

That's just how investigations go. Gotta have good hunches.

You're a Federal Agent, are you not? Then please, can you act a little more like one?

You think I'm not? This is how we do things, OK? Few people can copy my hunch-based investigation methods.

I'm sure...

So, anything else? Any clues?

Yes, actually.

Then hurry up and tell me.

You didn't ask.

So you only respond to direct questioning?

It depends on who is asking...

I can't believe you're the manager of this place.

With all due respect, you are not a guest here.

Then I'll take a room. How's that sound?

Welcome to the "Flower, Sun and Rain" Hotel.

A guest is a guest. Even if that guest is you, Mr. Koshimizu.

That's right. Management 101. So? What clue have you got for us?

Mr. Mondo... Always carried an attaché case around with him. But...

It's gone?

I cannot see it anywhere.

What kind of case is it?

A regular shape, simple, silver affair...

Silver? Silver...

Koshimizu has a flashback...

That guy!

This guy we saw back on the bridge. With like... a Mohawk.

Do you mean Step?

Step? You know him?

Yes. He is of this Island. A youth with some bad habits...

Tell me, Mr. Manager. What's on the other side of the bridge?

The shopping centre.

Great. Now that's a wonderful clue. I'm gonna bag me a bad guy!

I can't believe he would die like that, though... Poor Mr. Mondo.

Mondo, huh. Sumio Mondo.

Where are you going, Kosshi?

To the shopping centre. It's likely our highly suspicious robber friend headed that way.

Be careful, OK? There's something lurking behind this case.



Something means nothing to me.

But that's all I can say. Something.

I'll keep an eye open for something, then.

Don't let your guard down.

I won't. Not even if something happens.

Kosshi, I'm thirsty.


I'm thirsty. Get me something to drink, would you?

What am I, your errand boy?

You're going to the shopping centre, right? I don't think a drink is asking too much.

What do you want?

I'll leave that to you.

Then I'll randomly pick one.

Low calorie, please.

So you're not leaving it to me! You have got a preference!

I don't like carbonated drinks, either.

I know that much.

No caffeine either.

So just what do you want?!

Darjeeling, no sugar. I hate teabags... And it had better be made with mineral water.

Go get it yourself.

We're at the back of the hotel at the moment, and we need to get to the shopping centre, which is just past the lighthouse.

This is the café, presumably where breakfast is served... maybe we'll have some one day.

Now we're back in the lobby, let's head out the normal way.

That's tough on the legs.

As Koshimizu mentioned, this is a long walk.

All the way across the bridge...

Finally we reach the shopping centre.

Find it?


The Darjeeling.

I'm hanging up.

I've been talking to the manager... And he tells me this Step fellow returned to the Island recently.

Where was he before that?


France? Where does France come into this?

No idea.


That's all.

You don't smell anything?

Not now you've gone.

Thanks. So, a resident back from France... What's his motivation, then? And why France...?
And with that, let's head in.

I'm a Federal Agent! I need to ask you some questions. If you're in here, come out. I warn you, I'm armed! Just come out.
(a small crash sound is heard)

Signalling me to come after him. Does he really think he can get away from me, though? Now then... the hunt begins. I must be silent. That's all this requires. So long as I remain quiet, he won't know I am here. Fear not my foe, simply make silence my ally. Victory in the psychological battle will give me the advantage! And as soon as I have that advantage, I shall have won! Ah, the teachings of my master, Assistant Commissioner Nakategawa. The short version - don't run around. All ready! Let's go!

To find Step, we simply have to walk around, which can be done by holding the B button, or touching inside the inner circle on the bottom screen. Step is easy to find, in the corner of the shopping centre...
And with that...
R-12 Ending:
Remy Fawzil and Yoshimitsu Koshimizu added to the OP, along with bonus content which is some fan art I found on a fan site (contains some spoilers, though not on the page I linked to). It's hard to find interesting stuff to link to!