Part 18: R-14 - Träumerei (Part 1)

Today is "Träumerei", the music we hear in the Hotel's theatre...

Hang on a sec.


Your breakfast is ready.

I feel like... I've just returned to life...?

Indeed you have.

I have? Edo, what do you mean?

I will explain everything later. Please, come to the front desk.


I must have wandered into a maze...! There's something hidden on this island that's making me go crazy. Like I'm getting caught up in something really REALLY big... I'm starting to see that now. I can't escape from this daily routine. Is there truly no end to this madness? Hold on...?

She's... been stolen? Now THIS is a problem...

Oh boy...

Now Sumio's back, looks like it's back to our daily routine. Let's head down and talk to Edo.

Edo, explain. What happened to me?

That will take a while. Are you sure you want to miss breakfast again?

I don't mind, please, tell me.

This really will take a while.

That's OK. Please.

Very well...

So you finally understand?

So I died...? And this Island is trapped in an infinite loop?

Yes. That would be the short version.

And you think I'll just accept that?

I do. You are a simple fellow, Mr. Mondo, after all.

I guess... Although that did sound a bit like an insult.

Not at all. I have the greatest respect for you.

You're lying, right?


Well, whatever... Let's get back to basics, Edo. What exactly do you want me to do?

Stop the plane from exploding. Complete my original request then everything will become clear.

A single day, repeating over and over... And you still expect me to do my job?

I do. Not to mention, today is going to be tough for you.

I dread to ask, but why's that?

You've been slacking off for two whole chapters, that's why. You're going to be running all over the place today.

Is that a prophecy?

Not a prophecy. A premonition.


You will run back and forth, back and forth... That is what my own pulse screams to me.

What is this, Edo? Do you have ESP?

Just a touch...

You do?!

No, I'm kidding.


Have a nice day.
Now let's head out and find Catherine...

We find Remy outside.

Who are you?

Nice to meet you, Mr. Mondo. I'm Federal Agent Remy Fawzil.

Beauty is your primary weapon, I see.

Do you always greet people with sexual harassment?

Is that what you think that was?

This is why you people from the Far East are so disliked.


There's something I want to ask you. Would that be OK?

It's about you coming back to life. Do you remember anything?

Nothing at all.

I didn't think so. Have you ever heard the term... "Euro Maspro?"

That's my first time.

Then I shall just come out with it.

I know.

Furthermore, you are the Legendary Saviour.

This is starting to sound more and more like a video game.

This is a type of game, yes. The sequence of incidents running up to your demise... Share some specific, common factors.


When you complete each request the plane explodes. Each time you take a break this world closes down with you.

You seem to know a lot. Where have you seen all of this from?

I'm a Special Agent. Finding this stuff out is what I do.

I guess it is.

And you aspire to become the saviour?

It's quite tragic, actually. The gap between me and that ideal.

Sounds as though you speak from experience.

Not at all...

My partner is looking for you.

For me?

He's got that lost briefcase of yours.

Where can I find this guy, then?

The shopping centre.

Then I need to go meet him.

Just who... what are you? This world revolves around you. Loyal to your consciousness.

Your role in all this. I know what it is. Please, save this Island! This place is calling out for your help!

This is all becoming a big hassle, you know. I've had enough of sticking my neck out for others!

Don't run away from this, Mondo. You need to kill the past, so that this tragedy will not repeat.

The past...?

Think back! Remember! So many children, all living in darkness.


The "eleven" children of revolution... Our eleven companions! Remember their faces!

Agent, you're delusional. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Unfortunately... That is exactly the reaction I expected.
And with that, off to find Yoshimitsu.

We have to walk to the shopping centre again. This day has a ridiculous amount of walking. The game is written in such a way, that it rewards you, in a sense, for the long distances you walk (at the destination, there's usually an important plot point or a very funny scene). It definitely makes you put up with it.

You're Remy's partner?

Federal Agent Yoshimitsu Koshimizu. Nice to meet you.

You've been looking for me? Where's my briefcase?

Not here, I'm afraid.


I'm looking for it too, actually.

But it's mine. Why are you after it?

A young man called Step stole it. Your briefcase, that is. I chased him here. I'm just trying to get your property back, Mr. Mondo. How about a word of thanks? Or two?

I didn't ask you to do any of this.

...That's what I thought you'd say. But I guess being predictable has advantages too.

Are you making fun of me too, now?

Someone else have a go at you, did they?

Not really...

That briefcase was caught up in the explosion... And flew off, far off.


Like I said, far. Far off.

That's not much help.

The way lies before you. Carry on and you're bound to come across something.

Not very kind, are you?

Let's just say I didn't become a top Special Agent by being kind.

That your ideology?

Just what I've been taught.

That works, too.

You met Remy?

Yeah. She's pretty paranoid.

She can be. Sometimes she can go way out of whack. She lives life in a delicate balance.

You're probably right.

No need to worry about her, anyway. I'll look after her.


How come?

She's been looking for you for a long time, Remy has.


You don't remember. "Eleven"...


We'll meet again. At the goal...

Catherine is just ahead!


What are you doing here?

Because I know!


I saw it fly into this field. Yours, isn't it?


Cathy or Chrissy or whatever you call it, it's yours, right?


Then go and search for it! Here I am, kindly doing you a favour... and here you are being rude to me! Go! Go and get to it!

There she is!

Now we've got Catherine back, let's chat to the fat man again.

I haven't said anything yet.

Look at that, snapping back at me right away! Oh, the state that things have fallen into!

Thanks, anyway...

Eh? I didn't hear you! You need to enunciate in a loud, clear voice. You hear me, don't you?

Thank you for your help... old timer?

It's even worse than I thought! You disgust me, honestly.

You're starting to annoy me, old timer.

Geboh hah hah hah!

What?! Are you... laughing?

That's right! Gebon hah washee shee shee...!

Another weirdo.

Now, I'm not one to suggest a little repayment... But if you are willing, well, it would be rude to turn you down. Although your feelings might be enough, or not...


You want to proceed, don't you? Then shut up and listen! Now, if you do feel like repaying me for my obvious kindness... Tell Lady Natsuko for me.


Don't you want to proceed? Then be reasonable!

OK, but what? What do I tell her?

Ask her, is more appropriate perhaps. What sounds reasonable?


Reasonable! No need to think about this too much, messenger boy!

Messenger boy?

I shall make this reasonable. If you want to repay me, do it seriously or not at all!


Back to the Hotel! Walking is fun!

Edo, which room is Natsuko staying in?

Miss Akai?! Then you have met Mr. Takaoka?

Takaoka? You mean that bizarre middle-aged guy who is a pain in the rear?

Just as I thought.

What? What does that mean?

Miss Akai is staying in Room 408. Oh, Mr. Mondo, I am very sorry for you...

What for, Edo? What for?

Here's Miss Akai's room...

Let's see what she has to say.




Do something about that crazy guy, will you?


Are you listening?


I've told you, anyway.


Reasonable. Reasonable. That's what he told me to tell you.

No good...

No good? What's no good?


Sound? What sound?


Your radio? Where is it? The sound of your radio? Where is it? Where? Spit it out. What do I need to search for?!



Radio MIX...

What are you talking about? Some sort of... hint?


You mean Edo? What about Edo?

Shut up... MIX...

That's all you can say?

That's all she has to say for herself. Let's ask Edo for some help.

Please, come this way.

Edo, who are these people?

Regular guests of ours here at the hotel. Well, Miss Akai is. Her companion is always different... Mr. Takaoka is her new partner.

She likes to play around with older guys, does she?

I don't really understand her, myself... But she always seems to be trying something different.

Trying it out, huh...? It's a bizarre pairing. No matter how I look at it, just bizarre. You think so too, Edo, right?

That is not for me to comment upon.

Of course. You're the hotel manager, after all.

So, please...

Solve this myself?

I'm not sure how to say this, but... yes.

So, what should I do?

From the experiences you have had so far, I'd say the radio is important.

That's what she said, too.

Miss Akai is searching for a song that wheat likes.

Wheat?! Why?

Plants react to music. Helps them grow up to be big and strong. So she pipes the radio out into the wheat field.

I see. Where's this radio now?

OK... Let's try changing the channel, then.

Ah, the radio is broken, though. That is the only song it can play.

I see... She talked about a mix, too.

Mix? A mix means a pizza with multiple mixed toppings.

That's probably not what she meant.

I just thought I'd mention it.

So what could mix be...?

Ah, Mr. Mondo! Did she say mix or MIX?

Ah! MIX! REMIX, then! And REMIX means disco!

D... Disco? How did you make that leap...?

It was easy! Disco, baby!

It's all about clubbing now, Mr. Mondo. Young people gather in clubs. Dance clubs are for dancing.

I don't think you're doing any better than me, Edo.

Well, whatever it is... Let's just go with disco.

I think I've got what I need.

Are you sure?

Here's the radio...

I'm so glad you made it back to me. Let's warm up with some radio repair. Search for a REMIX radio station.

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's beat the mystery of the wheat!
Very simple puzzle here. We just need to find the information on radio stations in the guidebook, which is on page 41:
Seeing as REMIX is Disco... the frequency we need is 777.

Hold on! It isn't playing any music!

Of course not. It's broken. Now, go back to Mr. Takaoka.

I have to go back there?

That's right. To check if it is playing or not.

And I'm doing this for the right reasons? True to the maxim of my life?

Yes. True to a fault.

I am, aren't I?

Yes, you are.

Wait for me bizarre one, I'm coming to see you!
That's all for now. Long day, this one.