Part 19: R-14 - Träumerei (Part 2)

Moving along, we find Ken outside the main gate.

Ken! Hard at work again today?

Whatever it may look like... I'm pretty busy.

Hold on a moment...

Mr. Mondo?


Mati asked me yesterday, too.

OK, Ken...

It's a bike! You hear me?

You're shining, Ken.

I'm just too busy, it's actually quite a pain! My bike needs a break too... Hey... Mr. Mondo, what're you doing? Hey! You can't do that! Ah!

Woo! We didn't have to walk to Gunzi.

What now...

I'm not your handyman, OK?

So, how was Lady Natsuko? Tell me!

I've no idea what you want to know.

Are you soft in the head? You really are a dumb-dumb. As dumb as they come. There's none dumber than you!

Why are you dressed like that, anyway? Looking to get in on some cosplay?

Cosplay?! You are just so dumb! Reasonability. Pour your entire mental power into being reasonable. Ignorance is a sin. You should repent!


Wait! You seek to flee again, you ungrateful dog?!

Ungrateful... for what?

Go and tell Lady Natsuko again! Firmly, completely tell her!


About being reasonable, of course! The results of a reasonable qualification!

OK, OK...

This makes life a lot easier.

Can't see him... oh well!
Now to walk back to the Hotel, and to see Natsuko...

We hit 10,000 steps on the way, giving us 15 uses of the X Search System.

That's wrong...

Wrong? Your middle-aged friend was at it again.


He was talking about reasonability again.

That's wrong...

What is that, some kind of litany? A chant? Fancy yourself some sort of... nun? I guess nun is going a bit far, huh?

Shut up...

Can't you throw the ball back to we can hold a conversation?


Jazz? OK...
Back to Edo...

Please, follow me.

She's got a discerning ear. Do you wish to give it a try right away?

Of course.

Search for a JAZZ radio station.

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's beat the mystery of reasonability.
Same as before, page 41:
We want FM Melody-Shower.

I have to go back again, don't I Edo?

Dead on target, Mr. Mondo!

Hah hah... hah...
Off we go...

Mr. Mondo!

Sorry, sorry about that...

Sorry' isn't going to cut it! You've ruined my day! Mati chewed me up, pretty fierce!


Are you talking to me?

Don't even think about straddling that bike! Stop right there! That was close...! Please, please don't...!

Ken, you need to learn to trust people a little more, too...

I mean, I feel I owe you a debt... you've helped me out...

You're like... like a big brother to me!



You're back again, you clown!

What cosplay is this, then?

You stupid fool! You totally lack discipline, don't you?! Your savings have corrupted your head!

Oh boy...

Reduce your soul. Reduce your spirit! Do you ever make monetary donations, I wonder?


You can't tell me you've forgotten what I did for you! Answer me, you dunce!

It depends on the time and circumstances.


You think so?

Are you really Japanese?

I believe so. I don't know much about my origins.

Then you have insurance?

That which I'm legally required to have, yes...

Is it boiling? Is it boiling? Is it boiling in your cranium, that worthless brain of yours?

I'm closer to sanity than you.

When I say insurance, I mean life insurance of course! You need me to spell this out?! You're boiling! I proclaim it!

I'm going, then.

Wait! So what happened? What happened with Lady Natsuko?

Pretty much what's happening here with you. You two are crazy weird.

Worthless! Less worth than that!

Listen mister, I'm going to punch you in the face.

I'm going to order you again! Tell Lady Natsuko for me! Has the reasonability of Gunzi Takaoka... Has it reached her? Pierced her heart?! The arrow of cupid?!

You're one crazy guy.

Now go! Run like the wind! To Lady Natsuko!

I guess Ken must be pretty mad...

Oh Kenny! ♥ ... I guess I am kinda taking advantage of him. Ah well! So what?
Back to Natsuko.

Just what is all this reasonability rubbish?

No good...

You've worn me out. I'm giving up. Getting off. That's all.


Not you, too...


Memory? Is that a kind of music...?

Please, follow me.

Memory...? Well, well...

So what's memory? Music again?

Save the game here, perhaps?

I don't think she means that memory.

Then I am at a loss. Well? You're going to try anyway?

Of course.

Very good!

(not sure why the text didn't appear)

I'm exhausted... Search for a MEMORY radio station.

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's beat the mystery of memories!
Again, page 41:
We want Radio 4 U (requests - songs from listener's memories).

And now...

Back to wheat fields!

Can't I like... warp there or something? Just fade to black, and then come back up and I'm there?

Mr. Mondo, I know all about your bicycle riding.

Oh no. Busted?

I called Ken. But Mr. Mondo, you should know... Taking the easy route will only spoil you, in the end.

Oh, that's deep. You get the cool lines, Edo.

Oh? You think so? That was cool, was it?

I'm just flattering you.

Then off you go.
I said this day was a long one. 3 parts!