Part 21: R-15 - L'Après-Midi d'un Faune

Today is 'L'Après-Midi d'un Faune', which we hear in the main ruins area.

Edo, morning.

Your breakfast is ready.

OK... Edo, I've worked it out.

You have...?

The secret of this Island.


I'm going to the lobby.

I shall be waiting.

Time is being consciously controlled, somehow. Fate, like the fate of those two, is being controlled, too. Takaoka and Natsuko... Almost as though their reunion on this island was promised to them... How many times have I seen that plane explode now...? And just what does that explosion mean...? There's a big secret somewhere on this Island. Huh... What I wouldn't give for some tea about now... Of course. This is always the same day. I forgot...
Down to Edo...

Edo, you're keeping some sort of secret, aren't you?

A secret? When you say secret, what exactly do you mean?

This would be a lot easier if I knew that, now wouldn't it?

I suppose so.

This is only a guess, but hear me out...

...Very well.

There are lots of issues here. First, this guidebook. It's almost as though this guidebook was written... With my visit to the Island directly in mind.


All of the codes I have needed have been hidden in this guidebook. There's someone using this book to guide me. It really is a guidebook! And they're trying to use me so they don't have to do anything themselves! What's more... that person is you, Edo!

You say "of course"?

Why else do you think I hired you? Hired you to stop the explosion of the plane.

That's true, I guess...

But I didn't hire you to search for other people's things. You're just too kind, Mr. Mondo. Those things have nothing to do with what I hired you for.

So I'm wrong...?

I may have hired you, Mr. Mondo... But that doesn't mean I have complete faith in your abilities. I created the guidebook as insurance, should you fail me. Everything is going according to the plan. And I told you, didn't I? That the guidebook would help you.

Is that what you meant?

That is what I meant.

So, what...? You don't trust me?

Of course I don't trust you.

You're a bad, bad man.

Do you think so? Blindly trusting someone you have only just met... Can lead to all sorts of problems. Don't you agree?

Doesn't that make you sad, Edo? Make you lonely?

Lonely? A hotel manager has no need for loneliness.

No, Sumio Mondo. I am the terrorist who has planted the bomb on the plane.


You really don't have any defences, do you? It's quite frightening. Like a puppet, working so hard in my place!

Hey! What's wrong with you?

There's no one called Edo. I am really...

Sue! It's Edo!

Yes, this is all quite terrible.

We have to do something!

Leave this to me. Please, don't worry, just carry on.

Are you sure? Sure you can handle this...?

I've become the manager.


A promotion.

Are... Are you serious?

Of course I am. Now, the love-birds are waiting for you out in the wheat field. Please, hurry to them.

They said they want to guide you somewhere. Repay you for what you did for them.

Coming from them, that prospect only fills me with trepidation...

I will tidy things up here. It looks like I've got a lot to do, so please, go.


Now we're off to the wheat field area. Unfortunately we don't get to use the bike, so we're walking all the way.

We find Gunzi and Natsuko.

You like it here, don't you?

I do! It's where Natsuko and I communicate. We were united here. Natsuko's potent, intent signal completely conquered me.

I see... or maybe I don't.

You'll find it's a real maze up ahead. Be careful not to get lost.

A maze?

Everything you feel is reflected back into reality.


If you are unsure of yourself, Mr. Mondo, the garden will block you. It is a garden of confusion! A flower garden, is, after all, a paradise for flowers. Not a paradise for people.


Now, go! Beyond the garden lies one of the most secret areas of the Island. Go and see it with your own eyes!

Not snuggling up to your middle-aged honey bun?

We have moved beyond a physical bond. We are always in contact, now.

I see...

The Forest Navigators will guide you. Use your case to Jack-In to one of them... And they will show you the path you need to take. Follow it closely!

What do these navigators look like, then?

Robotic scarecrows. They are placed so that people don't get lost in the garden. Trust what they tell you.

Pathfinders, huh...?

However, some of them can be a little... playful, at times. You may need to take their directions with a pinch of salt at times.

What? Some of them will try to trick me?

Not with any malignant intent. They just enjoy a prank, sometimes. They are the guardians of the garden... You will need to assess them for yourself, Mr. Mondo. Take care...

More walking, up to the ruins.

Here we find the first scarecrow... thing.

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's solve this code!
Page 13 of the guidebook has the information on the scarecrows:
As the description says, we need to beat his defence and reduce his HP to 0. HP is 20, defence is 8 so the answer is 28.

Mondo feels there is still a long way to go! Mondo's stamina is low!

And we can move on.

We find ourselves at the start of a rather large maze...

It's fairly simple to get through, just hug a wall until you reach the end.

And we find the second scarecrow.

I just hope the maze doesn't get even more complex up ahead...

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's solve this code!
Again, we need page 13:
Very simple, it tells us to ignore the defence, so we only need to do 5 damage.

Mondo feels as though he has earned a lot of experience! Mondo gives an unsettling laugh!

The door opens and we can move on.

Another small maze, this one is a bit weird though. It's basically a circle that you have to run around, which then opens a side path at the start.

Eventually we come to the last scarecrow...

I just hope the maze doesn't get even more twisted up ahead...

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's solve this code!
Same page:
This one's just a simple math problem. It starts at 32,000, and doubles, which is 64,000. Then one and a half times that, which is 96,000.

Mondo vomits blood and collapses! ... Mondo is himself again! Mondo receives rambling data!

Moving on...

We find Step inside this area...

I'm going to help you. Proceed to my left.
In this area, you have 4 paths. The way to navigate it is to always take the opposite path that Step tells you, as he is a liar. Otherwise, you'll return to the start.

Eventually, we come to the main area of the ruins...
R-15 Ending:
Hana Kaburagi added to the OP, and bonus content which is an interview with Suda51, where he discusses E3 and Microsoft's Project Natal.