Part 22: R-16 - Pavane pour une infante défunte

Today is 'Pavane pour une infante défunte', which is the music we hear in Ritz's cottage.

All we hear is an engaged beeping...

Who're you?

Sumio Mondo. The searcher, correct? Then I have a request for you.

Arrogantly strolling in here and then arrogantly asking for my help? You're one arrogant guy.

I wanted to meet you. I apologise for my arrogance.

Who are you, then?

Sundance Shot.


You don't remember me?


No matter...

I want you to find me.


Find me, and release this Island. In addition, release me from the toilet.

...The toilet?

I'm here because you seem unable to make it out to the airport. I've made a pact with the girl who saved you. She believes in you. Believes you will come to the toilet... Believes you will find me. That is why I am here, making my request.

Just what is the point of this ridiculous story?

My point is to have you find me.

I don't have time for games.

Just what is your job, again?

A searcher.

I mean, your job here on the Island.

To find the bomb on the plane. It was put there by a terrorist.

Then our purpose is the same, Mr. Mondo. If you find me then the bomb situation will also be... defused.

What do you mean?

I'm waiting in the airport. My flight is BJ-210.


The explosion you have been seeing every day is a warning. Don't swallow everything the manager tells you. The same day isn't being repeated on this Island, nothing of the sort. You are just releasing the program. That is your job.


Release the program of this Island, Sumio Mondo. The servant will lead you. Meet with the survivor. There you will learn the truth. The truth about us...


Here we go again. Stop making up my life story, OK?! I'm just a searcher. I've no intention of letting your delusions run my life. Having the reason for my actions dictated is what I hate most.

It looks like your overt kindness has been cured. A fiercely independent heart is not without merit.

Aren't you finished yet?

I am now. But lastly, I'll leave these with you.

Four characters will appear. You will appear, too. You should already be sensing it. That solving this mystery is to solve the mystery of yourself. This will be your toughest challenge. I'm waiting for you, Sumio Mondo. This will start again in the epilogue. The triangle tower has not forgotten you...

And with that, he leaves.

Let's check the dice that he left behind.

Just what awaits me at the end of this holiday? Who was that guy? Asking myself isn't going to help... or is it? The die and the ruins are connected. I need to decipher this ancient story!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's solve the mystery of tradition!
Page 15 of the guidebook has information on the ruins and the history:
It's a little vague (perhaps the translation?), but when it talks about the man taking everything away, that is the important part.

And that this rock is actually a grave. A symbol of the Earth... A Stone Head.

We find ourselves in the ruins, next to Hana Kaburagi and Sundance Ritz. Let's talk to them.

Lady Ritz is sad. Lady Ritz is confused. Lady Ritz is worried. Lady Ritz looked into the past. Lady Ritz is praying again. Lady Ritz has prayed. Lady Ritz has been waiting for you.

Quiet, and gentle... That child vanished into the light.

The second child was very sarcastic... But had a beautiful heart. Oh, so quick with those hands! That child's mother had it tough. But now her child is doing fine, far away. You'll meet at some point, I'm sure.

The third child... I can't recall.

The fourth child was very serious... How nostalgic this all is...! That child is on the Island now.

The fifth child was the unfortunate type. I cannot see how that one is doing now...

The sixth child? It seems that child has lost their memory.

The same for the seventh. I cannot see anything.

The eighth child was a little unstable... That child is on the Island too. I wonder if things are better now than they were?

The ninth child was strong. I see, that child looks well. Wearing a lovely uniform...

The tenth child... You must save that child...!

The eleventh child... You know all about the eleventh, don't you? Now, meet with the other me.

It was a dream...?
Now we're back in the Hotel, let's do as we normally do and head to the lobby.

Sue, how's Edo doing?


Sue, there's something I have to ask you. About that night. The only night I've had since I've been here. Edo has been really odd since then, too. What's happening to you two?

Mr. Mondo, she is waiting for you in one of the cottages.


Lady Ritz has awoken.

She said... the other me?!

You are at fault, for wanting to know the truth of these mysteries. That is why Lady Ritz has awoken.

Sue, just who are you?

I am the Medium of this Island.

The Medium...?

It was my role to inform you.

Inform me of what?

Please, meet with Lady Ritz. You can get to the cottages through the back of the restaurant. Now, go and see her.

After going through the restaurant and across the back garden (where we first met Remy and Yoshimitsu), we arrive at the cottages.

We can enter Ritz's.

We met at the grave site, right?

You have seen the ruins too, have you Mr. Mondo?

Yeah. I saw you and the old lady there too.

You... met us? I don't know what you mean, I'm sure... But every day, around this time... We take a walk out to the ruins. Lady Ritz does love the ruins.

I see...

Mr. Mondo... I will impart Lady Ritz's words to you. So please, listen as though this were Lady Ritz speaking. Are you ready?

All ready!

Today is a special day. A very important day for many people now gathered on this island. Therefore, a lot of things will happen. Some things you won't even believe are going to happen.


You are able to talk with me here because of what today is...


This is a mysterious place. It is as though something not of this world... Is lurking here, breathing softly...

The legend of the graveyard... Is that what you mean?

Please, do what Lady Ritz asks of you.

If I can...

Lady Ritz loves the water. Please, search out Lady Ritz. She said she wants to meet you again, Mr. Mondo...


Now, let me tell you something very important. This one is a present from me.


The man who once saved this Island... Did so by circling the ruins clockwise while chanting a spell.

A spell?

That's the legend passed down on this island. Tradition, mystery and time create the most beautiful decorations!

What does that mean?

Circling around the ruins is very important.

Clockwise, right? I'll remember.

I shall pray that you meet Lady Ritz, Mr. Mondo.

I don't know how she manages to breath under water, but I think there are bigger questions...

Follow behind me. Mondo, perform the release! The advent of the standing stone decoding saint!

We find ourselves at the ruins once again.

Hana told us to run clockwise around it, so that's what we have to do. Takes a little while, but eventually...

A crest reveals itself.

I need to decipher them!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's discover the truth!
Page 15 of the guidebook has information on the ruins:
I like this puzzle, it's a got some red herrings (talking about 2 wheels and 5 crows), but we're interested in the picture itself. It shows 8 + 6, which is our answer...
R-16 Ending:
Sundance Ritz's bio added to the OP, along with the original Killer7 trailer. I suppose originally it was to be a part of the Kill the Past games (Moonlight Syndrome, The Silver Case and FSR), as it featured Sundance Shot. It still makes reference to them, though, but I believe Suda went on record saying that it was not part of the same universe.