Part 24: R-18 - An American in Paris

Today is 'An American in Paris', which is the music we hear inside the airport.


The final day is finally here.

Edo, what happened to you...?

We must talk. Please, come to the front desk.


That's what Edo called today. I wonder what he meant? This day was released by Tokio Morishima. Time has returned to normal and everyday life is restored. But what is Edo really up to? And just who is this terrorist?! Look forward to all these answers and more, next time! what this feels like. The coffee is great today. I guess this is my last one after all. Final, huh? I guess I've taken more of a liking to this place than I thought. Well, on to the airport!
For the last time, let's head down to the lobby.

Everyone's come to see us!

And for everything you've done for us.

My master! I've got some great new cocktails all mixed up!

Oh? Everyone's here?

We've gathered to see you off.

Mr. Mondo, please, allow me to explain.

You mocked me, Edo. And you, Sue, you mocked me too!

Sue is right. There's no need to hold such a grudge.

Edo, aren't you the terrorist? What are you doing here? I'm going to the airport. Shouldn't the final boss be waiting there? You're the bomber, aren't you?

Actually... You are right.

I am?

This will take a while to explain...

Oh, come on! Not more lengthy exposition!

Then I'll give you the brief version.

Hold it! Allow me, please. I've hardly had anything to do until now, after all.

Anyone, please. Just talk.

The point is... This is an artificial Island.


We are its keepers. Those who keep watch on the people who come in and out. The deepest levels of the Island are a giant manufacturing plant... Where certain creatures are bred.


...Hyenas. Lospass Island is under the jurisdiction of "Elbow..." The brainwashing facility of an advanced nation. In order to escape the prying eyes of Animal Rights Organisations... This region was selected due to its ruined ecosystem.

I have no idea what you mean. Where did all this suddenly come from?

To put it simply... Our manager discovered the truth and has decided to destroy the Island. But he needed a decoy, and so he called in...

That's everything. I'm very sorry.

So your job for me was all just a lie?

No, it's real. I mean, it has become real.


The terrorist stole the bomb from the airport... And placed it on a plane in order to stop the explosion.

That's why the plane explodes every day?


So who's responsible? That Sundance guy?

We don't know.

Please, Mr. Mondo. Blow up this Island.

OK. This is my final job, after all. You know what they say... In travelling, companionship. In life, compassion.

I think I'm going to make it, this time. Take care of yourselves! I won't need the guidebook, either. You can have it back.

We have a car waiting for you just beyond the diner.

One of those fancy environmental deals?

No, your Celica.

Oh, Giggs!

Mati will give you further details. She's in charge of things over there.

Yeah, I thought I couldn't see her here...

She's in the diner.

That's one hard-working woman.

She's waiting for Step to come back.

You too, right Sue?

Oh, this isn't the time...

Huh? What've you got to be embarrassed about?

Step and Sue are engaged to be married!

No way!


Hah ha ha ha!

Hah ha ha ha!

Tee hee hee...

... What's so funny?

Ahem! Please, Mr. Mondo, take care out there.

"Flower, Sun and Rain" was me all along, wasn't it?

Please, take care of yourself Mr. Mondo.

Be well, my master!
Now, onto the diner, to meet with Mati.

Your car is parked at the gate ahead. It sounds like things are pretty bad over at the airport.

I'd expect as much. This is the big finish, after all.

Do you have any questions?

Edo and the others told me everything back in the hotel. I'm just going to focus on my work, anyway.

Very well. Take care, Mr. Mondo.

Thank you. Take care of yourself too, Mati...

Looks like we're finally heading to the airport. It's further on from the diner.

Ken! Giggs! Purple crocodile!

You brought Giggs here for me?

At Mati's request.

She's a good person, isn't she? Take care of her.

Yeah. I'll look after her until Step gets back. There's no need for you to worry.

You're a fune young man, Ken.

You think?

I'm glad you're the last one to see me off.

And come back to see us sometime.

I will do, for sure. Look after yourself.

You too!

Let's go, Giggs!

Off to the airport. Thankfully we don't have to walk.

Finally, we've made it. Who's this guy?

An explosion.

That's beyond your reach, sir.

It is? Care to tell me why?

You aren't going any further than this.

Sorry, but please, get out of the way.

Move and I'll explode.

Don't be silly.

You are the silly one! Leave this place. Or I will explode.

Oh boy...

Here to stop me, are you?

I'm regretting some of my choices, actually... I've played around a little too much.

With what?

My bet weakened me. My bet with you.


In other words... I want to cancel out our bet by saving your life.

Saving me? You? I don't need your brand of "saving".

Please, don't be like that. I'm the one who made these.

Bombs? These guys are all rigged to explode?

A wonderful name, don't you agree?

I assume you are coming to the point...?

Shutting down all of them will trigger the switch on the Mother Bomb. You need to shut down every Fantisista in the airport.

And the island will explode?

Then the game will end.

You didn't need to give that much away.

See you again.

I hope not.

Oh, we will meet again. I promise you. I shall be standing in your way.

You're persistent, I'll give you that.


A little repetition for the folks at home! Each of these Fantasista has a bomb nestled inside. There's only one way to defuse it. Enter the correct code. They have numbers on their front and back... And a badge on their arm, too. So if the front is 5, the back 4 and the badge a +, the answer is 9. 5+4=9, for those who really need it spelled out! I'll deal with all of them in this area!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Open! Catherine! Let's diffuse this bomb!
As Sumio explained, the Fantasista's have two numbers and an operator. It's very simple. This one has 33 on the front, 79 on the back and a + on his arm.

And with that, we can enter the airport.

I wish I had a calculator with me. Maths isn't my strong point. This is one job I'm not cut out for... Enough complaining! Game on!

This is where it gets silly. We have to defuse 7 Fantasistas on this floor. I won't bother showing you each one.

Oh yeah, and there are 3 floors. Each one has 7 or 8 Fantastistas to defuse. Once we've gone round each floor and defused each one...

Here we are, Gate 2. You might remember it from the first update (I'd recommend giving it a quick look over again - well, just the first part).

Past the toilets, we find the gate.

Here's the captain and a stewardess...

Let's go back to the toilets... they do look familiar.

Well, that was odd. Let's see what they have to say now.

Slowly raise your hands!

The game now switches to Toriko's point of view... been wondering where she's been!

Let's go back and save Sumio!

You're Kamui too.

But who's Kamui?

A strategic weapon.

With what purpose?

To move among humans, and then kill them. That's Kamui.

So I'm a weapon too?

That's right. But also a human.

What should I do, then?

It'll be OK. The one who will release you will be back.

To save me? So who will release me?

A friend of my father's. This is the moment the saviour appears.

He does?

In a minute. Just hold on.

Erm... okay. Now the game switches back to Sumio. Or, switches to another Sumio?

Looks like we have one last mystery to solve.

No idea. It's pretty messed up, whatever it is.

I... don't know what any of this means.

Just calm down, Remy.

Are you sure this isn't just a bug?

Open! The number in the instruction manual! Bring order to this warped world!

When hurtling into mystery, mysteries call up more mystery. What is a mystery without mystery when mystery proceeds? Don't think. Think, and there is no mystery. Solve it, and you'll understand. Hurtle on toward the ideal of solving all mystery! Thank you, Catherine! Thank you for your love!
In the first update, Sumio told us to look in the instruction booklet for our birthday. It actually just has 4 blank boxes for you to write it in. We have to recall that number now...
Flower, Sun and Rain Ending:

(note: credits run from 3:30 to 7:50)
The end. I hope you now understand. What's left to do now? Well, I'll do one last update with all the day's Lost and Found items, which will unlock a set of costumes, which I'll show off. I suppose I should also post a video of some gameplay footage of The Silver Case, which might explain a tiny bit of the ending.