Part 25: Costumes and Unlocks
Costumes and Unlocks
After completing the game, you can interact with your closet:

This allows you to change your costume. Costumes are unlocked by progressing through the Lost and Found items (except Peter's). They are the following:
Peter Bocchwinkur (unlocked after beating the game):

Edo Macalister uniform:



Japanese garb:

Luchadore costume (La Parka inspired):

And finally, after getting all 51 Lost and Found items... the best costume in any game ever... Travis f'n Touchdown!

In addition to costumes, you can also unlock upgrades through the step counter, as I covered in previous updates. The unlocks are as follows:
1000 Steps - Search System
5000 Steps - Search System MAX UP (increases to 10)
10000 Steps - Search System MAX UP (increases to 15)
20000 Steps - Search System MAX UP (increases to 20)
30000 Steps - Search System MAX UP and Charge Speed Up (increases to 25* and a search is reduced to 50 steps to charge)
40000 Steps - Search System MAX UP (increases to 30)
50000 Steps - Sound Test (viewed from the Goods menu)
75000 Steps - Movement Speed UP (hold L to run very fast - similar to NMH)
100000 Steps - X Search System Fully Open - (increases to... 999 I guess?)
510000 Steps - All Get (unlocks everything... though by this stage, you'll have everything anyway)
*When I got this, I think it glitched, because it didn't seem to limit my searches. I ended up with over 100 stored. When I hit 40,000 steps, it went back down to 30 though.
Tomorrow I'll update with all the Lost and Found items that I did not include in regular updates, with explanations for all the ones that I actually know (you can help me with the others!).