The Let's Play Archive

Front Mission 3

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 115: Mission #47: Linny Still Sucks

Mission #47: Linny Still Sucks

: Wulong is in their way. The mission is moving slowly.
: I'm worried about Kazuki. Let's head to Nanjing!

: What do we do?
: If they get to Nanjing, we won't gain control of it. I think it may be better to stop them here.
: You know, we might die.
Jose, you are a joke that never gets old.
: We won't fight them to the end. We just need to buy time until Kazuki reaches Nanjing.
: Easier to say than to do...Let's expect the worst.

Emma's team, or, more accurately, Emma, Yun and some dead weight.
: Enemies! Enemies from the rear!
: Weren't they supposed to be attacking Nanjing?
: What should we do?
: We can't just stand here! Engage them!
Great. The enemies are tanks and missile wanzers. They might as well blow themselves up and save me the few turns it'll take me to massacre them.

If Front Mission 3 has taught me anything, it's that tanks have no future.

Oh, there's a grenade launcher too, but it's only the one, and I've got Jose and Linny to act as human shields.

Emma gets to work on another helicopter, I'm glad we've finally reached the point in the game where they've become nothing more than floating blobs of potential experience.

And Yun reaches the missile wanzers meaning this mission has effectively ended.

Missile wanzers and short range combat do not mix, to the point where even Jose can take them out.

But, as if to make Jose look even better, Linny manages to fail to take out the grenade launcher.

At least Double Assault finally went off.

With decent, if not overwhelming results.

Yun kills the enemies' boss who was hanging out in a tank for some reason.
: I can't believe it! Am I going to die here!?

And Linny finishes off the fight by finding his true calling: killing essentially unarmed foot soldiers.

Damn you, Linny! You almost cost me a platinum! Yun gets MVP.

: We can't take much more of this. We'll retreat back to Huangshan.
: Impossible. We'll be surrounded.
: Don't worry, Kazuki will come and save us. Just hang in there.
So...we lost and have to retreat. How did that happen?

Next Time: Nothing Says Fun Like A Escort Mission!