The Let's Play Archive

Front Mission 3

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 74: Mission #11: Fuck the Heat

Penguin, I've decided that in the spirit of sportsmanship, you will be spared from my wrath. But anyone who submits a design with a flamethrower does so at their own peril.

Okay, let's do this update, I'm sure I'll be able to keep an even keel and not let the events of tonight overly impact this update.

Mission #11: Fuck the Heat

: I'm Dennis Vicarth, a FAI agent. We'll leave Japan on a transport and join the 3rd fleet. You won't be able to come back to Japan for a while.
: That's fine. How do we get the transport off the ground?
: There's no runaway nearby.
: You Japanese people lack imagination. We can use something else as a runaway.
That's unfair Dennis, it's wrong to stereotype people...except for the people of Miami, who are, without exception, leathery monstrosities who lack souls. I look forward to the day when the rising water levels created by global warming sink their city beneath the waves. Hell, I think I'm going to go down to the store and buy a bunch of aerosol cans to help speed up the process.
: Something else?
: There's a bridge under construction nearby.
: Oh, you mean the Shin-Ohgishima Bridge?
: You're gonna use that bridge for a runaway!?
Frankly, I can't see the point in living anymore, let's do it!
: The bridge is almost complete. It's fine.
: Geez... Emma, will it be okay?
: Sure, if he says so.
: That's all. We need to leave soon. The enemy is coming.

That's...apt to draw some attention.

: Stop them before they reach the bridge!
: Yes, sir!

: No. They're the ones who have been chasing us all along. Dennis, Do you recognize whose those wanzers are from?
: There's some variation, but they're definitely Da Han Zhong.
: What's the Da Han Zhong army doing here?
Well, there's a very specific answer to that question, but it doesn't happen to be even slightly interesting.
: Dennis, you go on ahead. We'll hold them off.
: Acknowledged. Take them out. It may be troublesome trying to take off under fire.
: Dude, easier said than done...
: You can always stay in Japan if you don't like it.
: Aww, don't say that. You'll miss me when I'm gone...
Ryogo, you have no idea how soul-crushing it is that I have to go through both branches of the game dealing with you.

Three of us, four of them. Two Jinyos, a Wude and a Laiying. Capturing either the Wude or Laiying would be nice, but not so important that I'm willing to go out of my way to do it.

At this point, un-upgraded Jinyos are basically no threat at all.

The only difficulty with this map is that half of its is raised platforms that make it harder to attack enemies who camp up there.

No threat at all.

The Wude, on the other hand, is marginally more threatening because it can take more hits. Also, its name is only one letter away from 'Wade' meaning that I irrationally hate it on sight.

I fucking hate Dwyane Wade, and yeah, that's how his name is spelled, apparently his mother didn't know how to spell 'Dwayne' and was apparently too busy teaching him the finer points of douchery to fill out the forms needed to give him a proper name. In game-related news, this Wude just hit Kazuki's legs, a nice break for me.

The elevator then immediately breaks down again.
: Tch! That's why you can't trust the Japanese...
: Dennis, what're you doing!? Hurry up and get on top!
: The elevator's broken. I need to repair it. Buy me some time!
: No way! You're kidding me...
: Hey, quit messing around!
: I've decided. I'm never buying Japanese again.
Our next mission will be breaking Dennis out of a heavily fortified sensitivity training seminar.

There, now the Wude is dead.

Meanwhile, the Laiying is peppering my wanzers with missiles. Look at how weak it is...I know that one of you is already thinking of building me a melee wanzer with it just to spite me.

I order Ryogo to execute Liu, who can take his talents to the South Beach of hell. The first attack doesn't do enough damage...

Nor does his second...

Finally, Ryogo's third try proves the charm, and Liu's wanzer is demolished.

Thus is the fate of all traitors!

Emma finally finishes that Jinyo I crippled at the start of the battle which had just been standing around for virtually the entire duration of the fight.

And Ryogo gets to be the one who kills the Laiying, which is fitting, seeing as he was repeatedly killed when one of you built him a wanzer centered around a Laiying body.

Low-accuracy attacks cost me here. Still, it's good enough.

Yeah, yeah, see you in the DHZ, Real Number.

Next Time: We are punished with an assignment to a hellish land devoid of hope and sanity...Australia!