The Let's Play Archive

Front Mission 3

by Smasher Dynamo

Part 87: Mission #23: Why Can't Jose Shoot?

I need more builds, for example, Jose has exactly zero designs submitted. Dig deep, I know that after a billion missions, you're tired of me and this game. I mean, I am too, but we must soldier on for the children of the future, who can be spared from having to play through both branches of this game!

Mission #23: Why Can't Jose Shoot?


Wulong posted:

We're Wulong, the
traveling mercenaries.
Our lineup of forces
can now be seen
on a web site.

Please take a look
Wulong leader, Rudolf

That could be trouble ahead

Jinguji posted:

You're going to the DHZ?

That country is in the
middle of civil war.
Look at the Department of
Public Safety web site's
DHZ page. The
password is "D8Z"

I always thought of
you like a son.
I even considered you
as my daughter's groom.
Come back safe.
I'll never believe
you're a criminal.

: ...(He's nice.) (Who is he?)
: What's the matter?
: This guy named Shizuka Jinguji...
: Oh, the engineer at Kirishima?
: What?
Not interesting last time, not interesting this time, although I appreciate that it got a resolved a bit earlier this time.

Anyway, to set the scene, the party is in hot pursuit of Lukav...again. Anyway, the traitorous USN ambassador told the party Lukav would be in a factory on the outskirts of town, and, well, that's where we are now.

: That's strange...
: What is it, Dennis?
: From what I heard, Lukav is supposed to be here...
: Maybe he knew we were coming and ran away?

Yeah, it's a trap.
: You had me tricked with your little decoy operation... It's time for me to return the favor. Enjoy my little trap. If this operation succeeds, my superiors will see my talent. You will all be sacrificed for my benefit!
: We've been had. Lukav isn't here.
: Dammit, how low are they!? If they want a fight, they'll get one!

Jose, Yun, Emma and Dennis are your pilots. See that silver tank? There are similar tanks are around the battlefield. They're full of napalm. They'll explode if you shoot them, or, failing that, one will randomly explode every turn. If any wanzers are nearby they take damage.
: What happened?! There's napalm everywhere. Don't get caught in the explosion!
I ain't a-feared of no napalm distillery!

The enemies are a few Yongsais and Tiandongs, and Han has a giant four-legged wanzer with a grenade launcher. Yun gets things off on the right foot...

Still, I demand more from my wanzers. What else can you do for me?

And Yun finishes off the enemy with one last Zoom I. Solid.

Oh, Jose, I know you're trying, but, well, I'm going to need you to try harder.

As if to further highlight Jose's incompetence, Yun executes another wanzer.

You know, Jose, according to your backstory, your accidentally killed your wife with your wanzer during a military operation. I frankly have no fucking idea how that's possible, since you seem utterly incapable of doing any real damage to anyone!

Dennis, of all people, cleans up after Jose's mess.

Emma has a pretty quiet mission, punctuated mainly by her odd predilection for blowing up the empty arms of enemy wanzers.

Jose, I don't know exactly how one would go about about making a suicidal ex-solider looking to die in battle's life more miserable, but I will fucking find a way!

You can see Han's big wanzer on the edge of the map. For whatever reason, it hasn't really moved or attacked in this entire mission. I'm not eager to provoke it and its grenade launcher, but I guess it's time...

Jose...I don't know what I'm going to do with you.

Yun finishes Han off.
: Impossible! It can't end here! I was destined to command this army...

Emma claims me another Yongsai, and that's the end.

Perfect? Really? Yun gets MVP.

: I'm not sure. They may have lured us here so they could escape.
: What? You mean the ambassador's unreliable...?
: The ambassador may have sold us out!
: You mean the ambassador's working with Lukav?
: Isn't it a little strange? The enemies always ambush us. Do you think someone is leaking our plans to the enemy?
: Then what about the other units that were supposed to help?
: It's a good chance they're being tricked, too.
: Let's pull back for now, then. Let's replan this by ourselves.
Another heroic failure anti-success for our party!

Next Time: Arson, the solution to all of life's problems.

Submit more wanzer designs! Do it! Now! No time to think! Go!