Part 15

Hey. How come we never go out?


Think about it. We've been flying all over Kukubia for what, four months now? We're visiting all these planets that we've never seen before, and not once have we actually stopped and had a look around. It's just sell, buy, skedaddle. Every time.

That's because we're there on business. We don't get paid to go sightseeing.

Oh please. It's not like we're ever in a hurry. Half the time we're just lounging around on the ship.
You're lounging around on the ship. I'm doing the bookkeeping.

The books'll keep themselves for a few hours. Come on. Let's go. Call it market research.

Apparently this is the place to come if you wanna see know, those guys. The fortune tellers?

The Grand Sages?

Right. I think we should go. Could be fun.

I didn't know you were into that sort of thing.

I'm not, but right now, it's looking like it's either that or an afternoon of blobs.

Fair point.

Ah. You are Slev and Tark'la, yes? Welcome.

You know our names?

More like they've seen our ads.

For what purpose have you journeyed here?

Boredom. You guys are like, psychics or something, right? Let's see some hoodoo.

Then it is our wisdom you seek. Very well. You, young one, are impatient. Reckless. You act without caution and without regard for others. If you do not learn to examine yourself and curb your selfishness, woe will be your future.

If only it were as simple as telling him.

Hey, talk all you like, but my "selfishness"? Seems to have paid off pretty well so far.

It has found you wealth, yes. But focusing on wealth alone will blind you to that which is truly important.

Oh. Of course. "Money can't buy happiness", right? Gimme a break. It's real easy to say that money isn't important when you don't know what it's like to not have any.

Yes, I'm sure the
ascetic monks have no idea what being poor is like.

That doesn't count. They chose to live this way. Most people didn't.

Forget this. We're going. I didn't come here to listen to platitudes.

So be it. If words alone will not reach you, adversity must be your teacher.

Wonderful. The first time off we've had in four months and you manage to get us cursed.

Ah, quit whining. You're not telling me you believe in that crap, are you? It's just a dumb tourist trap.

You were the one who wanted to go.

Yeah, 'cause I didn't realise just how dumb it was. Can you believe people travel all the way across the galaxy to see those guys? And did you notice that they had a
donation bowl? "That which is truly important" my ass. What a crock.


What are you giving me that look for?


Oh, you're not still on about this "curse", are you? Come on. Taxes get raised. It happens. It's not like it only affects us.

...understand your frustration, but there's simply nothing I can do. Our records indicate that over the past few weeks, you have become significantly more...

Therefore, we are obliged to raise your premiums. Our sincere apo-

Your records are
wrong, okay? We haven't had a single accident since we started this company. Not

Be that as it may, we are quite confident that you will do so...
...very soon. know, "speech impediment" or not, this is sounding pretty damn suspect.

I don't know what you're implying, sir. We at Voyager's Insurance care only about our customers. However, without their financial support...

"We can't guarantee their safety"?


We...we can't...guarantee...

I have to go now, sir. Goodbye.


Okay. This is definitely a more personal issue, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence.


Heh. Bro Naps. What do you do, huh?


Whatever that was, I'm sure we didn't need it.

Those were our oxygen tanks, sir.


And we did need them, sir.
Very much.
Alright! Point fucking taken! I am a believer! Put me in a pointy hat and call me Merlin! Curses are real!

Who are you talking to?

...I dunno. Just the universe in general, I guess.


That was good, though. I liked the part where you actually admitted to being wrong about something. Suddenly all those mishaps don't seem so bad.

Good for you.

In fact, I wouldn't mind making a recording of that. Do you think you could say it again?


Just the bit about the pointy hat.
Go away.