Part 17

What the hell was that?!

I believe it was a torpedo, sir.



Well, that clears
that up.

Incoming transmission, sirs. Shall I let it through, sirs?

From someone who says "hello" with missiles? I don't think we can afford not to.

Oth bragsa! Kad'ro ga Baid-Rowel!

Hey fuckwit! What the hell do you think you're doing?! You could have killed us!

Sir, I don't mean to alarm you, but I suspect that was the intent.


Yeah. That took far longer to click than it should've done.

Kab-on gakcha! Hazak'a kab-on gakcha!

What language is that? What do they want?!


I gather that they are not interested in negotiation, sir.

What do we do? They'll destroy the ship at this rate!

I shall do my best to evade them, sirs. In the meantime, I would suggest contacting the authorities, sirs.

Galaxy Police.


Sir, please calm down and explain your sit-

Our ship is being attacked! Some psychos just started firing on us out of nowhere!

What is your current location?


We are currently 7.63091 kuters from Nosh, bearing 220 mark 11, sir.

...right. What he said.

Understood. We'll be there as soon as possible.

Sirs, we cannot hold out much longer. I must advise you to initiate evacuation procedures at once.

Evacuation. Right. Uh...passengers! We need to tell the passengers. Slev, get on the intercom.



I've never done this before. What do I say?

I don't know! Anything! Just get them off the ship!

Okay, okay. Uh...
Emergency. Emergency. The ship is under attack. All crew and passengers, make your way to the escape pods immediately. I repeat, make your way to the escape pods immediately.

That was good. Very authoritative.

Really? Tha-

Yeah. How about holding that thought for now?

Agreed. I think we've got some pods in our office. Let's get out of-

Whoa, whoa, WHOA. We're not going
anywhere until we've made sure everyone else is out safely.


That's...unusually noble of you.

I don't wanna get sued. If that counts as "noble" these days...


Is everyone accounted for, sirs?

Everyone except you. Hurry up and get to the pods. We'll meet you there.

No, sir. I'm sorry sir, but I must remain at the helm.

Are you crazy?! The ship's falling apart! You have to get out!

No, sir. I will attempt to keep us intact until the police arrive, sir. I'm afraid I will not be swayed on this matter, sir.


Slev. His mind's made up. We have to go, now.

