Part 20

Man. I'm gonna have to take out another loan just to get
started here. This'll be a rough few months.

Mr. Zinn is not willing to offer further assistance, sir?

I had to lick his boots for a whole evening just to get the extra fifty grand. If I push him any harder right now...well, let's just say I've seen enough of hospital already.

No, I think we're gonna have to go official on this one.

There is no justice, sir.

Ahem. May I help you?

Yeah. I'd like 100,000 kubars, please.

I see. Ahem.

You are aware that 100,000 kubars is your credit limit?

Yeah. So?

Ahem. Should your loan amount exceed your credit limit and you are unable to rectify it by the following week, your company will be bankrupted. Immediately. Ahem.

Yeah. So?

...I can process the loan for you if you want. I'm merely saying that borrowing an amount equal to your credit limit is not the wisest thing to do, ahem.

I'm not gonna be spending it all. It's just less trouble to borrow as much as I can and pay back whatever I don't use. Real model of efficiency, this whole system.

As you wish. Ahem. you need a lozenge or something?


For your cough.

Ahem. I do not have a cough, ahem.

So why do you keep doing that?



I am a highly evolved fungus. My "coughing" simply releases spores. Ahem.

Are you familiar with
cordyceps unilateralis at all?

I see.


Ah, sir? If you have a moment, perhaps you could tune into the weather channel, sir. I believe this report may concern you.

What the hell is Wess Vapour?

Radioactive debris particles, sir. Should we run into it, I'm afraid you will have to pay to have the ship decontaminated. That or spend the remainder of your career being bombarded with gamma rays, sir.


The passengers, sir. And the crew. There would be lawsuits.

Yeah, I guess. Oh, speaking of passengers...

There. Think that'll get people to spend 5,000 kubars per ticket?

I have no doubt, sir. In any event, I would recommend avoiding Xeen if at all possible, sir. If not, perhaps I might suggest Voyager's Insurance...?


For this one particular journey, sir. And only if you plan on going to Xeen, sir.


It would almost certainly cost less to have it than not to, sir.


It's only twelve hundred kubars this week, sir. Quite a bargain.


Sir, I understand the need to conserve money wherever possible, but your aversion to purchasing insurance borders on genuine psychosis.



Yes sir.

Good. We're not going to Xeen anyway, so relax.

As you say, sir. May I ask where we
will be going, sir?

Loro, I think. Gonna grab some of these X Fuels.

Wouldn't Vexx be the better option then, sir?

Nah. Twice as far for a 1% difference? Wouldn't nearly be worth all that fuel.

Besides, our engine isn't exactly the fastest. If we stick to planets that are nearby, there'll be less chance of someone else getting there first.

To Loro then, sir?

To L...

Sorry, sir?

Heh. Déjà vu.


Yes. Loro. Go.