Part 21

Hey. Do we have any romaine?


Lettuce. Or cabbage. Spinach. Something leafy. I just got the worst hankering all of a sudden.

I wouldn't know, sir. Anything other than nutrient paste tends to give me colic, sir.

Okay. I'm gonna go outside for a bit.

Outside, sir?

Yeah. I'll be on top of the ship if you need me.

Sir, we are in mid-flight.


You can't go outside, sir. You'll die.


Right! You're right. Can't go outside. Space and all that. I'll just get a stepladder or something.

...very...good, sir?

Damn. That's a straight 35,000 kubars we just made, minus the ads. You weren't kidding about passengers.

Yes, sir. And unlike commodities, you needn't worry about them being snatched up by rival companies, sir.

Mm. Just as well I listened to you, I guess. Cargo trade's looking pretty grim, with these smaller price ranges.

Still, at least we made something. I think we'll have just about enough to get that loan paid off now.

That's good to hear, sir.

Yeah. Not exactly looking forward to going back there, though. That Trader's Union guy gives me the creeps. Sitting there and breeding right in front of me. Grossed me the
fuck out.

Breeding, sir?

Yeah, he's some kind of fungus. Spent the whole time hacking up spores and going on about Cordyceps University or something.

"Cordyceps University", sir?

I think so. Why?

I...think perhaps you should look up "cordyceps", sir.

Uh...okay, but I don't see what it has to do with...

Wait, what the hell is...

That's...oh god. What the

Well, we've managed to remove the spores from your system. You should be back to normal in a day or two. Frankly, though, I'm horrified at the conduct of that official. You should take him to court.

Yeah. Tempting, but I'd rather just let this one go.

Why? I'm sure you'd win. A simple DNA test would prove-

Would you want people knowing you almost had another dude's babies?

...I see your point.

Hey pilot. Why don't you and the crew go chill out for a while?

"Chill out", sir?

Yeah, you know. It's Loro. They don't call it the Pleasure Planet for nothing. Take a break, have some fun. We've got time. this really necessary, sir?

What do you mean "is it necessary"? I just thought you could use some R&R.

It's just...I enjoy working, sir. The idea of vacationing has never really appealed to me. I'm not entirely sure I'd know what to do with myself, sir.

Look, we're gonna be here for a few days anyway. You might as well make the most of it.

I suppose if you think it's best, sir.

Hmm. Too early to tell what's happening with the stock market. Should probably just wait and see where it goes for a couple of weeks.

Can't afford to ignore it, though. I'm gonna have to pull out all the stops this time, or those other guys'll leave me in the dust.

Looks like we're headed for Bass anyway. I guess I can always stop by and see our broker.


Aaaand now I'm talking to
myself. Get a grip, Tark'la.

Sir, I wish to offer my sincere thanks for the short break. It has proven most delightful.

Really? And here I thought you weren't into vacations. Loro changed your mind, did it?

In a manner of speaking, sir.





It's,'s not important, sir. Are we leaving now, sir?

Um, sure. I think I'm about done here. Whenever you're ready.

Very well, sir. I hope we can come back soon, sir.