Part 24

Wow. This is paying off faster than I thought it would.

Don't change the subject.

...were we on another subject?

Yes. It just hasn't been said out loud yet.


Oh, I see. The insurance.

Damn right the insurance. See, I can't help but notice that absolutely nothing bad happened to us on the way here. So that's 51 kubars we'll never see again. I hope you're happy.

I don't know of
anyone else who can complain about a journey going smoothly.

Hello, 50,000 kubars!

All finished grousing now?

Big wads of cash take the sting off everything.

And then taxes come along to pour salt in it.

Seriously. That passenger tax is daylight robb-


Er...daylight, er...

Good grief. I'm turning into

There might just be hope for you yet, buddy.

Sirs? If I may be so bold, perhaps now would be a good time to see about having our engine upgraded. Seeing as we are on Pyke, sirs.

Yeah, I was gonna say. If we got 10,000 kubars from our facilities...

...then three companies visited here last week. And they probably got upgrades.

Right. Can't let ourselves fall behind.

I'm pleased to hear that, sirs.

You like engines, do you?

I like going fast, sir. I'm afraid it's something of a vice.

Not too fast, I hope.

Ah. No, sir. The Noble Venture's engine was over a hundred kuarps, sir. I don't think you need worry too much just yet.

Hello, and welcome to L-Tech. How can I...
oh fucking god almighty

Hey! Fancy meeting you again.

You know each other?

Kind of. This is the same guy I spoke to when I was buying the ship.

You remember, don't you?

Oh yes. I remember. I remember
very well.

We're sold out. Sorry.

Sold out of what? You don't even know what we want yet.

We're sold out of everything.


Yep. Everything. I
just got done checking our inventory and, would you believe, it turns out we don't
have an inventory right now! So you'll just have to come back another time. I'd suggest weekends.

Is that when you restock?

No. It's when I'm off-duty. Have a nice day, now.

Alright. What did you do to him?

What makes you think I did anything?


Well, I guess I
might have been a little too chatty last time I was here.

So much for stepping up our game, then.

Maybe he'll be more cooperative next week.

Maybe. But for now, Vexx is in dire need of some Whip Cream. I say we help out.

Heh. Perhaps we should pay the magistrate a visit while we're there. I'm sure he'd be happy to lower the passenger tax if we asked nicely.


You know what?

...oh no.

Oh yeah.
No, Tark'la. It was just a joke.

And now it isn't anymore. You might wanna get your suit pressed.

I think I need to have my
mouth pressed.

Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!

What? What is it?!

We just won the fucking lottery!

Really?! How much did we get?

16,400 kubars!

So...about half a week's earnings, then.

Huh. Yeah, now that I actually think about it, that is a little underwhelming.

A little bit, yes.

Man. All these years I've dreamed about winning the lottery, and now it actually happens and it's a total letdown.

I know what you mean. Five or six months ago, I'd have been thrilled. Now it's just a bit of extra money in the bank. Kind of makes you think.

God, this is just
depressing. I wish I hadn't won the fucking thing now. I'm gonna go give this to charity or something.

You're going to do

what the fuck did i just say