Part 39

Gentlemen. Welcome. I am pleased to see that you have all decided to attend.

First, allow me to thank you for coming on such short notice. I understand that-

Yes, yes, ha ha. Very accurate. Could we get to the point?


Do I come into
your ship and act like I own the place? Do I interrupt you while you're talking?

Yes. You do.

Exactly. Do you want to be like me, Mr. Roke? Wanna step into my shoes? Live my life? Because if you do, that's cool. I'll let you fill in for a while. Maybe later we can go down to the store and have you fitted for

Hey, tell you what. I shed my skin once a month, and I'm due in about a week. Should I save it for you, Mr. Roke? Would you like that? Just say the word. I'll even rinse it off for you.

shall i tell you which moisturiser to use mr roke

You''re breathing on my eye.

As I was saying! We are all here because Hoff Miester is a son of a bitch. You know it, I know it. The question is, what are we gonna do about it?

We? As in us, individually? Because I was mostly just planning on moping around and feeling useless.

Okay, let me rephrase. The
rhetorical question is, what are we gonna do about it? And here is the answer...

You can't seriously think that's going to work.

Why not?

Are you going to make me go into detail? Because we'll be here for a while.

Puffer? What do you think?

Er. Well. I don't know that I'd be much help, even if I did go along with it. I haven't really got much to contribute.

So neither of you are interested.


Not really.

Fine. Changing tack, then. Would either of you like a doughnut?

These are stale.

Yeah. Hoff sent them to me a couple of weeks ago. Said they were a "consolation prize."

And now you're foisting them off on us?

Sure. Why not? You might as well eat them, because I'm sure as hell not going to. Not even one.

You know why? Because I'm not going to settle for this. He wants this to be my reward? Fuck him. I did not build Gizzy Shipping up from a twenty kubar bill just to walk away with a box of fried batter.

I know I can't win. Not anymore. It's far, far too late for any of us to be winners. But that doesn't mean we have to be losers either. If two guys cross the finish line before you, you don't just stop running. You keep on trying for the bronze medal. And if it all goes to shit then at least you know you went down fighting.

Now, if you guys wanna eat the doughnuts, that's fine. You go right ahead. I can do this by myself if I have to. I only involved you because...well, hell. We've been working together for months and we all got screwed by the same dude. Do I consider you bros? Yeah. I guess I do. And do I think you have the stones to make this happen? Yeah. I do.



Am I wrong to think that?

We're going to have to clear up this "bros" thing later. But yes. Fine. Count me in.

Alright, alright. I suppose I something. I dunno. I'm in too.

Now that's what I like to hear. Kind of. Little more enthusiasm would have been nice!

I find I can't do enthusiasm in the same room as you. It's the strangest thing.

Whatever. The important thing is, it's settled. Tomorrow we'll...

PUFFER what the FUCK are you doing

...having a doughnut.
No. Weren't you listening? Did any part of this conversation register in your brain?
We don't eat the doughnuts.

Right. I, I get the analogy and everything, but they're just doughnuts. It doesn't actually matter in a literal sense.

give me the doughnut

I haven't eaten in days!

give me the doughnut puffer