Part 46

No fucking way.

No fucking way.

Welp. That's it. I am literally going to starve.

I knew this wouldn't work.

Hey. Roke.

Shut up.

Look. I know this ain't much comfort, gave it all you had, and it was a damn good shot. Can't expect nothin' more than that.

I don't care! There has to be something we can do! We just need one more week!



One. More.
Fucking. Week.

I'm sorry, everyone. We tried our best.

Yeah, well. Maybe we were asking too much anyway. Don't worry about it. Shit happens, right? All the time. Everywhere in the universe.

Shit happens.

I can't fucking believe this. We were so close.

Tark'la. Vandergriff's right. There's no point moping over what we didn't do. We've got every reason to be proud of what we
did do.

I know, but...god
damn it. If we just had one thing,
one thing to give us a little extra push...


...or what?

Or to give Hoff Miester a little extra debt.



Sirs. If I may.

I believe I have an idea.

My crew, my associates, my friends. We have been experiencing difficulties as of late, as I'm sure you're aware. I have pushed all of you extremely hard. Perhaps harder than was reasonable. Some of you voice concerns that I am acting unprofessionally.

I will be frank. Several rival businesses became envious of our success, and sought to undo us. They employed every treachery imaginable to drive us into the ground, and they came all too close to succeeding. I behaved as I did out of concern for the welfare of this company and all within it.

As of now, this state of affairs has ended.

Within the next few weeks, I shall be meeting with Emperor Dred Nicolson to discuss the future of Hoff Miester. The
glorious future of Hoff Miester. The future that each and every one of you have helped to realise.

In light of your unwavering dedication, your salaries will be increased by a hundred kubars per person, effective now. I hope you will find this appropriate compensation.

That is all. Thank you for your time.

Alas, there is naught left but to bask in victory.

They put up a fine struggle. Perhaps another box of doughnuts would be in order.

Mr. Miester? Someone just dropped this package off for you. Super special delivery.

Ah. My royal summons, no doubt. Very timely.

That's a big box for a summons.

On one hand, that is true. On the other, it is Emperor Dred. I would not be surprised if he'd sent me a bust of himself to go with it.

Fair point.

Thank you. You may go.


Now, let us see what-


...good dog.
Nice dog.