The Let's Play Archive

Glass Rose

by HydroSphere

Part 30: 23rd October 1929 - 22:00.

Hachiya looks around while standing at the door.

Video: Hachiya's secret.

Off to try annoy Ihara and Katagiri.

Listen, that guy isn't the Kazuya Nanase you're looking for.

What are you talking about?

Ayako shows up, preventing Takashi from eavesdropping any further.


Ayako, are you okay?

Ayako sways, Takashi tries to steady her.

Oh, I...

Ayako! What‘s the matter?


You want me to help you...?

I've been waiting and waiting for him... But he never comes...


Who is this “he”...?

He's... I... Oh!

I'm... waiting... waiting for him... He just won't forgive me...

Kazuya... I...

I'm... all right now...

Good night...


What was Hachiya reading on the sly...?

So many unanswered questions!

If I uncover the secrets of the people in this mansion... will they lead me to the truth of this case...?

Who is Kazuya Nanase? How can I find out...?