
Let's Play God of War III

God of War III was released March 16, 2010 for the Playstation 3. It was highly anticipated after the success and cliffhanger ending of God of War II. Like its predecessor, it took everything from the game before and turned it up to 11. Serious graphical improvements and boss battles so large it is hard to tell where your character even is.
God of War III follows the adventures of the once god of war turned mortal, Kratos. It atarts where God of War II ended, with Kratos riding on the back of the titan Gaia as she and the other titans are scaling Mount Olympus after they were time travelled using the the mirrors of the Sisters of Fate and the Blade of Olympus that Kratos took by force so he could have revenge against his father, Zeus. The story gets a little strange, but it fits in pretty perfectly in how Greek mythology is set up.
Videos will be anywhere between 20-30 minutes long and will be updated at least once a week if not twice. I will be playing through the game on Titan (Hard) difficulty. Blip will always be the higher quality of the two. For the download right-click and save as.
I haven't played or watched God of War I or II. Is there a way for me to see those? You are in luck. I have already done Let's Plays for both of those games. God of War I God of War II
How can the average viewer participate in the videos? If you have any challenges, comments, or constructive criticizm I would love to hear it. If you have any criticizm, be sure to include what is wrong and why. I can't fix it unless I know those bits of information.
Why are the videos considered

You seem to be good at this game. Do you ever die? Yes. Throughout the course of this LP I will die in various and very dumb ways. I will have a running death count at the bottom of this post and include the number of deaths next to the episodes. I will put them all together at the end in a nice montage. I WILL NOT PUT THEM AT THE END OF VIDEOS. DON'T EVEN ASK.
Will you have a contest like last time? No. That was an experiment which failed and just ended up making pages of my last LP to have nothing to do with the game.
Enough wasting time, let's get to omnicide.
Intro and Recap Movie | |||
Intro and Recap Movie | | Viddler | |
Poseidon | |||
Poseidon - Deaths: 3 | Part 1 Part 2 | Viddler: Part 1 Part 2 | |
The Realm of Hades | |||
Episode 2-1 | | Viddler | |
Episode 2-2 | | Viddler | |
Episode 2-3 | | Viddler | Download |
Hades Boss Fight | | Viddler | Download |
City of Olympia | |||
Episode 3-1 - Deaths: 3 | | Viddler | Download |
Path of Eos | |||
Episode 4-1 | | Viddler | Download |
Chamber of the Flame | |||
Episode 5-1 Part 1 - Deaths: 2 | | Viddler | Download |
Episode 5-1 Part 2 | | Viddler | Download |
Episode 5-2 - Deaths: 1 | | Viddler | Download |
Chamber of the Flame | |||
Hercules Boss | Viddler | Blip | Download |
The Forum | |||
Episode 6-1 (Extra ![]() | Viddler | Blip | Download |
Poseidon's Chamber | |||
Episode 7-1 Viddler Blip Download | Viddler | Blip | Download |
Episode 7-2 - Deaths: 1 (Extra ![]() | Viddler | Blip | Download |
Tartarus | |||
Episode 8 | Viddler: Part 1 Part 2 | Blip: Part 1 Part 2 | Download: Part 1 Part 2 |
Gardens of Olympus | |||
Episode 9-1 | Viddler | Blip | Download |
Caverns | |||
Episode 10-1 - Deaths: 2 | Viddler | Blip | Download |
Episode 10-2 - Deaths: 4 | Viddler | Blip | Download |
Finale | |||
Finale | Viddler: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 | Blip: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 | Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 |
Total Deaths: 18

(In order of appearence.)Threat is graded on scale of 0-5 with 0 being no threat and 5 being expect raping. Weight is the class of the enemy. Light and medium may be juggled in the air. Heavy will never leave the ground.
Olympus Sentry

Threat: 1
First Seen: Poseiden Part 1
Weight: Light
The run of the mill enemy. Can be immediately grabbed and is only dangerous in groups. Can pile on top of you in groups leaving you open to attack from others.
Olympus Archer

Threat: 1
First Seen: Poseiden Part 1
Weight: Light
The standard ranged enemy. Can be immediately grabbed and is only dangerous if allowed to sit back and snipe.
Centaur General

Threat: 4
First Seen: Poseiden Part 1
Weight: Heavy
Uses combos with his spear and likes to rush at you prompting a QTE. Easy to fail the QTE as you may be trying to put a combo together. Has a good amount of health.
Lost Souls

Threat: 0
First Seen: Episode 2-1
Weight: Light
Wanders around maybe taking a slow swipe at you that does very little damage. Best to just grab them and farm out red orbs.
Gorgon Serpent

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 2-1
Weight: Medium
Can use her freeze beam and instantly stone you. If you are in the air it is an instant kill. Best to never go in the air while fighting them and try to use the Golden Fleece to deflect the beam, freezing everything around you. When killed with QTE rewards with Blue Orbs.

Threat: 1
First Seen: Episode 2-1
Weight: Light
Flying enemy. Not a threat except in groups. Can go invulnerable while flying high to drop down on you. Shows where it is by a glowing outline on the ground when invulnerable. Best to use the Bow of Apollo and shoot them or Orion's Harpoon (combat grapple) to take care of.
Cerberus Mongrel

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episode 2-1
Weight: Heavy
Only dangerous when it spams fireballs. When enough damage is done, Kratos may ride the Cerberus for a while shooting fire at all enemies. Will still take damage, even when being ridden.
Minotaur Brute

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episode 2-2
Weight: Medium
Likes to rush at players in an attempt to gore them. Has no defense if tossed in the air. When killed with QTE yields Green Orbs.
Olympus Fiend

Threat: 1
First Seen: Episode 2-2
Weight: Light
Ranged magic user. When killed outside of the grab or killed on the ground turns the Fiend into a time bomb. Suggest chain grabbing them. Can also block.
Stone Talos

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episdoe 2-3
Weight: Heavy
Can only be stunned when enough damage is done. Avoid the hammer and watch for the counter-attack after the third stun.
Hades Cerberus Whelp

Threat: 1
First Seen: Episode 2-3
Weight: Light
Can dog pile on Kratos leaving him open to attack. Best grab move in the game when Kratos kicks them into enemies. Kick does lots of damage.
Hades Cerberus Mongrel

Threat: 4
First Seen: Episode 2-3
Weight: Heavy
First time meeting them not very dangerous. Has an unblockable attack where it raises one of its paws into the air then slams it down. Has another move we see much later in the game which makes them more dangerous.
Olympus Legionnaire

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episode 3-1
Weight: Light
The bigger cousin of the Olympus Sentry. Has more health, attacks, and does more damage. Must get them near death before the grab prompt appears. Has a ranged attack where it hits the ground with its axe, sending out a shock wave. Do not underestimate.
Feral Hound

Threat: 1
First Seen: Episode 3-1
Weight: Light
Basically unchanged from the Hades Cerberus Whelp. Only difference is a palette swap.
Harpy Queen

Threat: 0
First Seen: Episode 3-1
Weight: Light
Used for Harpy riding to transport Kratos across crevices. Does attack but cannot harm Kratos while he is riding another Harpy. May attack while Kratos is on the ground but shouldn't get a chance.
Olympus Citizen

Threat: 0
First Seen: Episode 3-1
Weight: Light
Just a citizen of Olympia. Has no attacks. Can be killed with the grab for a Red Orb bonus. When killed yields Green Orbs but no Red Orbs.
Woman of Olympia

Threat: 0
First Seen: Episode 3-1
Weight: Light
See Olympus Citizen.

Threat: 5
First Seen: Episode 3-1
Weight: Heavy
Has 3 forms that must be gone through before it can be killed. Each form has different attacks and focuses on different ways to fight. Snake is mainly about blinding Kratos and swinging the tail. The lion is more about fire attacks and slow moving power. The goat is very fast and agile, preferring to try and ram Kratos. Also uses a fire attack that has a large range and does lots of damage. Save magic for the goat form.
Olympus Guardian

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episode 4-1
Weight: Light
Has a shield that that cannot be destroyed except by a certain item. Uses a spear which has a long range on it. Once the shield is destroyed is just an Olympus Sentry.
Cyclops Berzerker

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 4-1
Weight: Heavy
Attacks are strong and have wide range to them. After enough damage is done, the Cyclops becomes rideable. Can be killed while ridden. By far one of the best QTE events.
Wraith of Olympus

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 4-1
Weight: Light
Has fast attacks that can be ranged. Will also go under ground where it will ignore all attacks and magic except for Orion's Harpoon. Best way to kill them is either juggle them in the air or chain grab them. Has a custom death grab but is hard to tell when it is available.
Minotaur Elite

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episode 5-1 Part 1
Weight: Medium
Like the Minotaur Brute, but with an axe and can block. Axe glows with fire when it is about to attack. Other than that, same strategies as the Brute.
Cyclops Enforcer

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 5-1 Part 2
Weight: Heavy
Has a large ball for its right hand. Will slam it down or shoot it out in front of it. When the Cyclops shoots out the ball it can hit you both going out and coming back. Using a Square, Square, Triangle move with the Blades of Exile of the Claws of Hades stuns it regradless of what it was doing. Easy to kill using the stun.
Siren Seductress

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episode 5-2
Weight: Light
Can turn into a blue mist like substance. When in that state is immune to all damage. Must first reveal them with the Head of Helios. Has 2 QTEs. When killed with the second QTE sends out a shockwave that stuns and damages enemies around the Siren and yields blue orbs. Use Orion Harpoon when they go up in the air to stop the AOE shockwave.
Bronze Talos

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 6-1
Weight: Heavy
Mainly just a tougher, stronger, and faster Stone Talos. Can be killed with any weapon even though it looks like they are made of Onyx. When killed with the QTE yields Rage of Sparta Orbs.
Cursed Resmains

Threat: 2
First Seen: Episode 7-1
Weight: Light
An Olympus Sentry with more health and increased damage.
Cyclops Remains

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 7-2
Weight: Heavy
A palette swap of the Cyclops Berzerker.

Threat: 5
First Seen: Episode 8 Part 2
Weight: Medium
Close in the running for most dangerous enemy in the game. Is fast and powerful. Likes to jump off walls and catch you off guard. Can be juggled in the air and is by far the easiet way to kill them. Can be grabbed at any point, but leaving yourself open to attack.
Skorpius Spawn

Threat 1
First Seen: Episode 9-1
Wieght: Lgiht
A basic cannon fodder enemy. In Large groups can be dangerous.

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 9-1
Weight: Light
Like the Gorgon Serpeant, the Gorgon can stone you with her gaze. Unlike the Serpeant, she has a continuous one that slowly does it. Can be blocked at any time and used to stone everything around you. Quite fast as well.
Olympus Sentinel

Threat: 3
First Seen: Episode 9-1
Weight: Light
The bigger cousin of the Olympus Guardian. When the shield is destroyed by the Nemean Cestus, becomes an Olypmus Legionnaire