Part 11: Joining the Militia

With no chance of getting into the monastery, I left for town.

I stopped by the Dead Harpy to take a rest. I spent 50 gold for the room, by the Gods I was going to get my money's worth.

The following morning I hit the road for town. Erol was still moping by his wrecked wagon but I was not in any condition to help him yet.

Once in town, I met with Vatras to discuss this strange stone tablet I'd found. My conversation with Erol led me to believe that he had an idea of what they were.
"I've got this stone tablet. Can you tell me more about it?"
Vatras knew immediately what I was speaking about. "Those are artifacts from the old culture which we have been investigating for some time. There are several kinds of them. Some contain information about the history of the ancient people. And that is the kind I am interested in. Bring me all of those you can find. I shall give you an appropriate reward."
With all the work I'd been doing for Vatras and his ring of water, it seemed like an appropriate time to get some more information about who I was involved with. "Tell me about the Ring of Water."
"Since you are not yet a member of our community, I cannot tell you EVERYTHING, of course, but I shall tell you what I may. "
"What exactly is it that you do?"
"We stand between the order of Innos and the chaos of Beliar. If one of the two sides should gain the upper hand, it will mean either total loss of freedom, or deadly chaos. Therefore, we guard the balance between the two. That's what makes life in this world possible at all."
I frowned. "And what does that mean in concrete terms?"
"The fall of the barrier has evoked numerous threats. The bandits are probably the most obvious one. Not only has it become all but impossible to travel the island without being attacked there's somebody in town, too, who supports the bandits! We have found out that the bandits receive regular deliveries from a weapons merchant in Khorinis. We try to find such people and keep them from endangering the city. If you can find out anything about this, let me know. "
"Where are the other Water Mages?" I asked. Secretly I wondered if they were still angry at me.
"They are exploring the ruins of an old culture north-east of Khorinis. We suspect that those ruins might contain a passage to a part of the island which is as yet uncharted."
"Tell me more about that uncharted area."
"If you're interested in joining the expedition, I could send you to Saturas with a letter. You can only participate, of course, as long as you're one of us."
"Of course." I had no interest in making a delivery to a remote part of the island quite yet. "About this weapons dealer, how much do you know about him?"
"Ask Martin, the provisions master of the paladins, about this. He should be able to tell you more. He has been tasked with unmasking the weapons dealer. You can find Martin in the harbor district. If you see a heap of crates, provisions, and paladins, Martin won't be far."

I found Martin right where Vatras said he'd be among the Paladins at the provisions store. "Hey, you", Martin said "You have no business up here. Only paladins and those of us in the militia have access here."
I cut to the point. "You're looking for a man who is selling weapons to the bandits?"
Martin placed a hand on his sword hilt. "Says who?"
"Says Vatras" I replied quickly.
Martin withdrew his hand from his sword. "Oh. What do you know about it?"
I shrugged. "Not much, but I could find out more."
Martin nodded in understanding. "Ah, is that so?"
"Tell me, what do you know about the weapons dealer?"
"Listen: We know that an influential citizen in the upper quarter must be behind it. Some of the weapons are even supposed to have come from the militia's supplies but we still don't know exactly who is behind it. If you have enough guts to take on a group of at least five bandits, maybe you can find out..."
"What ABOUT the bandits?"
"We know that the bandits are currently blockading the roads that connect the farmers to the city. Besides that, I know that there must have been a weapons delivery in the last few days. Maybe some clues to uncover the weapons dealer can be found with the bandits."
I didn't have the guts. I changed the topic. "What's up here, then?"
"This is the provisions store of the royal guard of the paladins. I am the provisions master here, and I am responsible for seeing to it that none of the paladins' stuff goes astray, and you are not wanted here. So keep your hands to yourself or I'll chop them off."
"Can you sell me any of the paladins' stuff?"
"You want to buy? Mh. Let's say that if you could compensate me for the trouble that will arise from the paladins' things wandering off, then we might be able to do business. "
"Does that happen often, things going astray?"
"As long as the provisions master says that everything is right, no."
"I see."
The more I talked with Martin, the more I felt that I could trust him. "Farim the fisherman has problems with the militia. The boys are constantly stealing from him."
"And what do I have to do with it?"
"You have a certain amount of influence up here with the paladins. Farim needs your protection. He's willing to give you a part of his catch for it."
"I see what you mean. Fish! As if I didn't have enough crap to deal with. Tell your pal he should come to me and tell me exactly what is up with the militia. I'll take care of it."
Martin then proceeded to show me what he could afford losing, but it was all far out of my price range. The Paladins had some expensive equipment.

I went to the fisherman with some good news. "I know how to resolve your trouble with the militia."
"And how would that be?"
"Martin, the provisions master of the paladins, wants to hear your story about the militia and the fish. "
"And you think he can make the militia leave me alone?"
"That's what he said."
"Great. Thank you. I cannot give you much. But wait. I found this strange blue stone on one of the islands off the coast of Khorinis. I don't think it's worth a whole lot, but someone like you will certainly find a use for it." I gratefully took the aquamarine and departed.

I met with Lares next. He was a trusted companion from my days as a mercenary and I'd also heard he could exert his influence to get me into a community.
"Vatras said you could help me join a community."
Lares laughed. "Getting tired of being the underdog, are you? All right, I see your point. I can exert my influence with the mercenaries if you want to join Lee and I'm sure we can find a way to get you into the monastery soon. But the easiest thing would certainly be for you to join the militia. Which community do you prefer?"
I went over the choices in my head. The Monastery would be a familiar setting. I was a Mage of formidable power back in the Valley and I'm sure some of that power still lurked within me. However, the strict and chaste nature of the Novices was not at all appealing to me. The mercenaries were jerks that Lee could barely keep from killing one another. That left only one choice.
"The militia" I said.
Lares smirked. "Yes, I can imagine you'd like that, eh? Read the law to other people while you're pocketing their purses." Something like that was exactly what I had in mind. "The paladins have set up their provisions store by the harbor. Their provisions master is a good friend of mine. Maybe he can do something for you. His name is Martin."
"So what's your business with Vatras?"
"I've got this little agreement with the Water Mages, you see."
"What kind of an agreement?"
"We work for them, and they see to it that our past in the penal colony doesn't get us in trouble."
"You're talking about the 'Ring of Water'?"
"You've heard of it?"
"Vatras told me about it."
"You might have mentioned that right away."
"Tell me more about the 'Ring of Water'" I asked.
"The 'Ring' is to the Water Mages what the Paladins are to the Fire Magicians. But, unlike the paladins, we operate in the background. The 'Ring' is a mighty weapon in the battle against the dangers that threaten the people of Khorinis. But this only works as long as we keep the identity of all those who belong to the 'Ring of Water' secret. So keep this to yourself."
I already knew far more than I should. I asked how to go about joining. "I want to join the 'Ring of Water'."
"That's fine with me. But the decision about whether you will be accepted or not lies with the Water Mages alone."
"What did you do to impress the Water Mages?"
"I protected them from a long time when we were still living with the Barrier and they have plenty of reason to be grateful to me."
"What's it like to belong to the 'Ring'?"
"We are very different from the usual communities you can join here in Khorinis. Once you're one of us, we're not going to ask anything of you that you are not ready to do. The only thing we truly require of you is to keep quiet. We work in secret and do not want to let outsiders know who our members are. We shall keep an eye on you. Everything else remains to be seen. "
"I see."
"What exactly do you do here at the harbor?" I asked. It'd been many days since I arrived and I still had no real clue.
"I'm doing what we all do. I fulfill the tasks the Water Mages give me. Some of the missing people were fishermen. They disappeared along with their boats. That's why I'm standing here watching the harbor. Maybe something will happen yet. But you could help me." Lares leaned in closer. "Listen: I shall give you my aquamarine ring. It signified that the bearer belongs to the 'Ring of Water'. If you wear my ring, the rest of us will know that you're acting on my behalf. Get someone to take over my duties so that I can take the ornament back. One of us is always keeping an eye on the marketplace. But I don't know whose turn it is. You had better go talk to all those standing around there. Once the right man sees my aquamarine ring on you, he will let you know. Tell him to see to it that somebody else takes over here at the harbor."
I took Lares ring and slid it onto my ring finger. Before I searched for the Ring agent I wanted to speak with Martin again.

I jogged back on over to the provisions store to meet with Marin. "Lares sent me", I said "He said you could help me."
"So? He did? Then fire away. What do you want from me?"
"I want to join the Militia."
Martin laughed. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? We don't just take on ragbags like you for no good reason. You'd probably have to... "
"Spare me the drivel. Tell me what I have to do to join you."
Martin was surprised by my direct approach. "Okay, then pay attention: The job of the provisions master is hell, let me tell you. Managing all the crates and sacks in this place is bad enough. But every time I spend an evening in Kardif's tavern someone busies himself with the crates here and when I come back the next morning, something in missing. Strangely enough, the paladins never see anything. I'm going crazy. I can't spend the entire night standing around here like an idiot. You, on the other hand..."
"I get it. I'm supposed to keep watch here while you hang around in the tavern."
"Take it or leave it."
"I'll watch over your provisions crates tonight."
Martin was satisfied. "Sweet. Good, then come back tonight and keep an eye on the stuff here. In the meantime, I'll be in Kardif's tavern."

I went to the Marketplace next. I spoke with a few people near the outdoor tavern but none took notice of my ring. I was off to try the merchants next.

I found my man when I went to speak with Baltram. As I approached, I could see the merchant eying my ring suspiciously. "Why are you looking so doubtful?" I asked.
"I see that you bear the sign of the 'Ring of Water'."
"So are you a member too?"
"What if I am?"
"Then I would tell you that Lares wants to be relieved from his post down at the harbor. "
"Fine. If that's so, I'll see to it that somebody deals with it."
"I see."

I made my way back down to the Harbor to tell Lares the good news. "I have talked to Baltram. He will find someone to relieve you."
Lares looked pleased. "Ah. Very good. Then we can finally leave here. You had better keep my aquamarine ring for now. I assume it will come in handy for you. "

I didn't intend to go with Lares quite yet. I went back to the inn and took a short nap. I awoke sometime during early evening.

I didn't want to get there too early. I decided to kill some time.

A little while later I made my way down to the provisions store and saw the thief in action. It took me a moment to realize that it was not Martin. The thief seemed to be another member of the militia!

I approached the figure. "What are you doing there?" I asked.
The figure turned and I could now see his face. It was Ragnar. "Uuuhm. I.. er... It's none of your business. Get lost."
"Martin will be so happy when I tell him who's rummaging through his belongings while he's gone."
"You do whatever you want. I'll be on my way then, little man."

I immediately went to Kardif's tavern to report my findings. I found Martin sitting next to Nagur.
"I caught the thief.", I said "It's Rangar who is poking through your stocks."
"Well, finally. At least now I know who I have to keep an eye on. The bastard. There'll be one heck of a dust-up if I catch him at it. I've always wondered why none of the paladins saw anything."
"And? Why?"
"It's obvious. The idiots can't tell those of us in the militia apart from one another. To them, we all look alike. That was good work, mate. If I can do anything for you, just say the word."
"You know what I want from you."
"Oh, yeah. You want to join the militia, right? You've already proven your abilities to me. Well. Let me put it this way. I'd rather you were on our side than on someone else's. That's why I'll help you. Take this letter of recommendation from me and show it to Andre, our commanding Paladin. You'll find him in the barracks. I'm sure he can use you." I tucked the letter into a pocket.

I figured it was too late to meet with Andre now so I went back to the inn to sleep.

The next morning I made my way to the barracks to speak with Lord Andre. I found him in his study. I approached him with Martin's letter in hand. "Look, I've got this letter of recommendation from your provisions master."
Andre didn't' believe me. "What? Show me." I handed the rolled up letter to him and he read it. He looked impressed. "Well I'll be! This must have cost you quite an effort. It's no easy feat to get something like this out of Martin. All right. I'm convinced. If Martin vouches for you, I shall let you join. Let me know when you're ready. "
"I'm ready to join the militia!" I said eagerly.
"Martin, the provisions master, vouches for you and has even recommended you. That alone is enough for me. You can join us if you wish. But your decision will be final. Once you wear the armor of the Militia, you cannot simply take it off and no longer belong to us. Are you prepared to fight together with us for Innos and the king?"
"I'm ready!"
"Then so shall it be. Welcome to the militia." Andre leaned down and brought up a set of red and black leathers. "Here is your armor. Wear it with pride and dignity."
"Will I get a weapon, too?"
"Of course. Peck usually takes care of that. But it occurs to me that I haven't seen him for quite a while. Find out where he's hiding and bring him here. Then he will give you a weapon. If you want to sleep you can lie down in one of the beds in the bunkhouses."
"Have you got an assignment for me?"
"Lately there has been an increase in the sale of swampweed in the city. We cannot allow this stuff to catch on. Otherwise, everyone here will start smoking and no longer be able to work, let alone wield a weapon. Particularly now that there is the danger of a possible attack by orcs or mercenaries. I suspect that the mercenaries are behind it. I bet they are bringing the stuff into the city."
"What is there to do?"
"Mortis, one of our men, heard in the harbor pub that a package of swampweed has arrived somewhere in the harbor district. Look around down there and bring me the package." That sounded easy enough but I knew it would be much more difficult than it sounded.
Now that I was a member of the Militia, I figured Andre would be much more open to answering my questions. "Will you tell me now why you paladins have come to Khorinis?"

"Now you belong to the city guard, therefore you are also subordinate to the paladins. Now I can take you into confidence. We have come on a mission from King Rhobar. With the collapse of the Barrier, the deliveries of ore have failed. Therefore we are getting the ore and bringing it to the mainland. With the ore, we shall forge new weapons and drive back the orcs."
"Can I finally see Lord Hagen now?"
"You are now in the service of the paladins. They will let you in. But you had better have something important to say. "
"Don't worry. I do."
"Remember that you are meeting the chief paladin. Behave yourself accordingly. You represent not only yourself now but the entire militia."

I stepped outside to change into my new armor.
The Militia's trainer, Wulfgar, took notice of me. "So Lord Andre accepted you! I expect you to come here and train regularly. Ruga will train you in the art of the crossbow and Mortis will help you increase your strength. But the most important thing is for you to learn to handle your sword properly. I'll make a good fighter of you yet!"
It'd felt like a long time since I trained in the valley and I'd forgotten much of the basics. "What are the advantages of one or two-handed weapons?"
"Quite simple. With a one-handed weapon, you're faster. This can be an considerable advantage in battle. Two-handed weapons are more ponderous. You have to fight with foresight - but you do a lot more damage when you hit."
"Where should I start? With one-handed or two-handed weapons?"
"That's entirely up to you. If you specialize in only one type of weapon, you automatically learn the other at the same time. If, for instance, you are good at fighting with one-handed swords, but still a beginning with two-handed weapons your two-handed skills will go up as well whenever you train with a one-hander. In that case, training is more exhausting than if you train with both types of weapons. Just start and you'll soon see what I'm talking about."

I wasn't sure what I wanted to specialize in yet. I decided to just go about finding Peck so I could get a weapon and go from there. I figured that the armor would be a good place to ask around.
I approached Mortis, the blacksmith.
"What do you want?" he demanded. "Peck isn't here. So you can't get anything. Come back later."
"Where's Peck?"
"You just started with us, huh? Well then, welcome to the team. Peck's been in the city a really long time. I bet he's hanging around that sweet Vanja in the Red Lantern."
"What do you know about that package of weed?"
"Hm. The last time I was in the harbor tavern, I heard how Kardif and some other guy were talking about it."
"Who was the other guy?"
"No idea. But he said he'd found the best storage place for his herbs. Then the two of them laughed like drunken orcs."

I'd gotten a lead on Peck but unfortunately it would take me to the Red Lantern.
I entered the brothel and instantly recoiled. It reeked of girl. I made a note to myself to quickly find my man and go.

Peck was upstairs with some floozy. The lady was just going over prices when I interrupted them. "Hey, it's time to hit the road."
Peck frowned. "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?"
"I need a weapon, so come back to the barracks."
"Dammit, your weapon can wait."
"Come on. Andre's already missed you, too."
"Hmpf... Damn. Okay, I'm coming already - but when you report back to Andre don't tell him I was here."
I trailed behind Peck, who was on his way back to the Barracks. Someone caught my eye, however, and I stopped.

The man who beat me upon my arrival was still standing guard over Kardif's tavern. I unfastened my club and lunged for him. Knocking him unconscious was to be my first gross abuse of power.
He was tougher than I remembered, but eventually I beat him to the ground. I took his things and left.
He still had the handful of coins that he'd taken from me.

I caught back up with Peck when he was near the barracks. I went to report my findings to Lord Andre.
Somehow the news of my beating had already reached Andre. He began chastising me immediately.
"It is one thing if you brawl with the rabble in the harbor but when you attack citizens or the king's soldiers, I must bring you to justice. If I let you get away with it, soon everyone here will do whatever he wishes. So you will pay an appropriate penalty and the matter will be forgiven."
"How much?" I asked.
"50 gold pieces"
I took out the coins and gave them to Andre. It was worth it.

With the matter of the fine settled, I informed him on Peck's status. "I've managed to track down Peck." I said.
"Yes, he is already back at his post and going about his duty. Where did you find him?"
"He crossed my path in town" I lied.
"All right. Then go to him and get yourself a weapon."

Peck was already settled in behind the counter of the armory when I visited him.
"I've come to get myself a weapon" I announced.
"Well, look who's here. Our new comrade. And he wants a sword. You didn't tell Andre I was in the Red Lantern. You seem to be okay. Here, take your sword. It's the best I have. If you want a better weapon, then go to the merchants in the marketplace."
Peck gave me a finely crafted and well balanced long sword. Had I bought this in a store it'd have cost nearly a thousand gold.
I now had all my gear sorted and was a proper member of the militia. It was time to see Lord Hagen and finally do what I came here to do.

I knew that I would find Lord Andre In the town hall of the upper quarter. I made my way over there.

The two gate guards stopped me. "Only men who are in service to the king may enter the town hall. "
"I am a member of the militia" I said as if it wasn't immediately obvious.
The guards moved aside. "All right. You can go in."

Lord Hagen was situated at the far end of the first level. When I found him, he was studying a map intently with a few of his advisers.
He must have heard my footsteps as he looked up just as I arrived. "I have already heard of you." he said. "Lothar has reported that you wish to speak with me. You are the stranger who has demanded the Eye of Innos. I am Lord Hagen, Paladin of the King, warrior of our Lord Innos and commander-in-chief of Khorinis. I have much to do so do not waste my time. Tell me, rather, why you are here."
"The hosts of evil are gathering very close to here. In the Valley of Mines."
"In the Valley of Mines? We have dispatched an expedition there. We are also aware of reports that say the pass there is occupied by orcs. But thus far, nothing has come to me of an army of Evil." Hagen looked skeptical. "What army is that supposed to be?"
"An army of dragons who have gathered hosts of their minions around them."
"Dragons? According to the old scriptures it is many centuries since dragons were last sighted."
"Tell me - why should I believe a word you say?"
"The question isn't whether you can believe me. The question is whether you can afford NOT to believe me when I tell the truth."
"As long as I have no proof, I cannot afford to send even more men there."
"So you want me to bring you proof?" I suggested.
"Precisely. Cross the pass and go to the Valley of Mines. Once there, seek out the expedition - and when you have found them, speak to Commander Garond. If anyone knows the situation there, he will. If he confirms your words, then I am prepared to help you."
"Does that mean you'll hand over the Eye of Innos to me?"
"The Eye of Innos... good. Bring me proof, then I shall see to it that you are permitted to wear the amulet."
"Then can I say I've got your word in this matter?"
"You can - for you have it."
"How am I supposed to get across the pass?"
"I shall give you the key to the gate to the pass. However, you will have to find your own way through the ranks of the orcs. May Innos protect you."
I'd finally managed to meet with the Paladin Lord but my mission was far from over. Not only do I need to scout out the Valley of the Mines, I was going to need to break through the orcish defensive line to do so. I didn't look forward to this next part.
Other: Voting time. Now that we're a man of the militia it's time to pick a weapon.
Your choices are as followed:
A. One-handed
Best weapon: 140 damage, 100 strength requirement.
B. Two-handed
Best weapon: 200 damage, 170 strength
C. Crossbow/one-handed:
I've not actually done this in any game I played. I've always just gone straight one/two hander so I can't say how well it'll work.
Best weapon: 200 damage/75 strength and/or 150 damage/120 strength.
D. Bow/One handed dex swords
Another thing I've never done. Dex based swords are one of the good changes that NOTR brought. There are only about a half dozen but it's my understanding that they're meant to be supplemental to bows and not the main weapon.
Best bow: 160 damage, 160 dex
Best sword: 130 damage, 110 dex