Part 16: The Weapons Smuggler

The next morning I awoke and carefully looked around. I saw no sign of Elvrich or any other bandits.

I got off the bed, gathered my things, and set off to make my way out of the bandit's valley.
While departing the valley, I saw the marking for one of Greg's treasures. Unfortunately I'd forgotten my pick. I made note of the location and continued on toward Onar's farmlands.

As I walked by, I could still see Fester practicing outside of Onar's estate. I walked toward him.

Fester still owed me for helping him clear out the field raiders a few days ago.
He must have heard my footsteps since he turned toward me as I got closer.
"What about our agreement?" I reminded him.
He stared blankly at me for a moment. "Well, I could help you to get accepted with us, but I won't."
"And why not?"
"If I tell everybody that you helped me, they'll hit me with a new assignment. You understand that I don't fancy that, don't you? Well, tough luck, kid. I'm sure you'll find someone else to help you."
It wasn't even that I wished to join the mercenaries anymore, I was happy with my choice to join the militia. Really, it was just the principal of the thing."I think your hide could do with a tanning. I don't like having my leg pulled."
Fester mocked being afraid, shaking exaggeratedly and waving his arms frantically. "I'm shaking, I'm shacking!"

So I beat him with my stick and took what little belongings he had. It wasn't much, an old bow and a handful of coins, but it was enough to satisfy me.

Once my business with Fester was finished I continued on toward Sekob's farm.
I came across a group of three field raiders that were clustered around what appeared to be human remains. After taking them out, I discovered that the unlucky farmhand had been carrying a few potions and a sack of about twenty five coins.

I chatted up the local women to see if they could tell me anything of interest.

Neither of them could so I relieved them of their coin purses.

Sekob's farm was located on the outskirts of Onar's land and right next to the forest. The information I'd learned from Elvrich told me that Lucia and the rest of the bandits would be somewhere in these woods.
Unfortunately, for awhile all I could find was local wildlife.

The forested continued north around a series of large cliffs. Unfortunately, they weren't even closely climbable. I'd need to find a way around.
I was trying to do just that when I saw something that made me feel as though I may have stumbled into the bandit camp. A portion of the cliff was lined with lit torches. I gave a quick prayer and offering to Innos and began to follow the cliff side.

The torches led me into a cave. I was nearly certain I'd found them at this point. After all, who else would live in a cave so far from town?

The answer was Sagitta, a witch who preferred a life away from the city, but I didn't know that quite yet.

"All by yourself out here?" I asked the woman.
She turned her head toward me, looking very annoyed. "Tell me what you want of me, and then go away. I'm busy."
She definitely wasn't one of the bandits I was looking for. "Who are you?"
"Herb witch, they say. Quack, they call me. But when they're in a bad way, they all suddenly remember good old Sagitta and her healing herbs. "
The fight with the pack of wolves not long ago left me cut and exhausted. "Heal me." I said, only slightly demanding in tone.
She leaned close. "Let me see. Mmh. My ointment will take care of the worst of your wounds."
That was nice of her, now I could continue onward. I wondered if she'd be interested in teaching what she knew. "Can you teach me your herbal lore?"
"How interesting. I don't get asked that very often. So you want to be my student? Then you'll first have to prove that your request is serious. At the moment, I'm working on a very rare potion made from exquisite herbs and juices. If you can get me one ingredient - a very rare herb which I don't have - I shall train you."
There was usually a test. I understood that now. "What ingredient is that?"
"It's an extremely rare plant - an herb called sun aloe. You can recognize it by its almost almond scent."
"Where can I find this ingredient?" I figured I'd come across it sooner or later.
"The herb I require only grows in places where it can get all the nutrients it needs. These are found in the excrements of a black troll. That's why it's so difficult for me to get the herb, you see?"
"Let's see if I can get hold of it somewhere." Black troll? What? I suddenly hoped I didn't come across it.
"Well, then, good luck with your search."
Before I left, I browsed through the potions and scrolls that the witch had for sale. I bought a few healing potions and left.

I left Sagitta's cave and made my way up the hill around the cliff side.

I found myself back on the road somewhere north of Onar's farm.

I took out my map and tried to find out exactly where I was. Judging by nearby landmarks, I believed I was on the road to the Water Mages' ruins.

Since I was now on high ground I decided to make the best of it. I scanned the nearby areas to see if I could find the bandit camp. Just southwest of the road I found it.

I snuck down the hill and behind the bandits who were gathered around their camp. They had no idea I was there.
I unfurled a scroll of fireball and recited the incantation. A glowing ball of fire formed in my hand and the scroll disintegrated. I flung the spell in the middle of the bandit camp.

About half the bandits were armed with bows while the rest grabbed clubs and swords. I ducked behind some nearby trees, drawing the sword fighters close.
Using a mix of archery and melee I kill both of them. All I had to do now was clear out the two archers.

I crouched down and raced toward the bandit camp, dodging arrows as best I could.
The archers will ill prepared for close combat and their lack of skill showed. Once in melee range, I was able to take down the remaining two bandits with little trouble, though I was bleeding heavily from some arrows I couldn't quite avoid.

Now that the area was clear I was able to actually explore in the bandit camp. Two barrel and several bundles of weapons were in the corner of the camp in front of the tent. They looked to be of the same make as those I'd found at the other camp. There was also a stone tablet, two locked chests, and rolled up letter nearby.

I reached down to read the letter first.
I couldn't believe it. It was exactly what I'd needed. Conclusive proof as to the identity of the weapon's dealer. I'd met him in town a few days ago!
Fernando was a merchant whose business began to suffer when the barrier went down. Despite this, It seemed his wealth never seemed to decrease. It was now evident why that was. I grinned, folded the letter and placed it safely in a tunic pocket. Vatras and Martin would want to see this.

In the excitement of the battle I had completely forgotten that I promised Elvrich that I would find Lucia. I could see no sign of her, not even a body. Was it possible she escaped? Or had the bandits managed to get rid of her? I rifled through the tent looking for something that could tell me what had happened. I found it.

Hidden behind a tree stump I found a sealed letter. I broke the seal and looked it over.
So it seemed that she'd run away. Elvrich wasn't going to be happy.

I'd gotten what I came for, and more. I made one last search of the camp, carefully patting down the corpses for belongings and coins.
One of the archers was carrying a large golden bowl with the name "Bromor" etched onto it. I wasn't sure how I missed it or even how they came across it but I knew the name. I hadn't actually met him yet, but I knew enough from talking to people that he was the owner of the brothel in the harbor district of the city. With luck, he'd have a reward for me. I took the bowl and climbed the hill that would take me back onto the road.

I followed the path back toward the tavern. I did make a stop first, however. When Lares had escorted me to the Water Mages, I'd made note of a fellow sitting alone at a camp. Now that I wasn't' in any rush I decided to stop and speak with him.
He seemed just as eager to speak to someone. "Traveling so far from home? Out here you have to be careful, especially when you're all by yourself." he asked.
"What are you doing out here?"
"Well, the tavern is too expensive for me, that's why I settled here. The previous inhabitants don't seem to need it any more"
"Who used to live in this camp?"
He shrugged. "No idea, probably some hunters. I suppose it got too dangerous for them out here."
"Isn't it too dangerous out here?"
"Well, not if you can defend yourself. My crossbow has already proven to be of service many times."
"It's not all that big." I stated, commenting on the size of his crossbow.
"But deadly, if you know how to handle it. I used to have a bigger one. Unfortunately, I lost it. I ventured too far north into the mountains. There's a big stone circle there with a sacrificial altar. While I was hunting scavengers up there, these vile undead beings came out of the woods and attacked me. All I could do was run for my life. While I was running, the crossbow slipped from my hand. I bet it's still lying up there by that strange stone circle in the north."
Dragomir offered to train me how to use a crossbow but I declined, deciding to continue my trip back to the city instead.

When I was back in town, the first person I met with was Vatras. He'd like to hear what I'd learned about the missing people.
"About those missing people. I rescued Elvrich from the bandits. The bandits dragged off a girl named Lucia. Lucia has decided to join them."
"I think you're on the right track. Carry on." Vatras said. He was right. Despite what I'd found out about the missing people, I still needed to confront Dexter and find out exactly what was going on.
I also knew who the weapons dealer was, but I decided to wait until I'd spoken with Martin.

I stopped by Thorben's workshop next to deliver the letter to Elvrich.
"Elvrich will work for you again from now on." I told Thorben.
"I can only hope that he won't disappear again when the next little tart waves her skirts at him. Take this gold as a reward for bringing back my apprentice." Thorben handed me a coin purse. I thanked him and turned to Elvrich.
"I found a letter from your Lucia"
He immediately perked up. "What? Give it here!"
I handed the letter to him and he looked it over, his mood darkening as he did so.
He pleaded to no one in particular. "No! I don't believe this. No. I just can't believe it. She can't just leave me behind like this!" He crumbled up the letter and pushed it back into my hands. "Take this letter back. I don't want it. I firmly believe that she's going to come back to me some day."

Next it was down to the harbor district to collect a reward from Bromor.
"Are you the one who runs this place?" I asked the man behind the counter.
"I am Bromor. This is my house and these are my girls. I like my girls. And if you like my girls, too, then you'll pay for it. 50 gold pieces. And don't get the idea of making trouble here."
"Are all your girls accounted for?"
He narrowed his eyes. "Of course they are. Or did you think I want to go to jail over something like that?"
"Er... I wasn't asking about your payroll. I mean, are they all PRESENT? Or have any gone missing?"
"Oh. Yes, actually. One of my girls has up and left. Her name's Lucia. I reported it to the militia too. But they claim they haven't found a trace of her yet."
"How long has Lucia been missing?"
"Several days. I don't know exactly how long. I assume she's run off with one of her suitors. That bitch made off with part of my savings. A really valuable golden dish. If I get hold of her, I'll give her what for. So how's that any business of YOURS? Are you trying to make fun of me, or what?"
I quickly shook my head and presented the dish. "I found the dish that Lucia stole from you."
He leaned over the counter, snatching the dish from my hands. "Great! High time I got it back."
"What about a reward?"
"You get to have a good time with one of my girls - for free. What do you say?" What the hell kind of reward was that?
"That's not enough."
"Take it, or you needn't show your face around here again."
I couldn't leave without getting something. "Agreed." I said reluctantly.
"Thanks. Go to Nadja. She'll accompany you upstairs."

I walked over to the lady, withdrew a jug of spiced rum, and take a few gulps of it.

"Let's go upstairs."
"Today's your lucky day, baby. Let's go."

The whore led me to the far room at the top of the stairs and gestured to the bed. "The next couple of hours belong to us. It's time for you to relax. Lie back and enjoy."
I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

A little while later I was dressed and out of the room. I seemed to have blacked out and remembered very little details about what had transpired. I got out of bed, got dressed, and made my way over to Martin at the paladin supply stockpile.
"Eh, about the weapons dealer..." I said to him.
"Show me what you have."
I presented him with the evidence I'd discovered. "I found this rapier with the bandits. The letter 'F' is carved on the pommel." Next I dug a ring and the letter out of my pocket. "The bandits had this ring. It points to an overseas trader. This list of deliveries of weapons and other things to the bandits here is signed by a certain Fernando."
Martin nodded solemnly. "I think that's enough. Fernando, then. Well, he'll get what's coming to him. And he always acts like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. I'll see to it that he's put away until he rots. Sound work, I must say. Vatras will be glad of this good news."
As I walked away, I could hear Martin ordering the arrest of Fernando.

I made my way back to Vatras. Now that Martin had all the evidence and an arrest was assured, I felt comfortable telling him the good news.
"I know the dealer who's been selling weapons to the bandits! His name is Fernando. "
Vatras nodded, satisfied at the news. "Very good. Has Martin taken the necessary steps to stop him from delivering any more?"
"Yes. Martin will see to it that he won't be leaving the dungeon any time soon."
"Well done, son."
"Does that mean you're going to let me join the 'Ring of Water' now?
Vatras smiled. "THAT was not what we agreed upon - and you know it." He waved me away. "May Adanos light your path."

The sun was finally beginning to set and I'd had a long day. I was exhausted. While on the way to the inn, two militiamen with a prisoner in tow passed me. They were taking Fernando to jail.
I changed my immediate plans and instead opted to pay him a visit and rub it in.
Fernando was already in the cell when I'd arrived. I walked up to him.
"You've been selling weapons to the bandits." I said knowingly.
Fernando looked baffled. "What makes you think THAT?" He hadn't admitted his guilt, it seemed.
"This list of merchandise that I took from a bandit bears YOUR signature. I found this ring of the overseas traders' guild Araxos with the bandits. You're an overseas trader. You can admit it now. I've blown your cover."
The merchant scowled at me. "So YOU did this. YOU'RE the one who gave me away. I'm going to make you pay for this."
I taunted him. "You'd first have to get out of here, and I hardly think they're going to let you go any time soon." I slowly walked away, satisfied at a job well done.
"My time will come." Fernando threatened.
I shrugged off the threat and went to the inn for a rest.