Part 7: Great Granas we're DOOMED

Last time, Millenia wrecked up the place. This update will be mostly optional content, game mechanics and padding dungeon, so it might not is that flyin' jim phoenix

Flyin' Jim Phoenix: I'm not scared of Geohounds or anything ELSE, whipper-snapper! I just... you have to be careful with that witch still about!
Flyin' Jim Phoenix: I just... I wasn't scared at all... You just have to be READY, that's all... The witch is still lurking about...

Flyin' Jim Phoenix: Fool bird can't tell the difference between fear and when a man's got his dander up! I'm Flyin' Jim Phoenix, you chickadee!!
Flyin' Jim Phoenix: Come on over HERE you mutated excuse for a female! See if you can last a round with Flyin' Jim Phoenix, you medusa-faced harpy!


hee hee heeeeee
Anyway, we now have the option (occasionally obligation) to spend the night at an inn. This triggers a little scene where our party members discuss recent events over a meal, set to the bestest BGM, courtesy of Grandia I:

(bonus: Grandia I version)
In these scenes, you can select various party members and they will speak their mind. It's a nice bit of interactivity to add to a dialogue-only scene. Generally, selecting Ryudo is the 'end scene' option.


Further selecting Elena results in her repeating that last line, so we're done here.

Villager: Is this what Grandmother spoke of when she talked about the Day of Darkness? If it is... What shall we do...?
Pressing the action button at the broken statue prompts this conversation:


Lenny: I found it when Leo and I were playing outside the village. It's my special treasure, but you can keep it as a charm.

"Poff Nut" acquired.
This is the most profoundly useless thing in the game. You'll see in a few updates' time.
Lenny: Gee Elena... I guess witches really DO exist. She was SCARY... REALLY scary...


Villager: Not to worry, Elena dear, Father Carius is with us. But please be VERY careful of mushrooms as you cross the Inor mountains.

Villager: Some mushrooms of the Inor mountains are used as nests by monsters. It's best to avoid them if you can.

Actual gameplay tips from NPCs! Not the most useful ones, but at least they're not rambling about graveyard ducks.
Since we now have a decent chunk of gold on our hands and two party members, let's check out their equipment.
It does mostly what you'd expect - boosts to ATK for weapons, DEF for most other things, MOV for shoes. Our current accessories do much the same. More importantly, Elena comes with the

Mana eggs are the game's source of magic, and the interesting thing about them is that they level up completely independently of the character using them, using Magic Coins that drop from battles. This means that every spell is accessible to every character, similarly to the Materia system in FF7. Equipped mana eggs can even be switched out on the fly in battle.
Each mana egg comes with 18 spells, spread out over 3 pages. Every time a new spell is unlocked or upgraded (from 1 to 5 stars), the egg gains a level, which allows new spells to be learned. For example:
Here, I unlock Snooze and increase its level to 4 stars. Leveling up spells not only increases their effect, it also significantly shortens the time they take to get from COM to ACT. The mana egg is now level 9.
This allows us to later unlock the

As of right now, the egg has

Unlocking and upgrading special moves works similarly, though there are generally no prerequisites other than having enough SC. Elena's moves are actually very useful and we'll be seeing quite a bit of them later on. Back on the subject of equipment, a trip to the general store is in order.
The Golden Statue is worthless as a recovery item, but making it one cleverly has it show up the second you go to the Sell page. 500G is a fair chunk of cash, so we can finally buy a


(the version that plays here has slightly different instrumentation, but it's not on the soundtrack; this version plays in the next town)
The Inor mountains are another padding dungeon like the Black Forest, but much more involved. The place is full of mushrooms, just like the guy in Carbo said - they sometimes contain treasure, like this

Mostly these guys.
Crag Snake

HP: 600 (from 280)
Attack: ~100

Concept Art: Here.
Their attack animation, pictured above, looks cool as hell, but they're pretty weak. They have a very small chance of inflicting

Elena is, as you might expect, a dedicated spellcaster. She's otherwise slow, frail and terrible.

Other enemies in the area include spiders and dodos, spread out over a large, lightly forested and mushroomed area. Almost all of it is optional, but it's a good place to get used to giving orders to multiple characters if it's your first time playing.
Having found the platonic ideal of Gold, we're ready to destroy the concepts of economics and scarcity. Bug Count: 10
Actual progress through the area is easily made by following the dirt road that leads up to this mountain path. The path itself forks a few times into some dead ends with herbs and gold, but that's about it for Inor Mountains 1.
After the transition to the next area, Ryudo will suggest that they stop for the day and make camp, but including that scene felt like extending the update too far, so you can look forward to Character Development next time.
Official Art: Early Designs - Ryudo & Elena (she apparently used to be a magical girl)