Part 20: It's a damn shame

Time to slog through the snow and hope we don't freeze to death.
Big Foot

HP: 1800 (from 750)
Attack: ~350

Weak to

They hit like trucks, certainly, but they're weak to fire, which is our strongest attack element. Our shiny new

The first part of the forest is pretty short, just a couple of easy fights and an

The cavern contains a bunch of roots, some of which you can slash through, as well as naturally occurring treasure chests full of gold. A wondrous ecosystem.
Giant Crab

HP: 1300 (from 560)
Attack: ~250 (10 hits)


They've got a lot of neat little features - they jump around really fast when they see you, making it hard to surprise them, and their attack is a 10-hit combo, which is really easy to counter but ignores dodge chance. On hit, they have a chance to block both your moves and your magic. Also, it's funny to watch them put someone to sleep by dancing on their head. They're easy, though.
There's another

Nothing much changes in the second part of the forest. The Big Foots start walking around in packs of 4, which increases their threat level from "joke" to "speedbump". Also around here, I ran out of MP, but that's mostly due to curing all my move/magic blocks and throwing Burnstrikes around with a little too much vigor.
Our next destination is this massive tree stump, the base of which contains an entrance to the next cavern area.
This place is actually pretty neat. The roots lock us in when we enter, and killing the roots that are sucking up water from these pools clears them away. One opens the way back, another the way forward; the rest of the rooms contain either nothing, enemies or treasure - there's an

The last new enemy for the area are these guys.
Huge Caterpillar

HP: 1600 (from 630)
Attack: ~250
Special: -1 to a random stat, as well as

Immune to

They have OK stats and immunity to Sleep is always annoying, but they're cursed with the slowest attack animation in the game. It seriously takes them like two seconds to puff up and spew poison at you, it's pitiful. Plus, there's nothing they can do if you stack Runner. That said, Confusion is a pretty crippling status effect, so they get two stars out of sheer respect for it.
Also, they occasionally drop

The forest area after exiting the cavern is much the same as the last two. This treasure chest can be a little tricky to get to, as the party moves slower in the snow while the Big Foots do not. It contains frozen treats:


and an

Also in the area is a

Wow, this is some thick fog.
Wait wha-

The fog clears.


(this isn't even remotely music, but... well, you'll see)


Fairies gather around the girl.

She disappears behind the tree.

(this song gives me the shivers)

There's nothing else we can do in the Garden of Dreams, but I like to stick around a while longer to listen to the music.

The fog no longer picks up in this area, so we can't go back to the Garden. Of course, it might just be beyond this fence and we somehow stumbled past it in the fog, but we can't interact with it or go around it. Oh well. The other path leads to the world map.

(this is the best town music in the game, I will allow no argument)
Villager: Oh! The Sister has arrived!
Villager: I'm so glad... Now the village is saved!! Chief! Chief! The Sister has arrived! She's here!
The green-haired villager runs off to get the village chief.


Villager: So you haven't come to save this village... I thought for sure they'd be here by now.
Other Villager: What does this mean for us?




Chief's Wife:... Another one fell asleep today... We are all uneasy...

And here I was hoping this village would get us away from creepy, horrifying things. Next time, we'll be taking a look around town and checking out this curse of theirs for ourselves.
Official Art: Equipment concept art, because I'm out of things that are both relevant and timely.