Part 30: Does not Ryudo tire of this?
Time to read the hell out of some books. First up, the town library.
Librarian: Here you may read "The Holy Light" and "The Light of Lord Granas."
Librarian: Each is divided into several volumes, so if you wish to read them in order, start from the left side of the shelf.
First, however, let's talk to her.
Librarian: Welcome to the library. I will briefly explain the rules for using this facility.
Librarian: Basically, you are free to read any of the books in this building. However, no books can be checked out.

Librarian: In addition, there shall be no sunbathing or napping, since books may get drooled on. Also, no foot races, hide-and-seek, or...

Librarian: No eating, drinking, cooking, banqueting, trade talks, marriage proposals, career counseling, fortune-telling or mushy stuff...

Librarian: And, finally, no violence! That includes punches, kicks, tackles, shoulder-throws, and don't even THINK of using weapons. OK?

Alright. Let's get to reading.

And so did Valmar find the world. The taint of Darkness spread across the land, and the heart of man was despoiled of its innocence.
Light and Darkness moved to battle, by fate ordained. Men too prepared for war, their numbers divided between Light and Darkness.
And so began the battle of Good and Evil, fought without ceasing upon the fields of eternity, day yielding not to night.
The dead had long ceased to be counted when at length, Granas and Valmar fixed their eyes upon each other, better to make an end.

Man, that's just mean.


A new moon was hung in the heavens. It is written that when the moon burns in remembrance, so misfortune will soon follow.
Thus, it portends judgment of the righteous and is called "Valmar's Moon," for the shadow of the Dark One lies long and heavy.


And Granas set a part of his spirit aside, fashioning the sun to restore the ruined land. And then, wounded, the Light slept.
Does not the light of the sun shine even now? Does not the land await the return of its True God? May the Light come quickly.

I dunno, the dumbed-down bible is still too much for me. Where's the children's section?

One day, a huge light appeared in the sky and began to shine on the earth.
The light blessed the earth and told the people to stop fighting. The light was Lord Granas.
The people listened to Lord Granas and stopped fighting. Then the world became beautiful.
Trees grew everywhere, birds sang sweetly, and fish played in the blue seas. Seeds rode the winds, and flowers bloomed all over.
The land became a true paradise. The people all praised Lord Granas and lived happily.


A scary monster came to make traps to catch people who didn't take care of their hearts. These people became monsters.
One after another, the monsters began to attack the people who were living happily.
Lord Granas saw what the bad people were doing and lifted a giant sword to protect the good people from the monsters.
Some people had run away when they saw the monsters, but when they saw Lord Granas fighting, they came back to help.
The battle lasted for a long time, and the people who had become monsters did not live through it.
To keep any more people from dying, Lord Granas decided to fight the king of the monsters, whose name was Valmar.

While your dedication to atheism is admirable, Ryudo, I'm pretty sure it actually makes a whole bunch of sense.

Suddenly, a huge moon appeared in the sky, frightening the people. The sight of this scary moon made the people fear that Valmar was not dead.
Seeing this, Lord Granas threw a part of himself into the sky and made the sun.
Lord Granas said, "I will watch over you. If you keep your heart pure, Valmar will never appear again." Then, he went to sleep.
Since then, Valmar has stayed hidden away from the bright sun.
Even while sleeping, Lord Granas even now still watches over people so that they will never again be tempted by Valmar.

Okay, no, children's books are still too thick for me. Can I just have something I can mindlessly chant?

With the morning light the word abounds.
A miracle is brought to pass - pure water.
A teardrop, peace, light, love, sounds.
The fruit of the fields breathes ripeness.
The wind of blessing blows across the world.
All is filled with thanksgiving.
Storm and stress and Darkness at last
Turn to the light and joy of a warm day
O Lord, thank you for your wondrous works.

The thread was nice enough to remind me that these are (sort of) the lyrics to the song A Deus, which we actually did hear Elena sing at the very beginning of the game. In Portuguese, it goes something like this:
Nascer do sol, palavras, milagre,
Água pura, uma lágrima,
Paz, luz, amor...
Fruto agreste, respiração, liberdade,
Harmonia, vento da benção,
Tempestade inquietação, escuridão,
Luz do sol, alegria,
Graças a Deus...
Literally translated, it's basically a list of all the nouns in the text Roan read:
Birth of the sun (sunrise), words, miracle,
Pure water, a tear,
Peace, light, love...
Wild fruit, breath, freedom,
Harmony, a blessèd wind,
Our gratitude...
An unquiet storm, darkness,
Light of the sun (sunlight), happiness,
Thanks to God...
Still too long for my tastes. Can I have something that fits in a tweet?

Finally, there's the other librarian.
Librarian: Hmmm... Well, we have a book called "Runaway Love" that has been very popular lately.
Librarian: It's a story about a princess who passionately pursues an adventure-minded knight who rides a white horse.

If we ask her about Skill Books, she just tells us to visit that eldritch monstrosity known as the Tutorial Guy, so that's all for the town library. Having had a look at how children and commoners are taught scripture, let's see what the Cathedral library has to offer.


The earth was filled with exceeding bounty; honey and milk issued from its secret founts. Then Darkness also issued its seed.
The souls of men were as vessels for the bane of Light, and man called the Darkness Valmar; the Tempter, Devourer of Souls.
And there were those who named the Darkness god, and glutted in desire and lust, thence blotting the Light from their eyes.
And they were not satisfied that the Light should anoint the earth, so that those who sided with Light moved to oppose them.
Their war was a fire consuming the earth, and the skies hung thick with fat and bone. This man called the Battle of Good and Evil.
Fat and bone!?


The hand of Light gripped its blade, great and terrible; and the cloak of Darkness was as its shield. Thus were they armed for war.
True struck the blade of Light, and the Darkness was cleaved and was not. Then did the blade pierce even the earth.
The seas boiled and were scabrous, and long the land wept. Even so was the earth riven, and its wound man named the Granacliffs.
Then did the Light move to seal those parts of Darkness that yet remained, for in its fall it did not remain whole.
Those who had named the Darkness god were in like fashion named The People of Darkness, and they did hide their faces from heaven.
Content in its work, the Light blessed the earth, and all was made well. And then, wounded, the Light fell in a heavy slumber.
"The Light will burn in our hearts and will not expire." This men swore, for the God of Light shall return to claim the earth.
And the sword of Light, called The Divine Sword, came to rest with the Legion of Darkness in remembrance of their betrayal. And there was peace.


It was an ill omen, swollen heavy with foreboding and dread, and it was said that Darkness yet had power.
And again the souls of men were sifted and tried by the Darkness as it sought to bring about the day of its return.
This man called The Day of Darkness, for the Light will depart and the dead shall rise to the throne of judgment.
Know ye that this is the Last Judgment, when all will be weighed and found lacking, and all brought to ruin.
The works of man will be brought low; the Darkness will set at naught all man's labors in preparation for its terrible rebirth.
Know, my brethren, that Valmar is yet at the door. Gird yourselves with Light, for our purpose is one: this must not come to pass.


The wailing of men, huddled and fearing the storm's wrath, the violence of nature;
Living in blindness. Tooth and steel gnashing the air; lives spent in desperation.
Turning in the gyre; an endless throb of misery. And then an uneasy sleep.
Life slipping, passing without note, the names of the dead unused, unremembered.


Their eyes were opened; this the Light did. No longer did man war with his brother.
This was paradise. The Light of peace is Granas, the god whose praises we sing.
Yet there were those who hated the Light, who turned their eyes from its measureless love;
The Light fell upon their backs, casting long shadows on the earth. Darkness was birthed.


For six days and nights the earth was torn and turned to coals. Then came the seventh day:
The Light drew its sword, great and terrible; Darkness drew its cloak about its face.
And a day and night were fire and lightning, until each had run the other through.
The sword of Light pierced the earth, raising the boiling sea, sinking the bursting land.
Thus did the Darkness fall in seven pieces, sealed by the followers of Light -
- Into the depths of earth. Then did a new moon rise. Fear struck those who followed Light;
Still they await the return of Darkness, still the People of Darkness conceal themselves in the earth,
And still the Divine Sword rests with the Legion of Darkness.


The Light is swallowed by growing shadow, and demons boil up from the earth. Those who remain moan in dread with their last breaths,
For the dead rise from the grave, bringing judgment to the world with brimstone and flame.
Now is the time to beg for deliverance; do not allow Darkness in your soul. Darkness is ruin and destruction, and the judgment of the wicked eternal.

There you have it, like a million different retellings of the story of the Battle of Good and Evil. There's nothing this game loves more than telling that particular tale over and over again - I promise you're in for at least a few more before the end.