Part 41: Like a wee little fairy



Crimson Claw (reskin of Giant Crab)

HP: 2640 (from 1230)
Attack: ~650 (10 hits)


Resistant to

Ceceile Reef is my least favorite area in Grandia II for being the place where the game starts introducing texture swaps of previous enemies. Expect to see maybe one or two new enemy models from now until the end of the game, not counting bosses.
As for the Crimson Claws, you can't dodge their attacks and they tend to block all your moves and magic by the end of the fight, but as long as the healer stays unsilenced, it's not too bad.
Incidentally, they're immune to

Camping right outside the ship clearly would've made too much sense, so we need to take the long way around to get back to the 50/50.
Most of the reef looks like this. All the optional packs of Crimson Claws are only three strong, so they're no real threat.
This convenient new halberd for Mareg is a strict upgrade as long as you're fighting insects and crustaceans, to which it does bonus damage.
There's a part where you jump I guess. It's hard to get excited about Ceceile Reef and I'd rather not spend too much time on it.
Might as well talk about the enemies, though.
Flame Toad (reskin of Frost Frog)

HP: 3300 (from 940)
Attack: ~800
Special: All stats -1 plus a chance of

Resistant to

An enemy with no special moves and a dodgeable attack with a really nasty on-hit? Oh, you mean like the mantises from like twelve hours ago? They're still capable of ruining you if they get hits in, but it would be astoundingly hard to get this without having figured out

Scaly Warrior (reskin of Troglodyte)

HP: 4200 (from 1160)
Attack: ~1000


Resistant to

Slabs of beef. Similarly to the Hammerheads and Chameleons back in St. Heim, they can help their froggy friends land their attacks. It's much less effective, though, as

Since the game refuses to kill me, I clearly have to take matters into my own hands.
Here's Ryudo straight up murdering Tio. He wasn't confused. Can you guess what happened?

Ryudo wasn't confused, but Tio was. She tried to hit him, he dodged and apparently his Geohound reflexes kicked in and he cut her in half. Turns out Aim for Counter triggers on attacks made by confused allies, too. WHOOPS.
Not gonna lie, that counter made my day. Other than that, the only interesting part of fighting in Ceceile Reef was getting to use Tio - I'll put together a post with her special moves and voice lines between this update and the next.
Notable loot in this dungeon:

These two are the boss fight of Ceceile Reef and they are kind of a joke.

Crimson Tail

HP: 15000 (from 9600)
Attack: ~1500

Their AoE attack is underpowered, they're slow and they're made of paper. I like their design, though. They've got a head on the end of their tail and one between their claws and will face characters with a different one depending on what attack they're using.
They drop a new mana egg. I'll get to that later.


Bakala turns the valve by the wheel and the ship begins to shake.

The party hurries belowdecks. I'm going to go ahead and say that there's no way I could possibly do the following FMV justice in screenshots, so please do watch it if at all possible.
VIDEO: Sink or Swim


This game needs to stop encouraging me to make jokes about it ending abruptly.
MUSIC: Ambient waves.

As we all know, most early civilizations sprung up around sources of fresh idol.


. . .
MUSIC: Silence, save the occasional animal cry.



Official Art: Melfice and Elena; Ryudo and Millenia