Part 45: The parade of blood and tears must end
There's nothing I love more than procrastination, so let's check out the townspeople's new responses now that a day has passed. It seems more appropriate for Ryudo to visit everyone now, anyway, what with the imminent final confrontation with his brother..jpg)
Villager: Melfice again... Ah!! I can't even bear the thought! I don't want to even THINK of that day...

Old Woman: ...Ryudo, are you any different? Your plan is to fight him, isn't it? Then you'll die as surely as I will.
That stings almost as much as all the grammatical errors I edited out of her dialogue.
Old Woman: No one can beat Melfice. Fighting him is suicide. Am I wrong, Ryudo?

Old Woman: Maybe so... but no one can best Melfice. I've seen him. I know. His power is inhuman.
Hey, most of our party isn't human either. Maybe we got a shot.
Literal child perfectly illustrates ridiculous nature of Garlan prejudice, Silesian continent stunned.
Child: You're going to make EVERYONE sick and die! Just like my Mommy! Aren't you!?

If we say yes:

If we say no:

Regardless of choice:

The graveyard has new dialogue as well, but I'll keep it short this time around:



Alright, just a few gameplay things before we set out.
Firstly, I've maxed out Tio's Lotus Flower. It is now instant, bringing us up to three instant cancel moves. We're going to need them.
Having leveled the Book of Wizards up to 15, this skill is now available. Once Elena earns another skill slot, she'll become a gloriously incandescent infinite Burnstrike machine, limited only by the occasional need for actions other than arson.
Oh, and by our supply of Grail Fruits, I suppose. I bought nearly a hundred.


Gatta hands Ryudo a scrap of paper.

Alright, let's get this show on the road.

Grail Mountain Road starts out with the same enemies as back in Cecile Reef. The Crimson Claws come in proper packs of six now, letting them put up a decent fight again.
Broken bridge count: 1.
Clay Bird

HP: 4400 (from 1800)
Attack: ~1100

Resistant to

There are two 'proper' new enemies here and they're both callbacks to the first Grandia. Unfortunately, they're also pushovers. Dodgeable attacks, not enough damage, susceptible to every status effect. They look neat, though.
A bomb that does damage and reduces defense in an area. Not too useful.
Straight upgrade for Tio.
Pushing this grave, which is seriously the rudest thing Ryudo's done since that one masturbation joke back in St. Heim, cuts off the river.
Counting this as broken bridge number two.
Man-Eating Tree

HP: 3860 (from 1340)
Attack: ~800


Resistant to

Even sadder than the birds, having fewer hit points and a weakness to fire.
Seriously, this guy got put to sleep by Elena smacking him about the head with her staff.
Past these steam vents is the second half of the area.
Introducing: disgusting purple slime. It slows you down, like the snow back in Lumir.
This is probably the best non-revival combat item in the game, right here. +5 ACT to one character results in a massive boost to acting speed.
Other treasure in the area includes a

I'd like to briefly remind you of how horrifying these frogs are. Moving on.
Broken bridge count: 3.
Sacrilege count: 2.
It's amazing that such magical fruit can still be found in such a barren land.
I'm putting the entire party on an all-meat diet after this.
Pit Viper (reskin of Crag Snake)

HP: 3000 (from 1080)
Attack: ~850

Resistant to

There's little to say about these guys that I haven't said about the other enemies in the area or about their less garishly-colored predecessors. In the version of the hack that I played for my test run, they had about half the attack power they do now, making them a good candidate for least threatening enemy in the game.
Broken bridge count: 4.
This is the Dark Armor, which gives a good chunk of defense and restores 1 SP whenever the wearer takes damage.
A neat thing about the Man-Eating Trees is that they don't move until you go near them, as if they were actually attempting to mimic normal trees. They also tend to be in these slime pits, allowing them to guard treasure despite their comically slow walking speed.
Towards the end of the area we find these bridges of hardened slime.
The most convenient one, of course, is broken. You just don't know it until you're halfway across. Incidentally, while taking screenshots for this update, I thought to myself that this would be a great time for the game to attract a group of enemies to ambush you while you're stuck on the slime-bridge.
I promptly got surprised by these stupid frogs while getting on the other bridge. Touché.
Only the axe is new, and it's exactly what it sounds like - attack upgrade for Mareg, earth elemental. It's interesting to note that weapon element does not apply to special moves, so Mareg can wield this and still do respectable damage to Clay Birds, as long as he uses Beast-Fang Cut.
Broken bridge count: 6. There's one more item to pick up here, some Dynamite that we saw across broken bridge #4; having acquired that, we can make our way to the save point and the next part of Grail Mountain, the Shrine Square.

Look familiar?


Keep this location and those words in mind for the near future.

As we leave the seal, we find just whom we were looking for...


The place he ran to is actually the third area of the Grail Mountain Road, so we have a little dungeon left to go.
This area reminds me of that one chunk of Baked Plains between Mareg's little outburst and Liligue - very short if you don't want the treasure and not too long if you do, either. Said treasure consists of a very useful Gold Feather, another Grail Fruit and a ribbon that gives confusion resistance.
Various factors have conspired against this update going as far as the actual fight against Melfice, so you can look forward to that climactic clash next time.
Official Art: Grail Mountain, also Grail Mountain.