Part 50: Oh goodie

Put your reading pants on, it's time for NPC conversations.

The old Ryudo would've been hellbent on offending all of them. I liked him better.

Villager: Do not worry of such things! Our only custom is to obey one's heart.
Villager: One could say that the custom of this village is to do as you think or feel.

The building with all the equipment out front is the general store. It dawns on me that nobody in this party uses a shield. They just take a defensive stance and grit their teeth through getting smacked, stabbed, eaten, frozen and having their soul crushed or whatever it is Avenging Claw does to people. Remarkable.
Tens of hours in, there's still Tutorial Guys. I'm still not talking to them.
There's also little environmental bits that react to your presence even this far into the game, so that's nice. That shield falls over.
Fun things available in this store include:


Argo: Oooh... How embarrassing. I hurt my back all over again when I went to the Great Rift the other day.
Yeah, the sheer cliff leading to a tornado that extends to the heavens. This dude is hardcore.

Argo: Mareg, I know the Great Rift is dangerous, but that is exactly why I have to keep an eye on that place.

None of these things are even remotely true.

Villager: No, no. I mean that the wind has brought Mareg's scent to me.
Villager: Mareg! Were you able to dispatch the demon that ravaged our village? I have worried about your well-being.


Child: They're not the same! This one's for washing clothes, this one's for smashing nuts...

Ah, so this child's purpose is facilitating metaphor. I think I'm getting the beast-man way of life.
Child: I gather stones for everyone to use! That's my "purpose"!
shut up kid ill put you in the presser
Child: Mother cooks, father hunts, and I gather stones!

For a quick break from dialogue, we can check out Mareg's sweet bachelor pad.
This pan flips over when we walk near it and by Granas Almighty I am going to point it out.
Gonna go ahead and say Mareg picked the wrong halberd to take on his journey.
Next up on the list of things that react to the party's presence, these little bugs skitter out of some of the pots lying around. Would you like to know more?
Then let's check out the Weaving Hut.
Weaver: I found you!!! Whoops. Wrong again. It's an orange Sadie. Oh, dearie.

Weaver: Come out, come out, little Julie. Hmm... It looks like I'll have to use my secret technique. Heh, heh.

Weaver: Watch and see. Oh, Juuuulieeeee!!! COME OUT, COME OUT, WHEREVER YOU ARE!!!

Weaver: There you are, Julie! It's OK! Come on! YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AFRAID!!!


Weaver: The silk that one of these worms produces varies in color and luster depending on its mood.
Weaver: Taking care of Miya worms is quite a chore. I have to keep them in a good mood all the time...
Weaver: When these little fellers are in a bad mood, watch out! You'll get enough different colors to put a rainbow to shame!
Weaver: Did you see that big Miya worm on the roof of the shed? That's the mother. This shed is a cocoon she made.

Weaver: A mother Miya worm's silk isn't soft and shiny, but it's thick and strong. She uses it to make a cocoon to protect her young.
This little one crawls up to its mother if we walk by and scare it. I think that's all I can say about these things without making a Bug Count joke, and nobody wants that.


Villager: Oh, no. You SMELL different... but not strange. I sense... instability...
Villager: We beast-men can sense a person's emotions in that person's scent. But only simple emotions.
Villager: The SMELL of the girl's emotions is not strange, but it does suggest some sort of... instability.

I'm sure I'll eventually have things to say about Tio and her interactions with other characters other than "Haha, Star Trek". As it stands, her character is already well-established (mostly because there isn't much to it) and Mareg's attempts to help her "remember her heart" aren't allowed to make any headway unless the plot dictates it. Counselor Troi here isn't going to be the one to facilitate that breakthrough, I bet.
Haha, Star Trek.

Villager: Don't worry yourself about it, young lady. You're just a little different, that's all.


Villager: We live here because our way of life is different, not because we hate outsiders!
Villager: We live in harmony with the forest - we protect it, and it protects us. We are naturally shielded from the outside world.
Villager: That, however, does not mean that we are disinterested in what happens outside our village. We welcome all visitors.
I've always liked the change of pace that Nanan (and previously St. Heim) brings to the village-in-distress pattern established by pretty much every other place we visit. Particularly since they got Valmared just as hard as, say, Garlan - they just had the strength to recover from it before we got here.

Villager: Our hunt has netted bountiful game. We will prepare a feast in your party's honor.
Villager: Long ago, our ancestor, Simcam, lived in solitude, in a place just ahead.
Villager: One year, a drought came, killing many... Simcam was terribly saddened. So Simcam dug a well. He dug and dug until his hands were raw.
Villager: But he hit bedrock. He tried to crack through it, but couldn't. He was defeated.
Villager: Seeing his suffering, the clouds cried. Then, those tears became Simnam.
Villager: Simcam and Simnam combined their strength. They broke through the rock and reached water!
Villager: The spring's water saved many creatures. Even today, it nurtures us. That is the story of the Spring of Love.

Villager: "Master"? Mareg, is that what you make her call you?

Villager: Tio, why do you call Mareg "master"?
Oh, did you SMELL her name on the wind, now?

Villager: Yeah, but you and Mareg are friends, right, Tio? So you should just call him "Mareg."
Villager: All living things are friends! Not just people, but plants and animals, too. We all help one another.

Elena's mind being blown as we speak.
Villager: Precisely! That's why I think no one should call another "master."

Wag: Something dangerous! The Village Elder will grant permission only to those brave enough to meet their fate.
Wag: I doubt even Mareg would make it out of there unscathed. THAT is how dangerous it is in there!
We'll be checking it out momentarily, don't you worry. Before we do that, though, we need to talk to the Elder, as Mareg suggested.





Villager: Of those who have entered here, many have perished.
Other Villager: As such, we only ask help of those strong in both mind and body... and luck...
Villager: But, I have faith in you.
Other Villager: Your resolve must be unwavering to enter.

As you might guess, pretty much everyone in the village is all kinds of cryptic about what's actually inside. Mareg hasn't been here in a long time, so even he doesn't know what the hell. Oh well, how bad could it be?
MUSIC: Silence.
Villager: Are you ready?

Villager: Are you ready?



Girdle your lions and saddle your horses, we're about to step into the most ridiculous room in the game.


Yep, more Grandia I music. This time, it's from the deck swabbing minigame and it's positively adorable.
Ryudo immediately grabs the one nut needed to succeed, continuing this game's tradition of forcing you to acknowledge its minigames but not necessarily play them.
What the minigame boils down to is you can move Ryudo between those three openings and press the action button to grab a nut. The pillars move up and down - you can only grab nuts when they're sort of between shin and neck level. Any higher or lower and Ryudo will step forward and sit there for a second doing nothing. This wastes a bit of your allotted time, but more importantly, when replaying the minigame, little Miya worms occasionally drop from the ceiling. If you fail to grab a nut and one drops on Ryudo's head, he gets stunned for like 5 seconds.
The number of walnuts you need to grab goes 1-4-8-12-16-20-24 and stops there, though the rewards are randomized after the first five. The speed at which the pillars move increases as well.
Here is a video of the minigame at its hardest, as well as the little dance the Carros do for you after you win.



It's a pretty good item though. Full SP restore.





Great. We went down there for beast-man catnip.
Villager: This crop of silvervine moss is superb! Ahh... it smells like a vintage year!

Villager: We wanted you to go get the sap from this silvervine moss. Ahhhh.

Villager: We haven't had such glorious fragrances in years. Please accept this as a token of our gratitude!
"Ring of Guarding" acquired.
Yep. Ridiculous. Back on the subject of the minigame, the rewards are as follows:
1 nut: See above. It gives +5 DEF and resistance to every status effect save move/magic block.
4 nuts: The

8 nuts: The

12 nuts: A

16 nuts: The

20+ nuts: Consumables, to my knowledge selected randomly. I only did it once for 20 and 24 but it gave me some permanent stat boost seeds, so that's pretty great.
Optional runs through the Hut of Trials are fairly similar to the first time, though there is some new dialogue, for success...
.jpg) well as failure:

This rock is here every time we visit the stupid nut pit after the first, so as not to force us to get dropped into creepy goop every time. That should be pretty much everything.