Part 58: A masquerade, serving none
Welcome back! I've got a massive update ready for you beautiful people. It features penultimate dungeons, ultimate plot twists, dei ex machina and MAXIMUM ANIME.
Roan kneels at each of these... whatever they are.


Allow me to kick off the symphony of disbelief we'll be experiencing this update. I mean, control medal? Seriously?

"Roan's Medal" given to Tio
* R U M B L E *

Below our party's feet, the closest this game has to a puzzle dungeon. I am about to describe it to you in agonizing detail.

However, O he who falsely worships Light and is discontent in its power, he shall know only permanent midnight.
So, here's the deal. We've got three paths leading out of the first room, but two of them are blocked by blue doors. I think you can guess what we're in for.
Recolors. For completion's sake:
Yeti (reskin of Big Foot)

HP: ~15000 (from 2130)
Attack: ~3000
Special: -1 to a random stat on hit.
big man. hit hard. danger to hit point's
Death Doberman (reskin of Hellhound)

HP: ~13000 (from 1790)
Attack: ~1800
Special: Lifesteal,


Death Doberman. Death Doberman.
We pass through an open blue door on our way through this path, which should also scare you.
The path leads us around on this raised green platform, allowing us to see inaccessible low ground, which we'll be visiting later. This happens several times throughout the dungeon.
Emerald Bird (reskin of Clay Bird)

HP: ~14000 (from 1860)
Attack: ~1600


Resistant to

My attempts to broker peace between the East Side Iceclaws and the Burnstrike Boulevard Firebirds ended in a merciless bloodbath. Er. Bath.
At the end of the western path through BPotG 1 lies this elevator, not working. The eastern path is blocked off at this end by a blue door as well, but we can go back towards the entrance through the central corridor.
Along the way, we find a red door. You're getting the picture by now, yes?
Here's where the fun starts. Smack dab in the middle of the first floor is this blue orb. Activating it switches the position of all blue doors from open to closed or vice-versa.
It also turns on the elevator. Unfortunately, the blue door leading back to the elevator is now closed, as is another one that was otherwise blocked off anyway. From here, it's either east or south.
Trying to get back to the elevator by going east doesn't work thanks to this red door, but we can play with some toys:
To clarify, that's a mirror. The reflective side is on the right, I didn't quite catch it in the screenshot.
The blue orb makes a satisfying, but completely inappropriate rattling noise.
And we get our treasure. The Hero's Cuirass gives a big heap of defense and provides health regeneration.
Doubling back and going through the other open blue door takes us back to the first room.
The eastern path is now unlocked at both ends, so we get to walk all the way from one end of the floor to the other a third time.
This red door nexus taunts us with the inevitability of us doing it a fourth time.
We exit back into the elevator lobby and can finally take it down to the second floor of the Birthplace of the Gods.
The elevator area here has only two branching paths, with one leading to the above room. Any gems you see in these screenshots are mediocre combat items that basically cast a spell for free, poorly.
These stairs are what we want.
We start out in the northern part of this floor and can't access the other half of the area due to severe Red Door issues, so we have to take a little side path to make progress.
Ancient Warrior (reskin of Warp Warrior)

HP: ~18000 (from 2040)
Attack: ~2000


I like what the hard hack does with that second move - lowered defense, increased attack, magic block - it feels like a sort of Berserk status being applied to you in a game that doesn't really have that. Not much else to say about these guys though.
What little we can access of the second floor leads straight to this save point and the stairs down to BPotG 3.
Down here we finally start getting down to business. But first, a distraction.
Dual Fist (reskin of Crimson Tail)

HP: ~48000 (from 19000)
Attack: ~2800


Immune to

An exercise in equipping

There's actually been a few updates to it since the start of the LP that made significant changes, but I'm pretty burned out on this game now, so I invite anyone interested in that sort of thing to try the newer versions on their own.
Let's get this ball rolling.
First, a quick detour to set up another mirror puzzle.
The daunting task of pushing one mirror block one square rewards us with a regeneration ring, a high DEF robe that also increases ACT, and some consumables.
Having turned on the yellow orb, we have an alternate path into the previously blocked-off area of BPotG 2.
Guardian (reskin of Naga Queen)

HP: ~38000
Attack: I honestly don't remember


Resistant to

It... sure is a refight.
At last we reach the red orb. This dungeon isn't over, though. Not by a long shot.
Our next order of business is to head back to the first floor and find one last path through it.
After a quick one of these, of course. We get some equipment that reduces IP slowing, a Mystic Potion and a Gold Feather for our troubles.
Also here is one of the few genuinely exciting combat items in the game. Canceling everyone and doing a bunch of IP damage is pretty real.
Anyway, back on the first floor, the red door in the main corridor is now open, giving us an alternate way to the Blue Orb and access to the final mirror puzzle.
I'll spare you the details.
Now this is a real haul! The Dragon Egg is the offensive counterpart to the Fairy Egg, the Ethereal Miracle doubles all MC earned and the Book of Sages has the best Magic skills in the game on it:

It lets us cancel with Burnstrike and gives us two more chants. I can't think of a better prize.
Now to finish this thing. First, we take the elevator down to BPotG 2.
Then, we take the stairs back to BPotG 3.
There, we deactivate the yellow orb.
Apparently that's the secret code, because the elevator on floor 2 will now take us to the previously inaccessible low ground part of floor 3.
And that's the Birthplace of the Gods.


I know this is a Silvery White Light Age techno-dungeon, but surely anyone at all remembers that it was supposed to be a mausoleum?

Alright, time to put a bow on this plot.
MUSIC: Silence.



Good news, Elena! Granas was never divine to begin with! Doesn't that make you feel better about your whole faith?



Hey, the Ceremony of Sealing never failed, it was meant to possess you and kill all your friends! So much good news for Elena today.

And there we have our deus ex machina.

VIDEO: The Silvery White Light Age (search for "Video 1 ends" to skip screenshots)















Certainly sheds a lot of light on "gaolers" as a pejorative for Granas' followers.




Valmar, the people's hero!




Video 1 ends.
Video: MAXIMUM ANIME ("Video 2 ends" to skip screenshots)

I have no clue what the first half of that sentence is referring to.



Personally, I don't believe any of this.






I don't care how well-lit and climactic this scene is, that's ankle-breaking height.
Video 2 ends.
MUSIC: Silence.


This line seems incongruous with basically everything else said so far, but hey, maybe he's just psyching himself up.

Not the most visually interesting mindscape.
Voice: Do you yet hope for a miracle? Do you wish to become a god yourself so that this dying world might be saved?

Voice: Do not LIE! In your heart, you know that you do not wish this! You cannot bring yourself to accept it!

Voice: This is not your true answer. Come, search within yourself, and answer with truth!
You know what I love? Meaningless choice.
Once again, the flame goes out and the way back is destroyed.
Voice: Then do you not want all to be comforted? This would be within your power, for you would have dominion over the hearts of all.

To be entirely fair to the Valmar voice here, controlling the populace by giving them what they desire was precisely Granas' modus operandi. Anyway, flame goes out, bridge goes out.
Voice: Well, well... you speak of "power," yet deny that it is what you desire. Then tell me, what is it which you seek?
Really should've figured that one out before stepping into the Valmar Machine, I feel.
Voice: Then it does mean something to you. There is nothing else.

Voice: And to do this will require power. If you fail to see this, then I tell you, surely all your struggles have been for naught.
MUSIC: Silence.

Voice: DIE! Ryudo.
I was debating whether to stop the update here or before this entire section. I think I made the right choice, don't you?
New Voice Credits: B. J. Ward, Roan's voice actress, also plays Elmo.
Official Art: The Birthplace of the Gods and Elmo