Part 59: Cantai a nossa canção



Soldier: We are surrounded by the enemy and cannot escape. What shall we do?

VIDEO: The Shadow Comes (next few screenshots)

* R U M B L E *
Citizen: The time of judgment is here! AAHH! It's the end of the world!


MUSIC: Silence.

Voice: Ryudo! How do you feel?

Voice: Do not be confused, yet rejoice... for you have been brought back from the grave.

Voice: Look at yourself! Behold your new form with your own eyes!

Voice: You were dead. And now you are no longer human. You are a god!
Voice: You have been reborn! Yes, you are a god! You are the foul and wretched Valmar!

Voice: Your new form is a reflection of your true heart - the heart you have hidden even from yourself, twisted and corrupt.
Voice: Your veins swell with bile and bitterness, for the human heart is full of Darkness. Come, rejoice in your rebirth!

Voice: Do not be foolish. It is far too late for such things. Your soul has been defeated. Witness your new form if proof you need!

Voice: Come, discard your unneeded heart, foul and black as it is!
VIDEOS: Awakening (mind the playlist, there's two videos. "Video ends" to skip to screenshots.)

If you'd like, you can sync this part to the lyrics below to simulate watching the video. You should probably just watch the video.
♫ Louvai! Madrugada,
♫ Alma bela, dança da terra.
♫ ó, sintam! O vendaval da coragem!
♫ Transbordai! Leite da terra,
♫ Beijo do ceu, chuva do rejubilo.
♫ Uma semente pequena, desejo
♫ grande, grande, grande!

Mother: It might be dangerous. Stay HERE!
Citizen: I know! We can... still do things on our own! We can't give up.
Other Citizen: It's true! We're still alive!

♫ Cultivai um caminho, novo caminho
♫ Festejem, ceifam, um milão
♫ De espigas, as espigas do destino...



Video ends.


And that's where we regain control. Activating the symbol beneath the party's feet will take us to the final battle, but what have we done every other time we had an urgent matter to attend to? That's right, have some pleasant conversation. This is our last chance to talk to anyone of our own volition, so let's make use of it.
Citizen: But now I know how WRONG I was! I'm not alone! Look how many friends I have!!

On that note, here are the lyrics to Canção do Povo from when we read them during our first visit to Cyrum:
Give praise! I can feel the dawn, a lovely spirit, an earthly dance. I feel it! A courageous wind!
Overflowing! Milk of the earth, a kiss from heaven, a joyful downpour. So much hope in just one tiny little seed!
Plow it now! One row, a new row. And celebrate! The harvest is in! A million plants in the crop of destiny!
Sing! Pass along our songs! Songs of the people! This is our power, our door of hope!
As with A Deus, these lyrics are an expanded version of what's actually sung, which is basically a list of nouns and verbs.

Citizen: But they DO know!! Everyone in the world must have heard her song! The song that echoed through their hearts!

Here, the Valmar, have a trophy!


Citizen: And well... man is she hootin' and hollerin' and I don't know WHAT! So, ah... Let's all pull together, Your Majesty!



*drops mic, defeats Valmar*
Alright, so the shopkeeper's still around. Will he at least give us his stock for free, considering the world's going to end if we fail?

Okay, that's the Hard Hack's fault, to prevent buying stat boosts, but still. Not even a discount?
You can still buy SC and MC if you need to finish up your mana eggs and skill books this far in.
He sells the stuff he sold back in Cyrum as well and there's no more use for gold after this, so there's no reason not to spend it all.
But you... oh, whatever. Next time, we end religion.
Official Art: Valmar, Weapons (Ryudo's Granasaber and other swords)