Part 20: The Center of the Universe
Part 20: The Center of the UniverseLast time, we repurposed one of our first rituals to become an "intensional ballast"—some kind of emergency power source for a malfunctioning marcher. Syndesis suggested we put it below the Birdhouse, and when we were there, the pin acquired a hazy glow.
It's a short, straight bit of brass, no longer than your thumb-joint. A tiny symbol shines from one side: the alchemical sign for fixation.
The pin has a vague hazy glow about it.
When we leave...
The brass pin is no longer glowing. location does matter, as opposed to just letting it pass through.
With the intensional ballast and the fourth alien glyph, we really have everything we need to perform the Great Marriage properly in the Chancel. Let's get to work.
*** You awaken again ***
First, our basic toolkit.
But we've been forgetting to do something, pretty much since the first dragon was repaired.
rchandra posted:
After all you've been through together, how can you not use the polished calipers for your ordered environment?
This is an excellent point.
Which do you mean, the basic tarnish cleansing inscription (with the brass pin), the doubled tarnish cleansing inscription (with the brass pin), or the universal tarnish cleansing inscription (with the brass pin)?
You make your way to the Secondary Alchemy Lab.
You take the brass pin from the side table.
You take the sprig of rosemary.
You take the impet of ginger oil from the side table.
You conjure a basic saturation symbol onto the brass pin.
(You are now in the Secondary Alchemy Lab.)
You carefully lay the basic saturation symbol against the calipers. With a loud crackle, the symbol discharges. Sparks dance over the calipers; the tarnished brass flakes and vibrates. Within moments, the calipers are gleaming brightly. The alchemical energies fade, leaving a perfectly polished instrument.
Take that, Sarge, you think, with some smugness.
And, indeed:
When viewed through the oculus, the gleaming calipers display an orderly nature.
With that crucial task done, we may now proceed with the original plan. First the ballast:
You make your way to the Pyrics Store.
You take the flask of lubanja.
You make your way to the Herbarium Nook.
You take the pinch of zafranum.
You make your way to the Scaphe Arcade.
You repressurize the Exoscaphe Bay.
You make your way to the Exoscaphe Dome.
You take the spare lab key.
You make your way to the Lab Hall Northeast.
You make your way to the Tertiary Alchemy Lab.
You conjure a fixation symbol onto the brass pin.
(You are now in the Tertiary Alchemy Lab.)
Then the fulcrum:
You make your way to the Chymic Lab.
You take the flask of saline.
You make your way to the Nave Crawlway.
You take the vial of highlime.
You make your way to the Deck Suite.
You take the impet of kelp oil.
You brew a bottle of vacuum protection.
You drink the potion of vacuum protection.
You make your way to the Airlock.
You close the inner door and depressurize the airlock.
You make your way to the Hadean Land, at Wreck.
You take the droplet of mercury.
You close the outer door and pressurize the airlock.
You make your way to the Materials Store.
You make your way to the Storage Nook.
You take the rutilum Alchemy File seal.
You make your way to the Materials Store.
You take the phlogisticated gold rod from the cabinet.
You draw the gold rod out into wire (losing its phlogistication).
You apply the mercury to the length of gold wire.
You lay the length of gold amalgam wire in the bound groove.
You take the chip of granite from the storage bin.
You make your way to the Under Ward.
You take the flask of vitriolic acid.
You make your way to the Materials Store.
The length of gold amalgam wire is already in the bound groove.
You conjure a leverage symbol onto the chip of granite, using the fourth alien glyph.
(You are now in the Materials Store.)
Wait, no, not then the fulcrum, we need that phlogisticated gold rod still to light our electrum and create the fire-devourer! Once we've done that, then we can create the gold amalgam wire and thus the dragon fulcrum.
Tertiary Alchemy Lab
[Previous turn undone.]
You make your way to the Materials Store.
You make your way to the Storage Nook.
You take the rutilum Alchemy File seal.
You make your way to the Materials Store.
You take the phlogisticated gold rod from the cabinet.
You make your way to the Pyrics Lab.
You take the splinter of blackwood from the table.
You take the splinter of winter-oak from the table.
You ignite the blackwood splint from the winter-oak.
You place the phlogisticated gold in the vapor crock with camphrost, and ignite them with the blackwood splint.
(You are now in the Pyrics Lab.)
You make your way to the Mechanica Lab.
You take the platinum rod from the counter.
You draw the platinum rod out into wire.
You head to the Materials Store.
You take the moon-metal rod from the storage bin.
You draw the moon-metal rod out into wire.
You splice the length of platinum wire and the length of moon-metal wire into a plain electrum regium rod.
You make your way to the Chymic Lab.
You take the flask of mineral oil from the rack.
You make your way to the Herbarium Nook.
You take the sprig of honeysuckle from the herb shelf.
You make your way to the Pyrics Lab.
You take the splinter of swamp pith from the table.
You take the splinter of green linden from the table.
You make your way to the Under Ward.
You take the torch-lighter.
You make your way to the Tertiary Alchemy Lab.
You brew a vial of yang oil.
You phlogisticate the electrum.
(You are now in the Tertiary Alchemy Lab.)
You hold the flaming phlogisticated gold rod to the phlogisticated electrum rod. The electrum begins to glow—not the dull red of heating metal, but with an inner lucence. The golden light seems to throb, and unfurl, and expand, all at once. Heat presses against your face as you peer into the flame.
You pull the gold and electrum rods apart. Golden elemental flames now burn steadily on each of them.
At this point, I do something a little odd:
From here on out—at least until I create the Dragon Fulcrum and thus will never again need to leave the Retort—I don't want to be carrying around anything that might be destroyed when the autosolver decides that what we need is a dose of hard vacuum.
Anyway, creating the fire devourer should free up the gold rod for use in our dragon fulcrum.
You make your way to the Secondary Alchemy Lab.
You take the flask of rubbing alcohol.
You take the impet of ginger oil from the side table.
You make your way to the Tertiary Alchemy Lab.
You take the flaming phlogisticated electrum rod.
You make your way to the Pyrics Store.
You brew a bottle of fire devourer.
(You are now in the Pyrics Store.)
... or not.

The droplet of mercury is in the Hadean Land, at Wreck, as you recall. You head that way.
You make your way to the Chymic Lab.
You take the flask of saline.
You make your way to the Nave Crawlway.
You take the vial of highlime.
You make your way to the Deck Suite.
You take the impet of kelp oil.
You brew a bottle of vacuum protection.
You drink the potion of vacuum protection.
You make your way to the Airlock.
You close the inner door and depressurize the airlock.
You make your way to the Hadean Land, at Wreck.
Hadean Land, at Wreck
You stand at the foot of a wall of metal. It's not a simple construction; it leans inward here, outward there, tracing an irregular shape that looms over the dusty plain. Perhaps it's broken, for debris is scattered around.
Mountains rise all around, forming a jagged grey bowl which cups the metal wreck. You can see the canyon pass to the northwest.
A hexagonal outline on the wall, to the east, might be a door. If so, it is closed.
Next to the hexagon, a small circular arc is incised into the metal.
A small puddle of mercury gleams in the dust.
You glance around for a container, and settle on a broken saucer-shaped bit of ceramic. You gently scoop up the mercury droplet.
The lead rod is in the Pyrics Store, as you recall. You head that way.
You close the outer door and pressurize the airlock.
You make your way to the Pyrics Store.
Pyrics Store
This is a tangle of storage racks, mostly empty. The Pyrics Lab is to the west.
On one rack you notice a jar of camphrost lumps.
A lead rod lies on another rack.
A stack of firebrick in back serves as a crude ritual bound, complete with gestalt shelf.
You can also see a bottle of fire devourer, an impet of ginger oil, a plain electrum regium rod, a silver coin, and two chymic flasks (rubbing alcohol and lubanja) here.
Tilting the saucer, you dip the lead rod into the mercury. The mercury coats the metal, forming a white amalgam. You twirl the lead through the droplet until all the mercury is absorbed, and the rod is entirely white.
All right. Is the autosolver smart enough to use our new amalgam rod?
You have not made the gold amalgam rod, yet.
(While trying to create gold amalgam wire, to set up an appropriate environment, to create the dragon fulcrum.)
No. However, it is apparently smart enough to not attempt to draw the gold rod into wire while it is alight with elemental fire.
[I understood the command "CREATE WHITE AMALGAM" (that is, create the white amalgam rod); but not the word "WIRE" at the end.]
This is both a necessary and a mean trick. We've never created the white amalgam wire before, so the autosolver doesn't know about it. But not only does it not know about it, it does not permit the parser to know that the item can possibly exist. It was technically possible to do this in Inform 6, but it was extremely difficult to do so and could require manually extending the standard libraries. In Inform 7, conditional acknowledgement of the existence of words and phrases is trivial and available at the lowest level. This allows commands like >REMEMBER FORMULA to ask "which do you mean" with the automatic parser disambiguation message and list exactly and only those formulae that you have already learned and encountered. (As we saw back in Update 11, XYZZY and PLUGH are treated by the game as being special formulae in their own right. The game turns out to have special logic to exclude them from the disambiguator lists.)
At any rate, we'll need to set up the white amalgam wire by hand.
You make your way to the Mechanica Lab.
Mechanica Lab
This workshop features two of the more mundane devices of the alchemist's life: a hand-cranked wire-drawer, and the wire-splicer wheel.
The lab door to the north is open. The crawlway hatch is open. You also see a small storeroom to the west.
Lt Anderes has vanished. Only a shadow remains.
An extremely corroded cabinet is fastened to the wall. It is closed.
To one side, some supplies are lying on a counter: a nickel rod, an iron bead, and a lump of rock salt.
You notice a fresh sheet of paper by the door.
You slide the white amalgam rod into the groove, ready to be drawn into the device.
You begin hauling on the crank, and the white amalgam rod is slowly drawn into the device. Soon wire begins spooling out onto the counter.
After several minutes of sweat, sore hands, and metallic creaking noises, the rod is entirely consumed. The white amalgam wire falls free, into a loose coil.
Materials Store
You are in a small storage area. The Mechanica Lab is back to the east.
To one side stands a heavy table, upon which is another ritual bound. This one is adjustable; it is currently empty.
There's another cabinet here. It is open but empty.
An untidy storage bin contains three stone chips (obsidian, granite, and sandstone), a broad quartz prism, a long quartz prism, and a fluorspar crystal.
A crumpled recipe sheet is lying by the ritual bound.
Someone has dropped a standard glass chime, the sort used in musical rituals. It's marked as being in the key of H.
You can also see a rutilum Alchemy File seal here.
You carefully press the length of white amalgam wire into the groove. It forms a complete circuit around the arc.
Now that the environment is prepared, maybe now we're OK?
You have not made the gold amalgam rod, yet.
(While trying to create gold amalgam wire, to set up an appropriate environment, to create the dragon fulcrum.)

And now create the fulcrum by hand for the final time. If we need to do it again, it should remember that we used lead and since nothing we know how to do consumes lead, we should be fine.
You put the chip of granite into the adjustable bound.
You take a breath, trace the bound in your mind, and intone Grendel's Sealing.
The arc begins to glow silver-grey around the chip of granite.
You carefully drip vitriolic acid onto the chip of granite. The stone hisses and spits, and seems to absorb the acid.
You visualize the fourth alien glyph as clearly as possible. The stone does not visibly change, but you have a peculiar notion that it has changed shape inside.
You raise your voice in the Relative Anima. The chip of granite seems to revolve in place without moving.
The silver-grey light flares and fades, and you see a symbol gleaming on the surface of the chip of granite.
You pick up the chip of granite, careful of its inscribed leverage symbol.
All right. Now to collect the things we need to perform the Great Marriage in the Chancel.
From the mundane...
... to the more exotic.
Which do you mean, the plain gold rod or the flaming phlogisticated gold rod?
We've done so much at this point that the parser has to make sure that it doesn't need to remind us that we haven't consumed the elemental fire on the gold yet.
The flaming phlogisticated gold rod is in the Tertiary Alchemy Lab, as you recall. You head that way.
You make your way to the Tertiary Alchemy Lab.
This is where we dropped all our stuff, before, so we wouldn't lose anything to vacuum. Now that we've created the fulcrum, we don't need to worry about that any more.
After this, we collect the elemental water, earth and the two bubbles of elemental air the same way we did in Update 18, and also create the Perfect Diamond so it will be ready when we need to create the obsidian solvent. Back in update 18, this is where we could just enter the command >GO TO CHANCEL, but we've got to place the fulcrum and the ballast first.
And here we hit a nasty puzzle that only shows up if Syndesis is the final dragon. You may recall that we were to place the ballast in the Birdhouse Crawlspace. However, getting to that crawlspace requires opening the aura-locked door, and we can't actually do that with the resources we have to spare:
- Using the aura invisibility inscription, like we normally do, uses up our last unit of elemental fire.
- Using the traditional aura impersonation inscription uses up our only unit of elemental water.
- Using the newer aura impersonation inscription uses up a unit of elemental air that we cannot spare—we need one unit to defeat the Chancel's strictures already, and one for the Great Marriage.
To solve this puzzle, we have to notice the behavior of the intensional ballast. It starts glowing when it's in the right place, and stops when it leaves. This is pretty close to what we'd seen with Dragon Fulcrums. When we brought a fulcrum into a dragon's lair, the fulcrum began to glow, and it would do this even if the dragon that should be there was dead or absent.
If we explore the Retort with ballast in hand, we find that it behaves similarly, in places near but not at each dragon's lair:
- The Barosy Crevice, just next to the Barosy, gives our pin its glow as well.
- The flooded walkway under the Observatory also does this. This is presumably Aistheta's.
- Lastly, it gains a glow not far from Pneuma but only when swimming in the garden's artifical lake. We don't need to dive, like we do for the Observatory, either.
Baros was second on the dragon priority vote, so we'll place the fulcrum and ballast where Baros would have wanted it.
You make your way to the Master-at-Arms Quarters.
You take the flint key.
You make your way to the Bottom of the Grand Stair.
You make your way to the Barosy.
This is a long, dim chamber whose walls are immense stone slabs. It's like a burial chamber—an empty one, now that the dragon is gone.
The iron gate stands open to the west. You also see a crevice between two slabs to the north; it looks wide enough to wiggle through.
Lt Powes is sitting in a corner, back to the wall, arms around his knees. He is staring into the dimness, wide-eyed, as if struck by a shock.
A fragment of paper lies nearby.
As you enter, the chip of granite begins to shine with a silvery light.
You squeeze into the crevice.
Barosy Crevice
You are crawling along a tight passage through the bowels of the Earth. Or some world, at any rate. Some light leaks in from the Barosy, behind you, to the south. To the north it only gets darker.
The gravity feels normal now.
As you enter, the brass pin acquires a hazy glow.
The most interesting thing about this final puzzle is not that it is unique to Syndesis but that it was accidental. In a hint thread on a different forum, Plotkin appeared and commented on the situation after the players had resolved it in the manner we just did above:
Andrew Plotkin posted:
No, the intended solution is to put it under the Birdhouse; the bug is that this is not possible!
I don't want to rewrite either the text or the code because of it. One (minor) theme of the game is symmetry-breaking; this situation accidentally fits in with that. Which is interesting, and the ways that you have found around it are also interesting. I decided that it is not a net loss to the game design, so I'm leaving it.
And so it has been left, and so here we are working around it.
That "minor theme" of symmetry-breaking is also most certainly there; go back to update 17 and look at my outlining of the puzzle structure and you'll notice that the various dragons do similar things when you fix them, but that there's also some minor variation across them and then one enormous outlier. But which dragon is the "enormous outlier" ends up changing depending on which thing you're tracking at that time.
The time for theory, however, is over. It is time for practice. We are finally ready.
You make your way to the Pyrics Store.
You take the bottle of fire devourer.
You make your way to the Burning Hall West.
You extinguish the fire with the bottle of fire devourer.
You make your way to the North Arcade.
You take the chip of marble.
You make your way to the Chymic Lab.
You take the flask of muriatic acid from the rack.
You make your way to the Materials Store.
You take the fluorspar crystal from the storage bin.
You make your way to the Chymic Lab.
You brew a vial of bamuriatic acid.
You brew a bottle of obsidian solvent, using the diamond.
You make your way to the Charred Hall East.
You apply the obsidian solvent to the obsidian door.
You make your way to the Dead End Pit.
You take the jade bead.
You make your way to the Mechanica Lab.
You take the iron bead from the counter.
You make your way to the Nave.
You take the Chinese amulet.
You conjure an imitation symbol onto the jade bead.
You make your way to the Lab Hall Northeast.
You touch the jade bead to Captain Hart.
You make your way to the Antechamber.
You apply the imitation symbol to yourself and open the gate.
You make your way to the Chancel.
The Nave may be the heart of the Retort, but the Chancel is its soul. The Master Rector performs the marcher's most crucial rituals here. The ritual bound is a low pedestal of chased rutilum, with a shelf beside it.
The rest of the room is rather emptier than it looked from outside. To the north is the writ screen, and the Nave beyond it. To the south, the circular gate stands open.
A crisp sheet of paper is pinned next to the screen.
Here we are—the center of the universe. And we know what to do.
You put the gleaming calipers on the gestalt shelf.
You take a breath, trace the bound in your mind, and intone the Marcher's Sealing.
The arc begins to glow smoke-grey.
You put the ephemeris billet on the gestalt shelf.
You wave the sprig, and inhale its fresh, resinous aroma. The air seems to sharpen.
The grey light ripples as you push through the arc. The elemental fire leaps from the rod; you pull the cold rod back. The flame whirls unsupported in the center of the arc, slowly dimming into an indistinct haze.
You crack open the capsule, and pour the elemental water into the bound. The sparkling drops never land on the workbench surface. Instead, they whirl around the arc, and slowly fade into the thickening haze.
You twist the bubble's valve, and carefully vent the elemental air into the bound. It whisks around the arc, and joins the thickening haze.
The grey light ripples as you push through the arc. The shard of elemental earth does not fall. It hangs in the center of the circle, spinning and spinning, until it blurs into the thickening haze.
The whirling haze in the bound slows. It is more difficult to see, now; not dissipating, but developing an aching lucent clarity. The space above the pedestal seems more transparent than air.
You rumble your way through the Dracon Invocation.
A sense of pressure builds in the air. You feel something move, in the distance. The bound slowly dims.
Syndesis slides into the Chancel, through the writ screen; across the ceiling; towards the pedestal. It seems to move slowly, but you have no sense of time to react.
The dragon is above the pedestal now. The whirling haze rises to meet it. Then the rotating violet-red runes begin to descend, one by one, loosed from their circles, free in the darkening air.
Blood, incense, ruin, screams.
*** You had awakened ***
Something was different. Where are we? Given the shift in tense, when and who are we?
You were buried in wreckage
Weight pressed down on you. You could not make out what had fallen—broken beams, chunks of ceiling tile—but it hurt. You hurt. You tried to shift; the only way out was up.
Your spinning mind was only able to catch the simple sealing word.
That was no time for that.
You pushed debris aside. A chill bled into stale, hot air. You bled too, and wrenched your body free.
... are we in fact still Forsyth?
You have crawled into a ruined corridor
The light has nearly vanished. The dimness and vertigo have rendered the laboratory corridor of the Retort nearly unrecognizable.
Your cleaning work in the alchemy lab... no. Not important. Where could Ashe... could the Captain be? Not looking for you; whatever you've shared, whatever she's thought of you, the marcher takes precedence. She'll have gone for the Aithery, or for the Chancel.
You've seen the way out of here.
Given the reference to the cleaning work in the alchemy lab, we are probably still Forsyth, and based on the rest of it, apparently we were the person that the Captain was involved with. This is the final working-out of the relationship between the dragon revival order and the situation that was happening on the Retort. Each plotter has somebody else associated with them—Hart is in love with someone, Powes is plotting revenge on someone, Ctesc and Anderes each have an accomplice—and whichever dragon is the final active dragon determines which character Forsyth is associated with.
Beyond that, the message varies slightly depending on whether we were looking upon that character fondly or harshly. Had we most recently looked upon the Captain disapprovingly when performing the Marriage, this message would instead be:
Your cleaning work in the alchemy lab... no. Not important. Where could Ashe... could the Captain be? Not looking for you; you've never deluded yourself that she shared that much of herself with you. She'll have gone for the Aithery, or for the Chancel.
At any rate, we know what needs to be done.
You have made your way along the corridor, scrambling over fallen debris. And a few human forms, but none of them breathe.
You've recognized the hand of Sergeant Brooks protruding obscenely from under stone. You've passed it by.
Alas. We'll never be able to show off our pristine, shiny calipers after all.

You will reach the Nave
The Nave will be as dark as the rest of the Retort; moth-flickers of phlogiston will dance in the lamps. The floor will be clear now, the ceiling whole; but the walls will be dense with black, alien markings. You will not recognize them. You will not understand how they got there.
The marcher will be abandoned, as far as you will be able to see.
You will barely have learned the rudiments of alchemy, but the ritual bound will be unscathed. Surely there will be something you can try.
There was only one thing our whirling mind could recall in the chaos.
An apprentice bringing a marcher back to life... it should not be possible. But you will have a notion, a fragment of memory, that help will arrive. Repairs will be made.
*** You will begin ***
[In the course of this game, you reset the world 31 times—3 involuntarily.]
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, QUIT, or UNDO the last command?
And with that, we have ended where we must—at the end, which is also the beginning, which is in the future.
My personal theory about this is that the bulk of the game took place with us as a homunculus animating the frozen body of Forsyth in a series of transition echoes. Every time we altered something major about our situation—performing a marriage, or repairing or subsuming a dragon—we actually were transferring to a different echo. This is why we picked up alchemy so fast—we're farther from the material world so the ideas are absorbed rapidly—and it's also why the Blinovny Limitation exists. When we perform alchemy as a being in the Higher Spheres, we're not just creating a fire-devourer potion. We are creating the Platonic ideal of one, and so there can't be multiples of it. The fractures we kept running into that weren't part of Syndesis' failure were simply the points where the echo ended.
Meanwhile, the reason those echoes were alive in the first place is because some external force is trying to recover the Retort after its disaster. Either the Navy determined a transition failed, or the aliens (whose writing is more prevalent here at the end, mind you) are doing their best to help us resolve things. By performing a repair and placing an intensional ballast in the Higher Spheres, the terrestrial Forsyth will hopefully have their work amplified or improved. Perhaps the dragons—or at least Baros—will be in better shape than they otherwise would.
Part of my evidence for this is that the intensional ballast is, strictly speaking, optional. If we don't place it, the final reply is significantly more uncertain:
You will have no assurance that this can possibly work. An apprentice bringing a marcher back to life... but still.
Only our last half-dozen moves actually had any physical effect, but it's not like everything that came before didn't matter. The ephemerality of success is a theme that's not uncommon for Plotkin's games, but here, at least, we are at least assured:
We have made a difference.