The Let's Play Archive

Half Life 2

by Cybershell

Part 15

welcome back internet. i took a short break but i guess its about time to continue the lp

let me just retrieve the game from the appropriate game storage unit

lets get this show on the roads

isnt it sweet how all these old games came with nifty coasters too?

well as soon as you get underground the game decides to blow up the ceiling

and lower in more soldiers

thanks but no thanks

jesus you think they sent enough fucking soldiers already?

okay, jumping into the big fan is pretty fucking hilarious. it may kill you but it also spins you around really fast

more vents? ugh

id rather just play on the fan tbh. unfortunately you kind of have to move to the next room eventually

i overhear some soldiers talking about a scientist in an hev suit who sounds like a total queer. i wonder if i meet him later

god why the fuck did they make it so hard to navigate these damn vents. i wanted to play halflife2 not... maze... game.

real original you cockbites

theres a lot of rooms that have supplies but no exit except back into the vent. these piss me the fuck off. theyre an insult to my skill. you honestly think i need supplies? bitch ill give YOU supplies. ill supply my FIST to your FACE that is


oh hey this is that room from earlier

blah blah blah gordon you have to ride the choo choo train to the lambda labs the governmnet is killing us all you can trust the scientists at the lambduh labs you can trust all of us

can i trust you enough to SHOOT YOU IN THE DICK?

guess not jackass

press button

open door

more like Blast SHIT am i right???

im not in the mood for pulling any levers. maybe later.