Part 16
welcome back to another exciting round of half lives numero dos
i like how they put another crowbar on this table. in case you missed the first one or something.
i guess its time to bite the bullet bill and find out what happens when you pull this lever
oh its just a moving platform
i ride it down to find...
another moving platform. goodie.
there was some kind of sounddog orgy i quickly put a stop to
this was kind of nice because you could actually control the speed
obviously i set it on full throttle
ah shit
I can fly! or I guess its more like falling with style
HOLY SHIT fuck radiation
i desperatly climb onto the conveniantly placed boxes
its hard enough without these assholes getting all up in your grill
great i have to climb into a pipe
you dont fool me valve. this is just a fancy version of crawling around in the vents. unoriginal bastards
great jumping puzzles. thanks a lot. no really i love it.
how the fuck do these slimers survive the radiation? THEIR NOT SUPERMAN VALVE. fucking bullshit if you ask me
fuck you, game. i dont need your pity.
jesus christ its like an ocean of radioactive waste
oh boy more moving platforms. whoop de doo. whatever happened to stationary platforms?
okay im starting to miss the fuckin soldiers
theres the entrance to the silo. almost there
i cant believe youve done this
argh i probably have to turn around and find some long stupid bullshit way past and its gonna take forever ah fuck it
oh. i guess i just jump accross. lol cool.
well here we are inside the silo
blah blah fire rocket blah blah have to stop it before it gets any bigger blah blah whatever
aw man he died before i could kill him
haha youre mine fucker
oh my god what the fucking fuck is that
its like some kind of worm, that lives in a pit. i think ill call it... a hole snake.
okay im pressing the button like that stupid dick from earlier said. why is nothing happening??
god damnit
rot in hell
useless cunt.