The Let's Play Archive

Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak

by Yapping Eevee

Part 31: Meet the Hams! Part III + Spat

Meet the Hams! Part III


Gender: Boy
Birthday: ??
Star Sign: ??
Height: ??

Spat is not an official Ham. In fact, he was never seen by English Hamtaro fans! He was seen in a few episodes as a recurring villain character, where his plots are always thwarted by the Ham-Hams. He's also able to fly rather effectively and can shoot evil sparks(!!) and move objects with magic. It's implied he has a crush on Harmony and is just being very childish about the whole idea of love. ('s not like I like you or anything...pfpth...)

And, Harmony.

Gender: Girl
Birthday: ??
Star Sign: ??
Height: ??

Like Spat, she is never seen in the English show, but does make a few appearances in the Japanese show, assisting the Hams when Spat gets up to no-good. She is the do-goodiest do-gooder that ever did good.

...I still can't figure out how you pronounce "pfpth".

Unrelated, please tell me you're going to show off the different levels of the Love Meter. They're so adorable.