Part 22: Level 7 Lord Alamar
Update 22Unsurprisingly (because I mentioned it in the last update), the next target is the warlock faction. Let's see how we measure up.

It's actually not that bad if you don't focus on the dragons, damage output, HP, flying to walking ratio and peasants. The warlock town is a lot like the knight town, both are horribly balanced and are saddled with a single bad shooter. The main difference is that half their units can fly and and eat us for breakfast.
On the bright side, we have the same total defense stat and we have two fast units as opposed to the Warlock's single fast unit. Our total offense is only slightly lower, meanwhile our growths are much better and we don't have to spend an arm and a leg to get a unit. Meanwhile, as the previous levels have shown a powerful might hero combined with

Day 1

Lets see if there are any surprises.

Well, there is one surprise. I suddenly appear to have a mage guild. I purchase a spellbook for Kilburn and find a nice selection of spells in protection, bless and slow. Heroes2 added magic arrow as a level one attack spell, that would've been nice to have. As it is most spells are passive, which is probably for the best anyway since passive spells only get short duration as a downside from having bad spell power.

The other town is the same as always. I guess Ill do the same thing I did last time as well.

One jousting arena later and look who joins my team again. Hello Arturius.

Arturius will be scouting south while Kilburn will be scouting the north.
Day 2

Kilburn found a new spell! Its in the shrine next to the village.
Identify hero: Displays an enemy hero's statistics and exact troop size.
I always love this spell. It's primary goal is to let you know how strong the enemy hero is before you attack since you already have a good general army strength idea from the usual identifiers.

I miss my boots of speed, it made scouting go much faster.

Arturius locates our future wood supply to the south of us. I wonder where the ore mine is.

I want to upgrade the second town or get paladins ASAP and I should be able to do that with all the woodpiles that Arturius has found. If I can find another crystal deposit I should be able to buy paladins immediately. But as things are, Im upgrading the mage guild. Next turn will be the secondary castle.
The mage guild provides with two excellent spells, anti-magic and lightning bolt. I have this weird feeling Anti magic will be very useful to me this time around.
Day 3

At least I can go ghost hunting again. But before I do that, I really like that bag.

Heading northeast, Kilburn sees another spell shrine and a windmill. Maybe I can get some crystal from the friendly miller.

More crystal for us. Had I not bought the mage guild, that wouldve probably given me paladins. No regrets though, the spells are pretty good.

But I dont mind having a second castle for more units and more money. Nothing is built in the other town.
Day 4

The shrine contained slow, which we already have and the miller is our new best friend

Kilburn visits the gazebo to the north and levels up with a plus in attack.

Arturius found the missing 6 pieces of crystal!

Day 5

There are archer stacks guarding literally everything here. Why does the AI hate me?

Weve found a crystal mine. Thats notable. Next turn is a new week. I build a blacksmith in the second town to get some extra units. I really need an ore mine since that spent the last of my ore.
Day 6

Good timing for a week like this.

Hi guys! Ready for adventure?

Kilburn loops around and heads back for the units, time to go creeping. Also, you're the one that's drunk. That cross is supposed to be there, I didn't miss.

Arturius learns defense from the gazebo and flags the crystal mine. Hes going to get the ore next turn. I see a lot of swamp, maybe I should hire a barbarian. Their inherent pathfinding ability should prove useful.
Day 7

I can just see the tip of an obelisk, so the ultimate artifact should be findable.

With no wood or ore I cant buy any structures, but I did hire a barbarian. I shall call him Kelzen. He can get Kilburns units. More speed!

I forgot to buy him a book.

Stupid barbarian.
Day 8

Kilburn heads off north with a single unit as an army.

Attack the archers!

Exciting adventures!

Time for a slaughter, luckily the enemy spread their fire over multiple units again. I would've lost a cavalry if they hadn't. I just can't understand why they do it.

And the last one. Only 280 experience.

More clearing for Kelzen to do so Arturius can get the treasure.
Day 9

Whats all this then? Its a Warlock village, how nice. I'll take it when I'm ready.

Our plan is to let them come to us.

They apparently favor attacking the cavalry, so I cast protection on it.

Still one dies due to accumulated damage.

The pikemen kill the last guy after he attacks them.


This is what I wanted.
I build a tavern in the second town so I can work towards getting more swordsmen.
Day 10

There are a lot of artifacts around.

Kelzen is going to get the gold, visit the ring and see what the griffins are hiding. I wish there was more to show and I wish I could find an ore mine.

The village is called Nightshade.

No way that that artifact is a trap.

That purse will make it all worth it.

I did a quick reshuffle with my units so I can protect my archers.

Thats one down.

Apparently Griffins are pikemens natural predators, they all decide to attack them.

See what I mean. Most stacks have been damaged, so I should be able to kill them all next turn.

The paladins are going to attack the bottom griffin. Its the only full health griffin. After his turn, the weakened griffin he already attacked will move in to attack the archers. They can take a hit on behalf of the beleaguered and more valuable pikemen. Pikemen may be a favored snack, but what animal can say no to the exquisite taste of old man archers.

The paladins kill the griffin stack, the other griffin attacks the archers killing one.

The pikemen poke the griffins to death and the swordsmen finish the last griffin.

He gets a level up and a plus in attack for his troubles.

I just checked the hireable heroes and this guy shows up. What is the AI doing this time? Anyway, hes too good to pass up.
Day 11

Well done Arturius, an ore mine. All non dragon related troubles are over!

More gold!

His next targets are those centaurs. The lucky horse shoe is nice and it brings him near the gazebo for a free level up.

Another saw mill is located by Kilburn. Always welcome.
Day 12

Another ore mine, this is great. Combined with the ore Arturius found this will put us right back on track.

Stupid rocks!

Though they could still reach a stack.

You can probably guess how it ended from this point.

We lost three archers to the centaurs.

To be fair I find that price a little steep. Luck isnt exactly difficult to come by, but on the other hand high luck is very useful. So I buy it anyway, money isnt really a problem now. I have 27.000 in gold. I used some of it to buy another armory in my second town. Thanks to the stacks of ore that were found I now have 41 ore to spend.
Day 13

Kilburn found another seer shrine as he is traveling north. I contemplated visiting it, but let's be honest here, they don't know what they're talking about.

This sulfur mine will go great with my future Warlock town.

Falagar found a wagon camp and a laboratory. He also saw fit to visit the fairy ring, because luck is a nice thing to have.

I need to wait three days unless I find some crystal laying around. After that I can double my paladin production. Those dragons wont know what hit them.
Day 14

Good job Kilburn.

Also very well done Kelzen.

Another level 1 mage guild in my town as I wait. This compliments my other spells very well.

The shrine contained summon boat. Im sure that will come in handy when I traverse the volcanic home of the Warlocks.
Day 15

Ill have Arturius recruit those peasants for no real reason. The area we can easily scout has been scouted, so he doesnt have that much to do for now.

I assume the entrance to the maze is going to be hidden here.

That weird fish head is a broach that boosts spell power. Very nice and extremely useful considering our likely spell power deficit.

Kelzen is heading home, but hes taking the long way around. Hell collect the scroll, pick a fight with the centaurs and get some new units with which hell take my new Warlock town.

How about that, it wasnt a trap at all. This is the foremost scroll of knowledge and it provides a hefty +5 to his knowledge. Now if only his spells lasted more than one turn.

Hello religious crusade!
You know this seems like a good place to stop. It's slightly shorter than usual, but Ive scouted like 98% of my territory and am gearing up to go on a crusade against the Warlocks. Next time we go wild and pick some more fights with whatever wants to fight against us.